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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1690197761527.jpg (25.13 KB, 220x65, YchanLogo.jpg)

bb9ba1b8 No.3709847[Last 50 Posts]

Ychan is gone again. What happened this time?

3e124d06 No.3709972

File: 1690330207475.png (12.92 KB, 550x400, F1kM6ZfXoAAbpjP.png)

Its crazy to think that this place outlived ychan

11c5fa9f No.3709980

File: 1690334420934.jpg (167.02 KB, 1031x1280, 1689651578035575.jpg)

this place is going to live fa

d8daff93 No.3709988

Can anyone re-post the pic of the guy that had his big dick head tattooed completely white and then had black markings added so that it resembled a human skull? Who the fuck would let somebody fuck them with a dick that looked like that?

d7e38d8a No.3710195

What was the name of that female who used to be a moderator at Ychan, long ago, until she managed to get herself banned? Was her name Lucky Pony?

Anyway, is she still around in the furry community?

6ce66f39 No.3710263

File: 1690579674622.png (89.38 KB, 983x735, fchan.png)

2aea6b3b No.3710266

File: 1690580919180.jpeg (352.77 KB, 1677x1625, F2JcVI3aYAE3YqL.jpeg)

>no SSL certificate

37478c2b No.3710284

Fchan is a very old site that predates "SSL everywhere" but even though its software is old, fchan has better flood protection than lulz. Their software has more pages of threads than those visible. So if a bunch of spam threads fill the board, once they are deleted the original threads automatically reemerge from the hidden back part of the board. Also, fchan only allows a few new threads to be created at a time.

4c16ae05 No.3711623

File: 1691895192708.png (910.1 KB, 1903x759, you cant register.png)

2f750df7 No.3711628

File: 1691897608416.png (276.09 KB, 483x795, thumbs up!.png)


4c16ae05 No.3711630

File: 1691900812875-0.jpg (116.86 KB, 933x1435, Ychan - r - watership down….jpg)

File: 1691900812875-1.png (404.13 KB, 1580x508, old stuff.png)

4c16ae05 No.3711631

File: 1691900950337-0.jpg (134.62 KB, 852x733, Ychan - f - tickles - 4139….jpg)

File: 1691900950337-1.jpg (158.59 KB, 990x1331, Ychan - f - tickles - 402.jpg)

File: 1691900950337-2.jpg (44.63 KB, 550x800, Ychan - f - tickles - 406.jpg)

It is good to see non Ai art 2007 or 2008 was a blast!

4c16ae05 No.3713675

File: 1693166571193-0.jpg (2.02 MB, 7680x4320, Ychan - f - sergals - 1461….jpg)

File: 1693166571193-1.png (242.79 KB, 1596x909, Ychan - r - locating all f….png)

U18chan is down…

708066ab No.3714055

File: 1693409417117.png (12.29 KB, 477x477, Vixen Controlled Library.png)

e95a6b08 No.3714132

The library is no longer Vixen-controlled….

4c16ae05 No.3715603

File: 1694646123595.png (487.75 KB, 800x960, choose your player.png)

4c16ae05 No.3716390

4c16ae05 No.3716853

File: 1695477266520.jpg (967.15 KB, 1000x1348, Ychan - c - sergals - 1029….jpg)

4c16ae05 No.3716855

File: 1695477410714.jpg (23.86 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Official Trailer

4c16ae05 No.3716857

File: 1695477912174-0.jpg (116.71 KB, 350x350, Ychan - c - clean blotch -….jpg)

File: 1695477912174-1.png (248.73 KB, 800x900, Ychan - c - clean blotch -….png)

File: 1695477912174-2.png (39.79 KB, 760x686, Ychan - c - clean blotch -….png)

What if we gather all the old folks that visit furi again what would make the difference?

c5785e88 No.3717646

File: 1696154900203-0.jpg (385.53 KB, 1788x1300, 63289425772157_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1696154900203-1.jpg (369.84 KB, 1788x1300, MTY5MDQ2NTE2M19BY29sbGVjdG….jpg)

File: 1696154900203-2.jpg (22.36 KB, 300x218, MTY4OTk5NzI3NF9BY29sbGVjdG….jpg)

File: 1696154900203-3.jpg (385.74 KB, 1788x1300, MTY4OTE5ODI0MV9BY29sbGVjdG….jpg)

File: 1696154900203-4.jpg (347.12 KB, 1300x1788, MTY4ODc2NDYyNF9BY29sbGVjdG….jpg)

ychan down…

c5785e88 No.3717647

File: 1696155162928-0.jpg (273.4 KB, 1788x1300, MTY5NDAwNjg0Nl9Bbml0YXNxdW….jpg)

File: 1696155162928-1.jpg (282.89 KB, 1788x1300, MTY5MjgxMDg4N19LYXlsZWVvbm….jpg)

c5785e88 No.3718198

File: 1696806066714.png (101.53 KB, 552x452, asstroys.png)


The game idea came from a spontaneous word game. Everybody knows Asteroids. But what about AssTroyans?
Their galaxy is doomed, because it is full of asses (does that sound familiar?). Save the Troyans from this great evil. All you got is your Troyan style bronze-space-ship.
And don't let yourself be tricked by their special "AssTroyan horses". Special FARTforces sit in them and try to get your ass. Best use shift to evade them.

The game uses the the astroid code published by Neave (http://www.neave.com/ga
mes/asteroids/) but with with different fx and fart sounds (I made them all by myself, so proud of it). Thank you so much Neave!

You can host for free on your site as long as you don't restrict the access to the file to paying users and don't change the file. Please see the following link:

More information and downloads:

We were pretty surprised as the game was such a big hit in the net. But we also got a problem with one or two visitors on our site. So we added the stupid disclaimer…

Trivia: I really love the big "target" which appears around the last ass of the level. And check out the green fart trail which some of the asses leave when they are destroyed.

e95a6b08 No.3718731

Is VCL ever coming back up? 💔

c5785e88 No.3722571

File: 1700779089870-0.jpg (1.32 MB, 2051x1324, twixNdeWEB_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1700779089870-1.jpg (439.87 KB, 831x1596, Vault2023_4_Bellwether_Rob….jpg)

File: 1700779089870-2.png (110.79 KB, 300x239, Carmelita_NSFW_u18chan.png)

File: 1700779089870-3.jpg (547.51 KB, 667x2000, Daki-candy-front-tubesW_u1….jpg)

File: 1700779089870-4.jpg (870.89 KB, 1300x1734, Blackwidow-upskirt-SFW-w_u….jpg)

c5785e88 No.3725036

File: 1702535323402-0.png (6.44 MB, 1800x1714, 1702079787085366.png)

File: 1702535323402-1.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1024, GBM5c5sawAAzmWY.png)

c5785e88 No.3725434

File: 1702788539991-0.png (2.41 MB, 1787x2184, 1033026_avante92_bea-nitw_….png)

File: 1702788539991-1.png (1.55 MB, 3000x4000, a54b09ea67528a5ce861301119….png)

File: 1702788539991-2.png (2.7 MB, 1920x1080, Grade_A_Meat_SR_v2_u18chan.png)

File: 1702788539991-3.jpg (99.93 KB, 512x640, umqrnn7bet7qtn.jpg)

File: 1702788539991-4.jpg (64.46 KB, 512x640, qmou3rmu8jeq0p.jpg)

c5785e88 No.3725438

File: 1702792954699-0.jpg (279.64 KB, 2048x1463, 396319649738d1cacaedb9c28f….jpg)

File: 1702792954699-1.jpg (180.21 KB, 1477x2048, 811abf07ee6fb2b91eacf5865b….jpg)

File: 1702792954699-2.jpg (279.03 KB, 1862x2048, 392ca69cabce4797883d72592a….jpg)

File: 1702792954699-3.jpg (176.63 KB, 2048x1638, a991fad167add078f1a3535145….jpg)

File: 1702792954699-4.jpg (188.01 KB, 2048x1588, 0882c6ec6aa59cc206c100db8e….jpg)

c5785e88 No.3725439

File: 1702792996315-0.jpg (202.04 KB, 2048x910, 0f27e153fbd0042353970c06a8….jpg)

File: 1702792996315-1.jpg (222.96 KB, 1603x2048, 871316cb02fbcf31c0e499c762….jpg)

File: 1702792996315-2.jpg (184.01 KB, 2048x1185, c02ed0de9fb7f5343c849ab294….jpg)

File: 1702792996315-3.jpg (210.1 KB, 2048x1365, b0f2ca49253e1b969b7e54f013….jpg)

File: 1702792996315-4.jpg (166.22 KB, 2048x1365, 5485da3296878d4fda39e6a9e7….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725830

File: 1702974556000-0.jpg (428.51 KB, 634x900, 2006_6bf49cbbabdc05115c51f….jpg)

File: 1702974556000-1.jpg (384.72 KB, 634x900, 2006_7d152d7f238dbc3e9bff6….jpg)

File: 1702974556000-2.jpg (343.46 KB, 583x827, 2006_28dc2c2588ded4432c499….jpg)

File: 1702974556000-3.jpg (431.1 KB, 634x900, 2006_520a5c9f40108548a7fe2….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725831

File: 1702976027068-0.jpg (116.19 KB, 1200x1048, 2b9862eaff30ecffa5177df392….jpg)

File: 1702976027068-1.jpg (572.85 KB, 1578x1305, 6f3c3b2bea78972fbb301f370b….jpg)

File: 1702976027068-2.jpg (327.29 KB, 2011x2387, 7cd63799afb75db5f2d4e42d96….jpg)

File: 1702976027068-3.jpg (108.43 KB, 1519x1675, 9f5bdcc97b5e4963e7f5a85403….jpg)

File: 1702976027068-4.png (2.43 MB, 3000x2400, 07e7bfcabd68a6a227ee0ce4ca….png)

fefd5194 No.3725832

File: 1702976222674-0.jpg (198.69 KB, 1500x1500, 19e74cb07834dc4cf1d7ef5535….jpg)

File: 1702976222674-1.jpg (583.92 KB, 2880x3840, 700dd21d01cd9a58e4d9849e72….jpg)

File: 1702976222674-2.jpg (511.22 KB, 812x875, 1302_02.jpg)

File: 1702976222674-3.jpg (245.71 KB, 1600x1200, 2387c9be2070ca9c76386cdf66….jpg)

File: 1702976222674-4.jpg (141.65 KB, 700x707, 1545824_10151894481314499_….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725833

File: 1702976426583-0.jpg (478.99 KB, 931x1333, 84206501.jpg)

File: 1702976426583-1.jpg (267.95 KB, 1000x755, 1220317044.alpacinosbaby_r….jpg)

File: 1702976426583-2.jpg (327.7 KB, 1090x624, 1243739619.snowroserivenst….jpg)

File: 1702976426583-3.jpg (580.4 KB, 700x561, 1275877828.wintersnowolf_h….jpg)

File: 1702976426583-4.jpg (230.98 KB, 843x1280, 1294832094.bussaca_slppage….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725834

File: 1702976751473-0.jpg (552.13 KB, 1280x1024, 1296963282.fernin_mikakitt….jpg)

File: 1702976751473-1.jpg (272.2 KB, 1148x1280, 1307258823.lachland-nighti….jpg)

File: 1702976751473-2.jpg (328.06 KB, 606x789, 1337006358.stylewager_golf….jpg)

File: 1702976751473-3.jpg (497.54 KB, 1000x807, 1364451914.syrinoth_web_mo….jpg)

File: 1702976751473-4.jpg (106.11 KB, 996x1211, 1367455362.hattonslayden_6….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725835

File: 1702976989508-0.jpg (178.44 KB, 1280x931, 1403792307.toughset_tomoda….jpg)

File: 1702976989508-1.jpg (211.82 KB, 939x1280, 1413806305.zombiesource_s_….jpg)

File: 1702976989508-2.jpg (388.9 KB, 826x1200, 1420253857.zaggatar_marrie….jpg)

File: 1702976989508-3.jpg (149.6 KB, 862x1280, 1425703038.zaggatar_silgri….jpg)

File: 1702976989508-4.jpg (144.53 KB, 1034x1280, 1453607506.backlash91_afte….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725836

File: 1702977357714-0.jpg (566.35 KB, 2480x3057, 1596760280.dragnor1_tyler_….jpg)

File: 1702977357714-1.jpg (108.94 KB, 800x798, 13926772427.jpg)

File: 1702977357714-2.png (128.99 KB, 1280x821, 1505849969.theviktor_redsq….png)

File: 1702977357714-3.png (309.8 KB, 888x1118, 1505931922.theviktor_redpa….png)

File: 1702977357714-4.png (141.28 KB, 1135x1280, 1527592828.zanzagen_newcan….png)

fefd5194 No.3725837

File: 1702977734183-0.jpg (154.96 KB, 720x1071, 126871684076.jpg)

File: 1702977734183-1.jpg (1.09 MB, 2261x1600, 131966757277.jpg)

File: 1702977734183-2.jpg (356.17 KB, 1000x800, 139359614668.jpg)

File: 1702977734183-3.jpg (327.92 KB, 1024x748, 1126628361756.jpg)

File: 1702977734183-4.jpg (114.24 KB, 900x655, 1349588093627.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725838

File: 1702977961374-0.jpg (114.24 KB, 671x1111, 1416468085540_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1702977961374-1.jpg (109.43 KB, 989x1280, 1462429092110_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1702977961374-2.jpg (115.96 KB, 850x638, 1615162927807.jpg)

File: 1702977961374-3.png (673.57 KB, 1000x1000, 1467708593953.png)

File: 1702977961374-4.png (257.91 KB, 635x698, 1517716510118.png)

fefd5194 No.3725839

File: 1702978202918-0.jpg (470.72 KB, 983x1523, 1617889385123.jpg)

File: 1702978202918-1.jpg (472.86 KB, 3000x2000, 1627505865381-0.jpg)

File: 1702978202918-2.jpg (86.85 KB, 850x490, 1629133913364.jpg)

File: 1702978202918-3.jpg (217.12 KB, 1400x1992, 1629939064786-0.jpg)

File: 1702978202918-4.png (431.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1621633669602-0.png)

fefd5194 No.3725840

File: 1702978450561-0.jpg (202.57 KB, 850x1428, 1659471115874.jpg)

File: 1702978450561-1.jpg (649.3 KB, 2700x3800, 1667251487458.jpg)

File: 1702978450561-2.jpg (197.86 KB, 1024x768, 1670436077364.jpg)

File: 1702978450561-3.jpg (38 KB, 494x750, 1670505682453.jpg)

File: 1702978450561-4.jpg (186.88 KB, 1049x1280, 1673052948478-1.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725841

File: 1702978685582-0.jpg (279.69 KB, 1024x1447, 1693512375994-1.jpg)

File: 1702978685582-1.jpg (261.2 KB, 931x1333, 1694512660632-3.jpg)

File: 1702978685582-2.jpg (4.76 MB, 3264x2448, 1369242818811153369.jpg)

File: 1702978685582-3.jpg (702.45 KB, 1200x750, a93e0927f70be709b7f302c95c….jpg)

File: 1702978685582-4.jpg (59.82 KB, 640x505, ba8b7ecb32b13355bf3ee58051….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725842

File: 1702979084650-0.jpg (93.03 KB, 800x1035, c_1407926984267_measuremen….jpg)

File: 1702979084650-1.jpg (261.15 KB, 1200x1000, cleaned.jpg)

File: 1702979084650-2.jpg (153.45 KB, 1024x768, e8071a08faef24d23d2f0e4c31….jpg)

File: 1702979084650-3.jpg (225.77 KB, 850x871, f04e10e083bdf2cb5c658e29f5….jpg)

File: 1702979084650-4.jpg (205.64 KB, 1024x730, f4941_DrComet-Unicornsex1_….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725843

File: 1702979678335-0.png (17.26 KB, 600x600, f17310cfc011a4abaa675e904e….png)

File: 1702979678335-1.jpg (95.87 KB, 672x795, m43804_e48966b7e1e2fec55ec….jpg)

File: 1702979678335-2.jpg (174.45 KB, 600x1093, Kara_and_Furry_Neko_by_bbm….jpg)

File: 1702979678335-3.jpg (286.16 KB, 800x1465, Kara_and_Furry_Neko_2_by_b….jpg)

File: 1702979678335-4.jpg (430.08 KB, 1073x1280, f94395_b069691ea9746490d6f….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3725844

File: 1702979984305-0.jpg (131.53 KB, 716x866, Rules.jpg)

File: 1702979984305-1.jpg (101.2 KB, 800x800, s_1418472860852_5fc54af0f5….jpg)

File: 1702979984305-2.jpg (661.88 KB, 2616x3302, s_1544125007665_hvf99Pb.jpg)

File: 1702979984305-3.png (364.37 KB, 1073x904, minus8 6.png)

File: 1702979984305-4.png (630.54 KB, 1280x1294, minus8 7.png)

fefd5194 No.3725845

File: 1702980161946-0.jpg (105.5 KB, 750x1065, Ychan - r - more plz - 153….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726057

File: 1703096456879-0.png (793.84 KB, 689x1250, 0b84c3e49fc6a5599fd50df369….png)

File: 1703096456879-1.jpg (34.4 KB, 520x500, 4tz2c9.jpg)

File: 1703096456879-2.jpg (1.08 MB, 1680x2452, 5c57347f042097b4d0aa8cabcd….jpg)

File: 1703096456879-3.jpg (557.41 KB, 3464x2944, 6d3f6cb37918315982742ad124….jpg)

File: 1703096456879-4.png (2.8 MB, 1500x1818, 7fb5f01feb407ef4b13f7ccaed….png)

fefd5194 No.3726058

File: 1703096479077-0.jpg (84.67 KB, 791x612, 68aeb58c1bb40f987150007a50….jpg)

File: 1703096479077-1.jpg (239.09 KB, 700x858, 143.jpg)

File: 1703096479077-2.jpg (368.7 KB, 700x933, 146.jpg)

File: 1703096479077-3.jpg (44.84 KB, 1024x421, 1406405_dreamkeepers_video….jpg)

File: 1703096479077-4.jpg (549.84 KB, 2732x2048, 3484193 - Dreamkeepers Evz….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726059

File: 1703096502268-0.png (4.88 MB, 1680x2100, 1607802488.sonicsoranaruto….png)

File: 1703096502268-1.jpg (196.05 KB, 1600x961, Art of Rick and Morty (A2)….jpg)

File: 1703096502268-2.jpg (86.68 KB, 1600x449, Art of Rick and Morty (A2)….jpg)

File: 1703096502268-3.jpg (172.18 KB, 1600x972, Art of Rick and Morty (A2)….jpg)

File: 1703096502268-4.jpg (94.67 KB, 1500x686, Art of Rick and Morty (A2)….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726060

File: 1703096668900-0.jpg (133.63 KB, 831x1280, b0302dfe234cfa67bb12ea2b97….jpg)

File: 1703096668900-1.png (686.68 KB, 1197x936, Chopped_Tekra_50.png)

File: 1703096668900-2.jpg (1.21 MB, 3509x2550, d3b16e5ded244b0362a5077a07….jpg)

File: 1703096668900-3.jpg (721.37 KB, 2701x2000, d686864f2e4028853cae96afc0….jpg)

File: 1703096668900-4.jpg (486.4 KB, 2193x1644, dreamkeepers-vi-plush-styl….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726061

File: 1703096694472-0.png (163.46 KB, 1000x356, e73c27628f41d1c456ea853f7b….png)

File: 1703096694472-1.jpg (116.46 KB, 991x1280, e8515e8e9de2baa3e0e9a0624f….jpg)

File: 1703096694472-2.gif (1.21 MB, 480x270, external-content.duckduckg….gif)

File: 1703096694472-3.jpg (239.73 KB, 1280x975, f01d7783eeec0adf173967d1cc….jpg)

File: 1703096694472-4.jpg (262.44 KB, 1262x1280, f794fe6eb45afe3d9062a8e5a8….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726062

File: 1703096742767-0.jpg (19.2 KB, 198x479, Fae_Winters_2.jpg)

File: 1703096742767-1.jpg (205.27 KB, 1625x1226, morty and tekra.jpg)

File: 1703096742767-2.jpg (717.45 KB, 1851x668, morty_tekra_refs.jpg)

File: 1703096742767-3.png (11.75 KB, 527x827, mortyconcept.png)

File: 1703096742767-4.jpg (208.33 KB, 2430x1374, Rick_Vicky.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726063

File: 1703096855989-0.jpg (691.98 KB, 2987x2648, Tekra.jpg)

File: 1703096855989-1.png (197.79 KB, 233x459, Tekra.png)

File: 1703096855989-2.png (425.18 KB, 1280x1518, tekra_pose_practice_by_fis….png)

File: 1703096855989-3.jpg (290.85 KB, 2000x2501, Tia_Swatch.jpg)

File: 1703096855989-4.png (593.22 KB, 1600x1200, Vi vs pickle rick.png)

fefd5194 No.3726091

File: 1703115746137.png (240.82 KB, 953x1208, 60979.png)

fefd5194 No.3726154

File: 1703137940343-0.jpg (2.2 MB, 2577x3600, 4acc75ae83adb10ec042434411….jpg)

File: 1703137940343-1.png (221.12 KB, 900x1000, 667e222d0946670679c9ede1dd….png)

File: 1703137940343-2.png (237.9 KB, 900x700, 05376dbad96afaf964f1d27f87….png)

File: 1703137940343-3.jpg (59.56 KB, 918x700, 38446.jpg)

File: 1703137940343-4.png (531.84 KB, 1014x1000, 3347717_SunnyWay_04-10-202….png)

fefd5194 No.3726155

File: 1703137971716-0.png (267.27 KB, 550x900, 1289013094.berty_katandraw….png)

File: 1703137971716-1.png (37.14 KB, 580x659, 1306901773.chuchigifts_130….png)

File: 1703137971716-2.png (593.42 KB, 1024x957, f39f31dcd7de661341c4d4da04….png)

File: 1703137971716-3.jpg (65.95 KB, 900x546, katan_by_moonywings_d2v1e3….jpg)

File: 1703137971716-4.jpg (64 KB, 1024x847, katan_from_cerberus_by_blu….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726156

File: 1703138089481-0.jpg (117 KB, 900x1409, katan_moctez_kalakeeh.jpg)

File: 1703138089481-1.jpg (566.13 KB, 1549x1329, mynx-katan-critter-papercr….jpg)

File: 1703138089481-2.png (17.94 KB, 800x600, ayyboiz.png)

File: 1703138089481-3.png (17.46 KB, 800x600, katan and moctez why.png)

fefd5194 No.3726169

File: 1703147579629-0.jpg (774.46 KB, 2540x2760, evzengay.jpg)

File: 1703147579629-1.png (377.54 KB, 4000x1600, indigo files.png)

fefd5194 No.3726308

File: 1703236381395-0.png (32.28 KB, 1600x1200, 1677564497522-0.png)

File: 1703236381395-1.png (28.04 KB, 1600x1200, 1677564497522-1.png)

File: 1703236381395-2.png (35.13 KB, 1600x1200, 1677564497522-2.png)

File: 1703236381395-3.png (36.92 KB, 1600x1200, 1677564497522-3.png)

fefd5194 No.3726309

File: 1703236575420-0.png (35.69 KB, 1200x1600, sperm creature offer.png)

File: 1703236575420-1.png (16.17 KB, 703x996, Ychan - r - anthro tutoria….png)

File: 1703236575420-2.png (11.85 KB, 703x996, Ychan - r - anthro tutoria….png)

File: 1703236575420-3.png (20.95 KB, 1000x1200, Ychan - r - anthro tutoria….png)

fefd5194 No.3726310

File: 1703237218149-0.png (74.27 KB, 2293x1384, Yinglet crossover test.png)

File: 1703237218149-1.jpg (876.47 KB, 2117x973, plans to breed yiglets.jpg)

File: 1703237218149-2.png (36.03 KB, 1293x1384, Irkian Yinglet Hybrid tes3.png)

File: 1703237218149-3.png (613.67 KB, 1355x1001, Irkian Yinglet breed.png)

Invader zim had created a breed of yinglets and had plans to invade a planet that is inhabited by yinglets and started to infiltrate the tribe of yinglets assassinating all the leaders on the planet and replacing them as puppets the changeling yinglets have messaged Zim they have taken over!

fefd5194 No.3726311

File: 1703237310467-0.png (663.7 KB, 1399x973, Changeling Yinglet.png)

File: 1703237310467-1.png (41.89 KB, 1293x1384, Changeling Yinglet complet….png)

File: 1703237310467-2.png (423.93 KB, 1111x800, 1536460735.valsalia_alterk….png)

File: 1703237310467-3.png (1.45 MB, 1467x1844, 100787.png)

fefd5194 No.3726313

File: 1703237618688-0.jpg (4.51 MB, 3000x9000, bad7f8172a2817e14c4cad0f89….jpg)

File: 1703237618688-1.jpg (1.03 MB, 1350x2068, 17cbcb1750b84d59570dabc574….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726314

File: 1703237677677-0.jpg (3.5 MB, 3600x2700, 8f1eb099407a1118835668e8c1….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726316

File: 1703239860126-0.png (264.05 KB, 834x910, 1629679936040.png)

File: 1703239860126-1.png (208.64 KB, 712x828, 1629691403661-0.png)

File: 1703239860126-2.jpg (153.09 KB, 1080x1080, 1629691403661-1.jpg)

File: 1703239860126-3.jpg (1001.6 KB, 4000x2500, 1630195425476.jpg)

File: 1703239860126-4.png (332.2 KB, 749x849, 1630196217313.png)

fefd5194 No.3726317

File: 1703239898307-0.png (45.87 KB, 1000x1000, feather black cursor.png)

File: 1703239898307-1.png (675.61 KB, 560x800, feather vector.png)

File: 1703239898307-2.png (48.25 KB, 1000x1000, feather white cursor.png)

File: 1703239898307-3.png (58.3 KB, 1000x1000, feather-black-vector-illus….png)

File: 1703239898307-4.png (58.63 KB, 1000x1000, feather-white-vector-illus….png)

c0bb1281 No.3726495

File: 1703335250639.jpg (161.62 KB, 800x800, 4a2f966ce46ced93aee7c0c5de….jpg)


fefd5194 No.3726621

File: 1703440045477-0.png (262.23 KB, 557x634, flockmod draw (7).png)

File: 1703440045477-1.png (1.37 MB, 2000x1500, flockmod draw (3).png)

File: 1703440045477-2.png (2.04 MB, 2000x2000, flockmod draw (9).png)

File: 1703440045477-3.png (1.96 MB, 1800x2480, flockmod draw (2).png)

fefd5194 No.3726926

File: 1703614578238-0.jpg (684.07 KB, 945x1280, 0cd63043aea27ede59704a9fc2….jpg)

File: 1703614578238-1.jpg (401.26 KB, 850x698, 124937.jpg)

File: 1703614578238-2.jpg (2.14 MB, 2440x4096, 276780.jpg)

File: 1703614578238-3.jpg (1.75 MB, 941x1600, 0b79faacde64668298200a7f4b….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3726930

File: 1703617239782-0.gif (870.14 KB, 599x568, 9bde5796417e98cd044e7e7307….gif)

fefd5194 No.3726931

File: 1703617304148.gif (4.56 MB, 720x1080, 1698274158632-2.gif)

fefd5194 No.3726932

File: 1703617349776.webm (2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1684395937984325.webm)

fefd5194 No.3726933

File: 1703617533901.webm (108.05 KB, 720x1080, F8_IVj0XgAAfK2Y.webm)

fefd5194 No.3726934

File: 1703617672558.gif (3.19 MB, 620x230, run_hq3.gif)

fefd5194 No.3726935

File: 1703617732710-0.gif (6.37 MB, 800x450, Tirrelous - 16894272106570….gif)

fefd5194 No.3726936

File: 1703617773818-0.gif (1.48 MB, 640x360, сat-furry.gif)

fefd5194 No.3726937

File: 1703617807710-0.webm (2.94 MB, 900x1080, 1697075552458.webm)

File: 1703617807710-1.webm (2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1684395937984325.webm)

917d370b No.3726965

the face when you slide your wheelchair on your own shit

fefd5194 No.3726975

File: 1703639262977.jpg (39.04 KB, 680x375, d7d.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727011

File: 1703679474456-0.jpg (69.9 KB, 375x500, $_12.jpg)

File: 1703679474456-1.jpg (328.44 KB, 1361x1980, 4ec6c4fa4cd5f01cb9fbccbebc….jpg)

File: 1703679474456-2.jpg (1.94 MB, 1316x2000, 6d44723700c5e8dca60b5425fe….jpg)

File: 1703679474456-3.jpg (340.83 KB, 1000x1155, 45f0c452cfe8b8d573c5d1570e….jpg)

File: 1703679474456-4.jpg (1.66 MB, 1567x2351, 74bd3ee75e89a46b4c171bb044….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727012

File: 1703679510162-0.jpg (444.44 KB, 768x1056, 03795-1858209088-by20gunch….jpg)

File: 1703679510162-1.jpg (467.15 KB, 1536x1024, 09812-1725440561.jpg)

File: 1703679510162-2.jpg (539.7 KB, 1280x775, 1384382329.turbinedivinity….jpg)

File: 1703679510162-3.jpg (230.88 KB, 1280x915, 1521154552.valkoinen_maxim….jpg)

File: 1703679510162-4.jpg (343.76 KB, 1127x1280, 1526162388.thebigwolflion_….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727013

File: 1703679545255-0.jpg (805.84 KB, 1080x1440, 1546289129.heresyart_2018-….jpg)

File: 1703679545255-1.jpg (2.12 MB, 2276x5000, 1561599423.smile4amanda_21….jpg)

File: 1703679545255-2.jpg (488.07 KB, 1280x1070, 1582957662.rileycrysan_415….jpg)

File: 1703679545255-3.jpg (1.67 MB, 2050x1449, 1696007050.chilllum_tbbw_1….jpg)

File: 1703679545255-4.jpg (1.26 MB, 1740x1844, 1684444540003.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727014

File: 1703679583468-0.jpg (669.9 KB, 1500x1061, 1691890966082.jpg)

File: 1703679583469-1.jpg (703.07 KB, 1300x1300, 1696000073803.jpg)

File: 1703679583469-2.jpg (1.93 MB, 2351x1567, 1696000935807.jpg)

File: 1703679583469-3.jpg (170.6 KB, 905x1280, 1696279558194-1.jpg)

File: 1703679583469-4.jpg (599.81 KB, 1024x918, 1696279951787.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727015

File: 1703679635433-0.jpg (177.19 KB, 650x650, 1697236682356-0.jpg)

File: 1703679635433-1.jpg (726.7 KB, 1461x2682, 1697931816030-0.jpg)

File: 1703679635434-2.jpg (593.44 KB, 1447x2549, 1697931816030-1.jpg)

File: 1703679635434-3.jpg (1.03 MB, 1472x1860, 1697931816030-2.jpg)

File: 1703679635434-4.jpg (1.74 MB, 2616x4000, 1698786679164.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727016

File: 1703679730490-0.jpg (231.5 KB, 1060x1500, 1698973690271.jpg)

File: 1703679730490-1.jpg (294.96 KB, 1583x2048, 1699483147759.jpg)

File: 1703679730490-2.jpg (592.16 KB, 950x764, 1701106206348.jpg)

File: 1703679730490-3.jpg (339.34 KB, 1134x1360, 1701221323725.jpg)

File: 1703679730490-4.jpg (339.82 KB, 1053x1733, a405c4d181887b87c938bb62b0….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727017

File: 1703679781183-0.jpg (805.03 KB, 966x1250, alopex161_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703679781183-1.jpg (2.81 MB, 4800x4200, b4692c1ccf0a332d0c8e71dfde….jpg)

File: 1703679781183-2.jpg (398.44 KB, 1100x1200, d2e7b464c7451cd78835238900….jpg)

File: 1703679781183-3.jpg (283.94 KB, 827x1169, dg9n9gg-36dae04b-aff6-4c96….jpg)

File: 1703679781183-4.jpg (711.61 KB, 1770x2809, f30531dfdab343a32c0bc8a568….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727018

File: 1703679887473-0.jpg (618.46 KB, 1202x1280, ty28357 (358).jpg)

File: 1703679887473-1.jpg (1.03 MB, 2288x2168, nomai.jpg)

File: 1703679887473-2.jpg (406.25 KB, 1175x1280, image-192.jpg)

File: 1703679887473-3.jpg (412.63 KB, 948x1200, f31293eef6c4274abfb71752d1….jpg)

f5377544 No.3727023

Somebody can't draw.

fefd5194 No.3727149

File: 1703861753279-0.png (1003.65 KB, 1423x2959, sjournal.png)

File: 1703861753279-1.png (94.98 KB, 468x296, doodlez.PNG)

File: 1703861753279-2.png (47.63 KB, 610x210, 3-cats-gray.png)

fefd5194 No.3727151

File: 1703861920359-0.jpg (70.25 KB, 455x600, 5bf955b4522dba384d29337ffb….jpg)

File: 1703861920359-1.png (533.58 KB, 1024x643, 614785cc9175cbefc9da9ce617….png)

File: 1703861920359-2.jpg (524.96 KB, 1280x1024, 24861377.jpg)

File: 1703861920359-3.png (13.99 KB, 429x554, 1239737599.zenirix_nina_oa….png)

File: 1703861920359-4.jpg (161.98 KB, 626x900, 1297809913.veramundis_blac….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727152

File: 1703861962961-0.png (435.98 KB, 753x900, 1305408820.extorpid_swing_….png)

File: 1703861962961-1.png (749.12 KB, 659x1144, 1306731388.purplekecleon_h….png)

File: 1703861962961-2.png (354.47 KB, 788x700, 1318725214.metz_commission….png)

File: 1703861962961-3.jpg (227.42 KB, 946x574, 1319573373.svartvarg_swede….jpg)

File: 1703861962961-4.png (992.55 KB, 866x1280, 1320889497.hizzie_13208889….png)

fefd5194 No.3727153

File: 1703862010079-0.png (316.25 KB, 600x1000, 1321484440.k0ru_my_tail.png)

File: 1703862010079-1.jpg (497.74 KB, 493x961, 1321671580.waitress_130326….jpg)

File: 1703862010079-2.png (1.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1323018798.kaitycuddle_pla….png)

File: 1703862010079-3.jpg (46.52 KB, 694x1280, 1323396178.sepiaa_foxfa.jpg)

File: 1703862010079-4.png (2.84 MB, 2000x1406, 1324254297.eilavue_ianclub….png)

fefd5194 No.3727154

File: 1703862063327-0.png (2.06 MB, 2000x2000, 1326450477.kanel_auction__….png)

File: 1703862063327-1.jpg (114.13 KB, 429x607, 1327300455.refer_moonsword….jpg)

File: 1703862063327-2.png (149.79 KB, 542x1000, 1327527680.zipperface_otte….png)

File: 1703862063327-3.png (656.4 KB, 500x992, 1327672577.tokifuji_hyper2….png)

File: 1703862063327-4.jpg (576.44 KB, 1023x700, 1328050115.centradragon_ic….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727157

File: 1703862165280-0.jpg (116.73 KB, 1280x1070, 1328051825.pirate-cashoo_r….jpg)

File: 1703862165280-1.jpg (507.87 KB, 500x700, 1328081201.orel_meade_smal….jpg)

File: 1703862165280-2.jpg (147.24 KB, 827x1280, 1328216810.fuzzle_kamikaze….jpg)

File: 1703862165280-3.jpg (367.01 KB, 660x715, 1328229256.aycee_acbeachdo….jpg)

File: 1703862165280-4.png (598.69 KB, 898x950, 1328482107.bittan_cranberr….png)

fefd5194 No.3727159

File: 1703862249805-0.png (221.68 KB, 601x1000, 1328513060.mxgurl89_pudgyf….png)

File: 1703862249805-1.gif (66.73 KB, 268x300, 1328529991.hornedstorm_b.gif)

File: 1703862249805-2.jpg (547.4 KB, 830x1099, 1328555485.fenril_13285272….jpg)

File: 1703862249805-3.png (182.13 KB, 550x587, 1328589161.alishka_vin_lin….png)

File: 1703862249805-4.jpeg (87.57 KB, 628x1280, 1328597261.~al_isaah.jpeg)

fefd5194 No.3727161

File: 1703862314878-0.jpg (303.14 KB, 710x900, 1328608989.dirtiran_keeval….jpg)

File: 1703862314878-1.jpg (229.83 KB, 846x1065, 1328652790.sabretoothederm….jpg)

File: 1703862314878-2.jpg (320.35 KB, 1200x807, 1328676716.pocketwolverine….jpg)

File: 1703862314878-3.jpg (466.96 KB, 788x900, 1328721771.dirtiran_thunde….jpg)

File: 1703862314878-4.jpg (456.73 KB, 615x908, 1328725922.ordosren_ordosp….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727163

File: 1703862422698-0.png (603.95 KB, 1200x1000, 132873037732.jpg.png)

File: 1703862422698-1.png (797.87 KB, 1280x720, cinnamon.png)

File: 1703862422698-2.jpg (325.4 KB, 850x1100, cover.jpg)

File: 1703862422698-3.jpg (85.37 KB, 645x854, crop_wallpaper.jpg)

File: 1703862422698-4.png (98.46 KB, 770x472, furseiseki_vulpineconversa….png)

fefd5194 No.3727164

File: 1703862526074-0.jpg (15.5 KB, 272x311, Katz Chair.jpg)

File: 1703862526074-1.jpg (128.75 KB, 876x652, MistyStriker-LostintheMusi….jpg)

File: 1703862526074-2.png (194.63 KB, 716x1083, mope_by_csticco-d4jlnx5.png)

File: 1703862526074-3.jpg (160.28 KB, 1280x853, narse_bad_dragon_back_to_s….jpg)

File: 1703862526074-4.jpg (101.79 KB, 500x800, Sweetie_belle_starts_singi….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727165

File: 1703862614745-0.jpg (450.84 KB, 900x900, tranquility_by_kuroi_kisin….jpg)

File: 1703862614745-1.png (985.37 KB, 523x770, tumblr_ls5co4N6r91qajnfn.png)

File: 1703862614745-2.png (271.21 KB, 425x450, wat_rainbow_cosmetics_do_2….png)

fefd5194 No.3727181

File: 1703866554504-0.png (571.63 KB, 514x640, IC07mEG.png)

File: 1703866554504-1.jpg (118.63 KB, 760x596, SJTDf65.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727286

File: 1703964830244-0.jpg (290.32 KB, 1080x1486, thumbnail_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703964830244-1.jpg (147.87 KB, 842x612, SPOILER_img118_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703964830244-2.jpg (1.36 MB, 3301x2543, stripindigos_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703964830244-3.jpg (1.22 MB, 3301x2543, stripindigos2_0_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703964830244-4.jpg (230.18 KB, 853x1280, test_indigo_u18chan.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727287

File: 1703964874133-0.jpg (808.15 KB, 3297x2550, ShipsCabinSexCommissionB_u….jpg)

File: 1703964874133-1.jpg (285.33 KB, 1700x1700, IMG_5125_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1703964874133-2.jpg (235.86 KB, 1325x1024, DK_hare_fingerfuck2_u18cha….jpg)

File: 1703964874133-3.jpg (1.96 MB, 3859x2967, BigClubCommission2022NSFW_….jpg)

File: 1703964874133-4.jpg (391.7 KB, 2000x2584, Amber_Aisty_Lilly_by_David….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727288

File: 1703964939355-0.jpg (1.29 MB, 3291x2550, 252737k5_Tycloud_tailend_u….jpg)

File: 1703964939355-1.jpg (850.39 KB, 3286x2550, 149974j5067.shamus_eternal….jpg)

File: 1703964939355-2.jpg (249.91 KB, 1020x1320, 26k_u18chan.jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727317

File: 1703980770749-0.jpg (189.81 KB, 750x1000, 1231816861.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

File: 1703980770749-1.jpg (197.01 KB, 750x1000, 1235125893.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

File: 1703980770749-2.jpg (148.01 KB, 750x1000, 1250218743.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727318

File: 1703980804977-0.jpg (163.81 KB, 750x1000, 1250565114.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

File: 1703980804977-1.jpg (164.85 KB, 750x1000, 1250972576.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

File: 1703980804977-2.jpg (165.68 KB, 750x1000, 1256978125.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

File: 1703980804977-3.jpg (149.77 KB, 750x1000, 1261042984.monkeyxflash_sq….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727319

File: 1703980903921-0.png (606.38 KB, 700x1000, 1262066143.monkeyxflash_sq….png)

File: 1703980903921-1.png (608.46 KB, 700x1000, 1262431437.monkeyxflash_sq….png)

File: 1703980903921-2.png (711.21 KB, 700x1000, 1279254237.monkeyxflash_sq….png)

File: 1703980903921-3.png (769.67 KB, 700x1000, 1279499784.monkeyxflash_sq….png)

File: 1703980903921-4.jpg (292.62 KB, 700x1000, 1309164417.monkeyxflash_ja….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727376

File: 1704052297412-0.png (798.82 KB, 1116x1082, 9edb7ee927ba1fdaa5f19725b7….png)

File: 1704052297412-1.png (34.96 KB, 700x700, 943b45e9bdb104dd8b6d682da2….png)

File: 1704052297412-2.png (664.84 KB, 1500x885, 6d35f61fd0139d4686bbbfe938….png)

File: 1704052297412-3.jpg (585.78 KB, 1057x1500, 115bd71a1dbba424ac9b99afa2….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727378

File: 1704052469792-0.jpg (258.05 KB, 1086x1584, 06711f009d01f9e9a297a5b1c5….jpg)

File: 1704052469792-1.jpg (736.04 KB, 2676x2763, 70b098264b3755d90676f1275c….jpg)

File: 1704052469792-2.jpg (324.61 KB, 1132x1947, 41db3805e828f82f30ff345c21….jpg)

fefd5194 No.3727379

File: 1704053978833-0.jpg (723.32 KB, 1780x2062, 219a7f794157a5768533d7247c….jpg)

File: 1704053978833-1.jpg (2.35 MB, 2550x3507, b33bc757d201b6a08098f7b892….jpg)

File: 1704053978833-2.jpg (281.74 KB, 1142x1543, a59e2ac6091793beb8cafb318c….jpg)

Not only this would make you an idiot but you disrespect the artist.

fefd5194 No.3727383

File: 1704059631349-0.jpg (950.33 KB, 4096x4060, Fish_Red4.jpg)

File: 1704059631349-1.png (223.18 KB, 1265x1068, 1552699980.banananamilk_re….png)

File: 1704059631349-2.png (347.4 KB, 1408x1004, 38808636_idNU1FIXwLOnXQu.png)

fefd5194 No.3727470

File: 1704143008107.png (20.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


7,800 black and white compressed files of .jpeg for your collection.

fbac1f0e No.3731652

File: 1707427076147.jpg (53.53 KB, 543x800, c407994a4fc0c11f51d880f783….jpg)

Old images are cluttered they should have archived it and start fresh.

e303d913 No.3740174

3422c707 No.3740176

File: 1715983367072.png (648.33 KB, 901x718, stillrunning.png)

still running half of the files are corrupt.

3422c707 No.3740775

File: 1716666253756.jpg (251.27 KB, 656x906, Ychan - c - wuffies - Wuff….jpg)

3422c707 No.3740776

File: 1716666506623.jpg (157.8 KB, 375x864, Ychan - c - foxes - Foxes.jpg)

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