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6b078481 No.3721571

I'm trying to recall the name or source of a short animated film I saw many years ago on the internet.

It concerned a guy who goes into the woods with his dog to a small cabin. It's winter and snowy out. Sometime after they get to the cabin there's a knock at the door (I think). When the guy opens the door, there's no one there. Then he starts hearing strange sounds from outside. Footsteps in the snow, fingernails across the outside walls of the cabin, the doorknob rattles; stuff like that.

If I remember correctly, the dog goes crazy eventually and jumps out a glass window to chase after something. The guy goes after him. Off deeper in the snowy woods, he finds his dog cut in half and surrounded by people standing around it dressed in animal costumes.

It ends with the guy's implied death.

Anyone recognize this story or remember seeing a short net video like this? I think it had a one-word title.

9d04567d No.3721575

was the dog cutn half or cut enhalf

cc4a3540 No.3721576

cuttin naf

6cb57204 No.3721577


5f6e3378 No.3721646

I think I saw that, but why would you want to revisit such depraved ugliness?

Maybe I have it saved (not because I liked it but because I wanted to learn about Flash animation), will check in a few days. Probably saw it on Wokecommiejewgrounds.

b0703fe1 No.3721675

Try the lost-and-found media thread: >>3711633

b0703fe1 No.3721684

Found it, posted links: >>3721683

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