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You messed with me~

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56f12873 No.3737227[Reply]

If you head near one and you look at them close do you feel unsettle or warm?
13 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

8cf58e4b No.3737288

>When you said that fears can be evolutionary, it made me think. Have you heard of the uncanny valley? It's when something, like a doll, looks almost human, but there is just something slightly….off. For some reason, things that are almost humanlike, like a doll or a lifelike robot, are creepy and disturbing to almost all humans. Why is that? Well, too many people share this fear for it to be just something from their past. So then it must be evolutionary. Perhaps your caveman ancestors were sitting around the fire one night, then one of them noticed that the caveman across from him seemed…off. The smile was a bit too wide, he had just a few too many teeth, his skin was just a bit too tight. Then perhaps the caveman would notice that it was so, incredibly, quiet. He could not even hear the fire crackling, or the birds chirping. And then he would notice that the thing that was almost human was looking straight at him, grinning a too-wide smile. Or perhaps there is another reason that us humans have a fear of the uncanny valley. Who knows?

1895a006 No.3737294

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Dicks too small

c6a69990 No.3737299

The cental heating was broken and the repairman couldn't come until next Thursday.

1895a006 No.3737303

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1895a006 No.3737309

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Why did they make so many statues in Rome but none of them are guys fucking? Like come on, everyone know it happened.

We just wanted to see it. Its not gay.

d21555d7 No.3737314

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1895a006 No.3737318

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I don't really think Nap cat is that attractive.

No mouth, is a turn off. Because it takes a mouth to suck.

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284862cf No.3717202[Reply]

Other thread died with massive board deletion.
Here you have a fox doing two tasks at once:
Preparing dinner and showing you where the dinner will be exiting from the following day.
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b884ad39 No.3729433


Yes. If he starts rubbing his nipples with engine oil, you´re in there!

f9a325d9 No.3729440

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Mechanics get bonus hot points. Especially if they smell like motor oil and gasoline.

d350e354 No.3730042

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a0aa0a6b No.3730431

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34f8619d No.3730734

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f06b5f5c No.3733825

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0ecc0ea8 No.3737254

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Just doing laundry. Nothing to see here.

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3eb5e82b No.3736546[Reply]

Lately, the furry fandom has had a big problem with its reputation. Furry culture has become associated with zoophilia, pedophilia, plushophilia, miscegenation, drugs, violence, crime, prostitution and general social upheaval such as BLM. This board is frequently singled out as one of the worst strongholds of furry debauchery, and all of us are suffering for it. It's time to clean house.

It's time to put an end to the smutty shit clogging up our message board. Yeah, you heard me right. I'm sick and tired of seeing dicks and tits plastered all over the place like it's some kind of zoo exhibit. This isn't a porn site, it's a community for people who appreciate anthropomorphic animals - not perverts looking to get their rocks off.

As of today, April 1st, 12:00 GMT, we will no longer allow any sexually explicit or suggestive material to be posted on these boards. This was an unanimous decision made by all of us, the moderators.

This ban includes, but is not limited to:

Graphic drawings of sexual activity, of any kind
Graphic drawings of nudity, whether genitals are visible or not
Graphic photos of any kind (needless to say)
Descriptions of sexual acts
Links to any such material, or websites that contain it
Sexually suggestive imagery, such as females in bikinis or one-piece swimsuits, males wearing only shorts, or images featuring any visible underwear, or god forbid, diapers
Images that suggest sexual acts have taken place, or are about to take place, such as two furries flirting, picking each other up, eating together, or lying next to each other in bed
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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5c5f7cc2 No.3736621

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595e02c9 No.3736622

5c5f7cc2 No.3736623

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Oh yeah, I have seen that before. But not really messed with one.

5c5f7cc2 No.3736624

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Did you have one of these? It was fun to sing little mermaid songs.

595e02c9 No.3737012

File: 1712517274788.png (397.48 KB, 530x550, YOUNG_SIMBA___smaller.png)


Doobity doot doot, da doo da doo.

Doobity doot doot, da doo da doo.

6f87bccf No.3737016

File: 1712520990546.png (5.59 MB, 2448x2448, il_fullxfull.1333763681_eo….png)

bitch, feel the power of full 90's.

595e02c9 No.3737172

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So what do you folks think about E621?

Looks to be getting pretty chaotic over there lately…. lol

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3aa98943 No.3737122[Reply]

Just a heads up, solar eclipse incoming. Take your animals inside, unless you want a blind pupper.

Having a seeing eye dog is a lot cooler than being a seeing eye human.

5cfad2d7 No.3737142

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I was out of the path of totality this time, but I took some shitty pics anyway.

1f92b7e9 No.3737161

Fun fact. The sun is always there. It doesn't just show up for eclipses.

3d9249ff No.3737170

to see the eclipse, just pray that Michael Jackson comes back from the dead and gets in your sun.

3869a3cb No.3737210

You already came out as a zoo, posting sheepfucking in the another thread. Now even on a neutral topic you mentioned dog at least 3 times. Too obvious.

I understand it's hard to accept you have a neutered dog, but say thanks to spay propaganda since 2015. Anyways there are dogtraders who sell unspayed dogs to look at the eclipse with.

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e19054ba No.3737013[Reply]

Who got clean af water? I got clean af water.

e19054ba No.3737014

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Yeah, my town recently got hit for being under federal regulations for our water quality, so I decided to step up my game.

I'm down for getting exploded, ran over, thrown off mountainsides, or the other endless ways I usually get killed. But I'll be damned if crappy water is going to put me under.

0a63a5ae No.3737156

Is that cum on the floor to the right of the shoe?

e19054ba No.3737157

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e19054ba No.3737159

but no, that thing got shipped in a box the size of a small house. Its just a piece of packaging that I missed. It was one of those box, within a box, within a box, within a box, within a box, within a box situations. All with their own fillers, it was a mess.

15a47d25 No.3737163

>using municipal water instead of having a well


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130fea66 No.3737133[Reply]

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c9950e37 No.3736889[Reply]

What, no diaper thread? There's one now.

7a640849 No.3737087

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i am racist and not very brights

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786fee03 No.3711379[Reply]

DC COMICS used to have a line of sci-fi comics that were very popular, mainly because the artwork was really good and they would come up with lots of original and interesting concepts, unlike the media of today that just seems to re-hash the same old storyline endlessly.

Marvel Comics had their own line also, although their sci-fi stories tended to lean mostly towards a monster or horror theme most of the time.

If you enjoy reading old comics, dig out some of your favorite stories and post them here for us to enjoy.
Remember a lot of sci-fi involves furries as well.

If not then post something new you like, we'll read it.
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786fee03 No.3711382

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Yes, that series was called STRIKEFORCE; MORITURI and was VERY good,
There was talk for a long time of making the series into a major motion picture and then a TV series, but nothing has come of it so far.
It's a MARVEL property but it seems the creator's rights they need to use it are tied up in some complicated legal way.

9602c505 No.3717953

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6c4de062 No.3728774

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6c4de062 No.3734828

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Found some interesting old comic book covers from a series called MY GREATEST ADVENTURE. A couple of them features The Doom Patrol!
Damn, why can't sci-fi writers come up with ideas like this today?

6c4de062 No.3734829

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6c4de062 No.3734830

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be5dde0f No.3736972

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1e298973 No.3736953[Reply]

What percentage of the furry fandom just sit on their asses collecting social services or welfare and act childish as they use that money to play computer games all day long?

e89d0aaa No.3736958

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That could have been me. I eventually got a full time job and it feels great to contribute to my boyfriend and I's present and future lives together.

The thing with SSI (monthly check) is you can't save your money and thus people in the system spend it all on frivolous bullshit. You literally cannot have over a fixed amount in your bank. Escaping the system is just about impossible once you've been on it a long time, you have a huge gap in your employment history. Its either homeless shelter/couch surfing until you can afford your own place, if you even can land a job.

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c2d2d108 No.3736807[Reply]

FtM's with MtF's thread.
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c2d2d108 No.3736810

File: 1712323144308.jpg (76.67 KB, 602x847, main-qimg-c37107afbd4954e9….jpg)

It never takes, I'm unfortunately immortal.

c72f0139 No.3736841


Abberants and freakshows. Die in a fire. No one accepts you; they hide their contempt and save their laughter when you're out of earshot.

c2d2d108 No.3736844

File: 1712357345537.png (387.67 KB, 1143x531, SCP-682_artwork.png)

seriously, you can snap my neck and I'll just get back up. I've even recovered from a direct hit from an rpg.

Not even talking in hypotheticals, I literally just come back to life even with a shattered spine and annihilated rib cage. Not even radiation can kill me.

c2d2d108 No.3736846

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I'm probably the only person who can have my spine and neck shattered, be completely out of blood, and still drive my self to the hospital.

Mind you I did pass out in the e-room lounge, but I did get there.

bcfdcf76 No.3736847

It's only a matter of time.

12a48595 No.3736860


If Steam were a Dalek he would scream INSEMENATE and squirt goop everywhere.

138d66d1 No.3736865

Is that AI? Human bodies aren't supposed to look like that. Uncanny valley shit.

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