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You messed with me~

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File: 1708658089676.jpeg (405.56 KB, 2000x2500, IMG_0020.jpeg)

740c14b6 No.3732987[Reply]

Does anyone know of someone who can make me a custom item?
8 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

51100312 No.3733098

File: 1708731291772.webm (2.04 MB, 640x480, Little_Button.webm)

So, Steam… why do you have killing/suicide devices in your house, and why are they activated by a button that anyone can press (by accident/curiosity)?
Also - ever heard of hard drive encryption? That way you don't need to blow up half your house, you know. Plus it works even if you don't push any death-buttons.
Finally, chances are that unless you have fantastic anon-abilities (which I doubt), then "everyone" already knows what's on your hard drives anyway.
(I couldn't help but notice you don't seem to have any special escape mechanism just for your doggie, either.)

Sooo… have you seen this video I posted yet?

804e45f1 No.3733209

File: 1708813673466.jpg (63.97 KB, 820x975, the_hobbit___baby_smaug_by….jpg)

I have a decorated past, and honestly I don't want people to look at my porn postmortem and be known as a guy who fucked animals. Its just not true, but furries and zoophiles get piled into the same dump.

Also I created Anon, along with a few other people back in the IRC days, and it went outside our control later, but it is a thing.

The video you posted was dead, but yeah, no escape mech. Its a panic switch for a reason, its an end-game-senario switch. Once you press it, there is death, nothing else.

and I accidently posted my preferable "I AM DEATH" switch picture and had a different password for deletion. I couldn't find it, and trust me, I am sharking you.

804e45f1 No.3733210

File: 1708813930767.png (1.93 MB, 800x1063, Jazz-jackrabbit-dos-front-….png)

its kinda funny that anonymous' core group stemmed from a 6 year old kid with a dial up modem and a second hand windows 95 computer bought for the sole purpose of running brick breaker, educational games, and jazz jackrabbit.

804e45f1 No.3733212

File: 1708814145466.jpeg (29.35 KB, 500x281, 1471939069-47022f4de8aaf0….jpeg)

Also I will say that I have no Anon swing. I got booted as an admn from 4chan on my 18th birthday when I said on the IRC "wow, I can finally post here as a real adult", and was immediately banned forever.

804e45f1 No.3733213

File: 1708814280454.jpg (98.03 KB, 584x826, _fa__wt_snacks_and_moot___….jpg)

That was also when Snacks got das buut, cause we were a thing.

804e45f1 No.3733214

In craptasrophy when desu comes up, yeah that was me.


51100312 No.3733239

File: 1708823650419.jpg (70.43 KB, 755x724, Superbark_gone_wrong.jpg)

>I don't want people to look at my porn postmortem
Ever heard of VeraCrypt, Mr. Anon? If you're worried about forgetting the password due to sauce, then just name it after every dog you had or were fond of in chronological order and add to the end of the password your dick's name. :P The spooks already know about your porn, and anyone else won't ever guess or care anyway.
>The video you posted was dead
No video I have posted is "dead". The important one I'd like you to watch (no matter the reason or lack thereof) and comment on is here, and it works… do it for me?

File: 1708098548992.jpg (210.25 KB, 898x700, MINBATHcv.jpg)

afd84071 No.3732437[Reply]

He was in jail, sentenced in 2012 for having and distributing child porn.
Not cubby porn, child porn.

His health was pretty bad anyway.
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515b5d81 No.3732759

File: 1708381938076.jpg (103.38 KB, 1024x928, 40026.jpg)

80c448e6 No.3732951

File: 1708626446204.gif (88.58 KB, 579x768, Mitch Beiro_1996__TRASHY.GIF)

20c66080 No.3732990

File: 1708659134130.gif (72.08 KB, 590x768, Mitch Beiro_1996__ANUBAST.GIF)

fe6335c6 No.3732995

File: 1708665577796.gif (101.51 KB, 590x768, Mitch Beiro__CATTOYS.GIF)

b579753d No.3733055

File: 1708708791505.gif (68.78 KB, 595x768, Mitch Beiro_1996__REAREND.GIF)

3fdb722f No.3733070

File: 1708716645713.gif (58.86 KB, 584x768, Mitch Beiro_1996__SUNSHADE.GIF)

cb3e1606 No.3733199

File: 1708805443706.gif (85.49 KB, 586x768, Mitch Beiro_1996__TOMATO.GIF)

File: 1708462604389.jpg (61.46 KB, 588x436, mark.jpg)

dbaf7be4 No.3732822[Reply]

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51249f3f No.3732862

File: 1708522865912.jpg (130.3 KB, 611x800, CFO_May_1982_Page01-611x80….jpg)

Rest in peace.

cf09cdf7 No.3732864

That alcohol especially spirit, will fuck your liver out in the long run, even if you're caucasian.

e1bc6231 No.3732881

I've read the KF thread.

What a based lad. RIP. You will be missed.

83931246 No.3733105

File: 1708736201288.jpg (262.12 KB, 921x1919, Loewenmensch1.jpg)

Furry is far older than that. For fuck's sake even Fritz The Cat predates that


c1e4ef1e No.3733114

File: 1708741310611.jpg (301.52 KB, 690x1186, backrooms carpet monster.jpg)

The correct (Tor) link is already in the first post, you absolute fucking retard.

Quit using the clearweb for things that need to be kept secure/private; Use TOR!


Remember that time you made an account on KF under the same screenname, had a complete spergout, and then deleted your own posts before the moderators restored them?

I was in that thread. Good times.

55c81068 No.3733117

File: 1708744738320.png (225.64 KB, 1070x804, 842c1f83b9bcb56b650c203389….png)

> The correct (Tor) link is already in the first post, you absolute fucking retard.
> Quit using the clearweb for things that need to be kept secure/private; Use TOR!
Yeah, no. The last time I tried the onion link, it refused to load unless JavaScript was enabled. Never allow JavaScript to run in TOR. It can reveal your actual IP address. Others have said it can expose what's in your clipboard. I don't know if I believe that, maybe.

9ccbfb7a No.3733119


I would expect nothing less from a literal crackhead.

File: 1708654698866.jpg (67.47 KB, 700x880, furry_radiation_exposure.jpg)

8124bce9 No.3732973[Reply]

I've just solved a problem of quantum mechanics, or more accurately; the relation of quantum mechanics with reality, assuming a simulation-theory universe.

Quantum superposition is not the state of a quantum particle existing in all states at once, but rather in none.

Quantum superposition may be a form of processor cycle conservation in a simulation universe. The simulation needs only to simulate that which we see/observe. If we are not observing, it needs only simulate the end result. Quantum superposition is a bug in which the end result is not simulated properly if the quantum particles causing the end result are not being fully simulated, to save processing power of the simulation.

395999df No.3733026

well, now you need to figure out how to manipulate the bug.

Not going to lie, you seem to be a shit scientist.

d54a2d3f No.3733032

but can you fuck it

fc283df5 No.3733050

File: 1708700718515.jpg (630.3 KB, 600x4883, skyrimdragonbornisnotajerk.jpg)

How do I access the Save and Reload feature?

File: 1708550570155-0.jpg (320.61 KB, 1280x882, 12f10facc701493309607bc5bf….jpg)

File: 1708550570155-1.jpg (2.29 MB, 2050x2560, Barasch-Avatar.jpg)

64a8c8fa No.3732901[Reply]

Have you ever stare at an artist's style and compare them to other animated television series stair at their faces eyes lips body etc. Ask yourself meh I gave up and turned them down unwatched them and find something new taste.

1ef33634 No.3732923

Never. Find a hobby that isn't jerking off.

3ef3291a No.3732957

so many artists who fell in to being awesome to just spamming YCH reminders forever. To the point where I delete them when they're doing it 15 times and basically spamming.

Marble Soda is a great example of an amazing artist who turned full YWH.

3ef3291a No.3732958

File: 1708631536436.jpg (41.7 KB, 531x531, Mammals-Raccoon-square-52c….jpg)

I never really saw the appeal of YCH's, I'm just a generic dude raccoon, other than not being a femboi I'm just grey white and black.

100% generic.

920df487 No.3732962


So many artist that said "Support me on Patreon, I'll be more productive if I don't have to worry about money and the stress of filling commissions every day"

*Artists After getting a patreon

Lets only make a couple images a month so people keep their sub going. And lets DMCA any site that hosts my Patreon stuff.

64a8c8fa No.3732963

File: 1708639117544-0.jpg (3.35 MB, 4230x3031, ValentinesDay2024_2_HD_u18….jpg)

File: 1708639117544-1.jpg (17.67 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 1708639117544-2.jpg (184.66 KB, 1140x570, Azula-Ty-Lee-Mai-Avatar-1.jpg)

Kmanicart/T-kay art style reminds me of Avatar Last Air Bender the faces just makes them uncanny for reasons ugh!

64a8c8fa No.3732964

File: 1708639351872-0.png (187.9 KB, 750x1110, 44c90a4dd681faa07b03492bbb….png)

File: 1708639351872-1.jpg (48.55 KB, 894x894, 41wDOk49oDL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

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Imagine Kmanicart/T-kay art were base on Avatar Last airbender series and ohh my god you lose you boner and stormed off mad.

File: 1576718829620-0.png (17.98 KB, 703x600, 1516848192768.png)

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File: 1576718829620-3.png (13.48 KB, 703x600, cheekibreeki.png)

File: 1576718829620-4.png (16.23 KB, 703x600, Katia headless.png)

fa276fe0 No.2038[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

found some old meme files of her.
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112f4df8 No.3716945

File: 1695522915807.png (407.2 KB, 800x682, 1yx9sW0.png)

2ff97e29 No.3721964

File: 1700155450354.png (104.48 KB, 1000x1000, Marksman action_pose black….png)

1d7b0126 No.3721976

File: 1700173799128.png (616.58 KB, 930x555, Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 1….png)

38615b48 No.3722912

File: 1701028292657.png (2.11 MB, 2048x1024, 1.png)

118e0921 No.3732858

File: 1708511513792.png (5.59 KB, 561x285, 91f8d872008e84dc2f6d55ee96….png)

d2803137 No.3732891

you need to stfu

118e0921 No.3732896

File: 1708547150252.png (115.99 KB, 570x850, 593ec99d1f8703dc605e9e2fb6….png)

You need to shove a pinapple up your ass!

File: 1708380338843.jpg (184.51 KB, 850x1275, 20162d6b55bce29d18724bc79e….jpg)

1bc25c19 No.3732755[Reply]

no ones going to comment on bierro dying, and karno lamenting his and sheps passing ? your all slipping .

e899f5d6 No.3732787

File: 1708398366606.jpg (168.65 KB, 935x455, right_here_bro.jpg)

There's a thread from three days ago right here: >>3732437.
Literally right next to this one on the catalogue before I posted this.

File: 1708398164879.jpeg (167.17 KB, 1440x750, IMG_0018.jpeg)

343f0f0c No.3732786[Reply]

I'm looking for an ep of the old 80's Inspector Gadget where he floats out of bed by a magician where he takes Gadget out the window while Gadget is still sleeping.

File: 1573846553090.jpg (945.68 KB, 1280x1280, 1572326847443.jpg)

485fac61 No.1274[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I wish we had this board instead
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fd08e118 No.3726873

File: 1703551994418-0.png (263.47 KB, 1024x1024, scug_skin.png)

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fd08e118 No.3726996

File: 1703663281570.jpg (489.97 KB, 1626x2442, movie night color.jpg)

9642b98e No.3730340

File: 1706378196859-0.png (931.03 KB, 768x512, 823A62209903C2650915D3028F….png)

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9642b98e No.3730361

File: 1706384362677-0.gif (569.58 KB, 1274x1277, adf6d13065b21188517160bfcf….gif)

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9642b98e No.3731285

File: 1707123750286.jpg (6.62 MB, 2560x3766, v9haeabchpgc1.jpg)

f93f7c27 No.3731519

File: 1707298135920.png (175.74 KB, 360x924, FluffyWolf.png)

9642b98e No.3732675

File: 1708305471933-0.png (1.23 MB, 1492x916, image.png)

File: 1708305471933-1.jpg (81.11 KB, 925x1280, Kangaroo16.jpg)

File: 1707967143215.jpg (133.15 KB, 700x1063, dynamite-comic-books-thund….jpg)

4f5f8657 No.3732290[Reply]

A comics publisher called "Dynamite" has started a new "Thundercats" comic.

I Like Cheetara's new look.
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b7de4b5f No.3732465

File: 1708116770755.png (330.72 KB, 525x398, Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1….png)

In the 1985 version of ThunderCats, the character is an elderly Snarf, whose real name is Osbert. However, he hates his real name but he couldn't tell why. Snarf's friends are Jaga, Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Wilykit, Wilykat and even Lion-O. Snarf served as a nursemaid and protector for Lion-O when he was a boy.[2] After Lion-O grew up, Snarf found that often Lion-O did not want to have him "mothering", or protecting him. Still, Snarf has remained loyal to Lion-O and the other ThunderCats. At times, he does come through in a pinch with an idea and takes action when it is needed. Even though not a fighter by skill or nature, Snarf is very agile. He also can communicate with other animals on Third Earth to enlist their help in his tasks, and once even tricked the Ancient Spirits of Evil into giving him a power up to become Snarf-Ra. Catch phrase "SNARF!" Often refers to himself in third person. His enemies are Mumm-Ra, Ancient Spirits of Evil, The Mutants, The Lunataks, The Berserkers, and Grune the Destroyer.

5c7ababb No.3732473


All the male characters are looking down/are made to look more scary, except snarf.

While the females are looking at you joyfully.

The image alone is making me wonder if it'll be a man hating woke show.

2ec1f4aa No.3732501

Thanks for the info, I did not know most of that.

I guess my main question is, SNARF is a different SPECIES than the other ThunDERcats, isn't he?
I mean, he can talk, he actually seems rather smart, so exactly what IS he, I was wondering?
He just doesn't look like the same species as the rest of them. Is he from the same planet that they are?

d56e5d2b No.3732504

Fuck off, racist!

2ec1f4aa No.3732509

What the fuck is wrong with you?

b5e1a08d No.3732516

It's either a bot or a stupid degenerate zionist/commie fleshbag, they're almost impossible to tell apart nowadays.

67e2186d No.3732524

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