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You messed with me~

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a64a9db6 No.3710808[Reply]

All kinds of Dragons. Straight/Gay/Anthro/Feral/Fucking/Vore
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47226ed0 No.3734490

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4bb83f5c No.3738361

File: 1713885520631.jpg (3.36 MB, 3456x4488, 1711500661151968.jpg)

Haha What if a dragon rubbed their feet on you wiener

Like as a joke

Wouldn't that be silly

c8fa17b9 No.3738576

File: 1714071505770.png (7.45 MB, 2247x3507, glasses derg1.png)

There's something very attractive about dragons wearing glasses

4be6000a No.3738694

File: 1714167555862.png (330.43 KB, 827x969, Remy_normal.png)

yeah, this is my dragon husbando

581b20c8 No.3738715

File: 1714186672333-0.png (459.66 KB, 1800x1000, 4904b4142298c2d6e5c9d5b31f….png)

Top tier husband material

4be6000a No.3738732

File: 1714219244679.jpg (93.12 KB, 708x800, 5271cc94c8f1a8c8661efbc98d….jpg)

he's a cutie~

240a3b41 No.3739131

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d6dfbde8 No.3707894[Reply]

Gay thread. Redux.
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6afd48b8 No.3734142

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f6bf28f6 No.3734164

Yes, he WILL be pooping from there today.
It will just be ALL OVER YOUR DICK instead of someplace else.

b141ec33 No.3734173

gah, I had a guy spray loose poop all over me once.

He didn't think it was an issue, but it was a serious issue.

e238e1a9 No.3734206

File: 1709861129866.jpg (65.65 KB, 624x462, CHANGE.jpg)

Thats nothing. Come back when you have experienced electrified diarrhea.

ac8ebf1b No.3734405

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28b80fb1 No.3734854

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0b87ad23 No.3739129

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3315ea8d No.3739021[Reply]

Just add a fleshlight and we're there!
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276c0d91 No.3739029

Scenario: tms is in charge of Boston Dynamics.

First order of business, we're gonna make Spot sexy. It needs to look like a sexy predator. See wolves, foxes, and hyenas for reference. And we're gonna equip it with a tail barbed with a hypodermic needle that injects Viagra! And give it a self-lubricating, silicone pussy! All the better to rape you with!

9ab5c0c6 No.3739037

File: 1714524527330.jpg (64.09 KB, 720x421, doc-sprocket1.jpg)

They were gonna name it 'Sprocket', but they didn't wanna get sued.

276c0d91 No.3739039

With a mouth that opens to a net launcher! There is no escape from your slippery, silicone fate!

c6c6e623 No.3739053

shark tits

c6c6e623 No.3739054

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bfce0564 No.3739061

Though boston dynamics good for certain goals, these goals do not include sex.
The current situation with zoo shadowbanning IRL is not that bad as with CP ban worldwide so it is a lot cheaper and better to buy a unspayed female husky for sex with you.

t. practicing huskyfucker

e2c2ec87 No.3739099

You're on to something, definitely one big conspiracy by the husky breeding establishment going on here. Better hope they don't track you down and silence you.

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a6d1e4c1 No.3738336[Reply]

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53d0e679 No.3738406

File: 1713916652644.png (2.1 MB, 1121x1435, lop667.png)


Its my first time ever seeing them. I obviously looked at them at first and went "This hoe is plastic surgery everywhere, the lips alone give it away"

And I felt some kind of oddness seeing them and felt like I really didn't like them by what they talked about. But I shrugged it off.

Because they were saying some based things. I was like, its some porn hoe thats doing the conservative woman act.

a6d1e4c1 No.3738542

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c281a73c No.3738955

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7d0a8a47 No.3738960

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There is not a second blaire.

Its about as stupid as when I made 30 Steams. Which was hilarious, but still stupid.

7d0a8a47 No.3738961

File: 1714469535152.jpg (103.74 KB, 850x850, 06c614303605977638e8705e74….jpg)

You have to admit though, the army of Steams was pretty hilarious.

7d0a8a47 No.3738962

File: 1714469700458.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1024, ce993b79ef341bbd7ce08611a2….png)

Biozar, 3B, and Fancy were responsible for that. I still found it pretty awesome.

3345aa29 No.3739024

my nut is trans

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b86a11e6 No.3738675[Reply]

What is your stance on cub being posted on /furi/?

I may make a containment thread if enough people really want it.
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3f2bf498 No.3738877

File: 1714375318476.png (1.24 MB, 947x842, 1713889567.carpetwurm_unti….png)

me posting now, I'm bi/asexual, but still a faggot. I may not be romantically inclined, but I still really enjoy some buttsex. Its just a lulz thing.

3f2bf498 No.3738878

File: 1714375400445.png (2.16 MB, 2100x1400, 1700508379.darkviolet_fang.png)

don't question my sexuality or my wording. I change randomly day to day.

ff0d2289 No.3738880

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Some cub images I approve and some I do not but still find lulzy. I do have dislikes but do not complain about it. I find reactions of the people who can't take it rather funny.

ca84141e No.3738913

> I don't see any drawbacks. OP can already axe his own thread for whatever reason; this just gives him a scalpel to go with the axe.
I do. In the case where OP won't or can't delete distracting spam, the neglected thread would fill with off topic crap. If someone else tries to create a replacement thread there will be objections. A moderator might interfere, saying a thread already exists, or some users of the old thread might still be comfortable with the original thread.

3b449792 No.3738919

Or you could end up with three different threads on every topic, for example:

Cub Thread – relaxed rules

Cub Thread Strict – no anti cub trolling

Cub Thread Super Strict – no off topic posts

917140d6 No.3738925

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I don't want that either.

03f29ffd No.3738987

What you're describing is just run-of-the-mill, petty foolishness that could just as easily arise under the current board configuration. In such cases involving multiple threads on the same topic (technically spam), it's within the scope of mod duties to step in and rectify the situation. This has happened before. For instance, there were two Nazi threads, so a mod stepped in and bump-locked one of them. "Crisis" defused.

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c39cd511 No.3738924[Reply]

Why is it that straight male furs in general seem to dislike black, especially African and other non-white women?!? You're obsessed with getting it on with every damn species of female furry you can imagine, but when it comes to real life humans you only go for the most "normal looking" white women or the most "white looking" non-whites.

You'd think furries would be obsessed with the most exotic and unusual looking human ethnicities they could find, and I don't see why not. They're the closest damn thing to anthros we got in real life, for God's sake!

I also think fantasy artists base non-human, "alien"/whatever creatures way too much on obviously white physical appearance. Maybe it's a lack of skill and familiarity with drawing any other ethnicities, but it's a bit disturbing when you think about it.

So ITT, let's celebrate the beauty and variety of the human species. Examples enclosed: Andamanese, Melanesian, Khoisan and two of Aborigines.
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878e4e74 No.3738929

File: 1714427843210.jpg (173.13 KB, 964x724, 02_02_hyenas-appearance-pr….jpg)

Because hyenas.

62379ee7 No.3738932

It's the same reason there are almost no monkey fursuiters and almost no furry artwork of them either.
There's a reason.
Think about it.

61664594 No.3738937

File: 1714438941099.jpg (37.12 KB, 435x538, North American Pavement Ap….jpg)

The American pavement ape female.

6d74e7e6 No.3738938


Because they are primitive-minded, ugly little mud people. There mere idea of doing anything with them, even shaking hands, give me pause and I would do it so long as a hand-washing station was handy afterwards or a decent sized bottle of hand-sanitizer. There is a natural aversion to touching anything RL your instincts tell you is unclean or inferior. You wanna stick your dick in a tar-souled half-monkey, thats on you. The rest of us will follow our instincts and keep our distance. You fault people for wanting a relationship with a fantasy animal woman and you are promoting a REAL relationship with something completely repugnant and a true beast of the field.

39f640dc No.3738945

It's not just furries bro…

9758c2cb No.3738947

Oprah off of her fat burners and without her makeup.

ee3cb66b No.3738948


No one wants to be a monkey, because its just a human with a tail.

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4b2d948f No.3738726[Reply]

This is a weird fetish, but can we get some pics of girls with mom paunch?

4b2d948f No.3738727

or guys, not really picky.

dceab0a2 No.3738761

uh you mean the chubby indention thing? yeah thats chubbiness in the prompt.

7b893c36 No.3738769

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4b2d948f No.3738779

there is a difference between chubby, and that belly moms get after they have a kid.

de8b5442 No.3738792

there is a neglible differnce and im being really picky about it

4b2d948f No.3738794

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maybe so, but technically correct, is the best correct. So I win by technicality, which the best way to win.

4ab38e73 No.3738940

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bddbab25 No.3712887[Reply]

/lit/ 2.0

Recommend literature, discuss literature, quotes from wherever. Philosophy. What do you consider recommended reading? For furries in particular? What are you reading now or the last thing you read? (besides tms shitposts)

Finished binge reading all the released Pack Street chapters the other day:


According to TV Tropes, "In 2023, Weaver announced Pack Street to be going on hiatus, possibly indefinitely, as a result of real life troubles relating to the people he wrote the story with."

That's a shame, because Pack Street is very compelling storytelling. TV Tropes also gives a good description:
>You know Zootopia? A Shining City of interspecies cooperation in a World of Funny Animals, where "anyone can be anything"? Well, there's a Wrong Side of the Tracks there, too, and if you didn't already know there were predator/prey tensions, that's where you'll find out.

Pack Street is in the same world as Zootopia; but the author created his own characters, and the story centers around them. The protagonist is a sheep, Remmy Cormo. Here's an excerpt of him at the local burger joint that uses bug meat, accompanied by his mates Ozzy the hyena and Wolter and Anneke the aardwolves:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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c0febe5b No.3725562

Well they changed the twist a little bit so that's cool. It was alright.

bddbab25 No.3731773

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If you read the /pol/ thread, you're just killing brain cells.

6bce6988 No.3732222

File: 1707911785575.jpg (7.4 MB, 4073x6000, 4ee3a8a04958f3606d1df02665….jpg)

I dirtea!

bddbab25 No.3735591

File: 1711313501677.jpg (319.9 KB, 1616x2475, The_Brothers_Karamazov.jpg)

That actually sounds pretty interesting. I've never read Dracula, but I've seen the movie starring Gary Oldman a bunch of times. One of my faves.

Started reading The Brothers Karamazov. I really like it so far. Excerpt:

He was then only twenty years old (his brother Ivan was in his twenty-fourth year, and their elder brother, Dmitri, was going on twenty-eight). First of all I announce that this young man, Alyosha, was not at all a fanatic, and, in my view at least, even not at all a mystic. I will give my full opinion beforehand: he was simply an early lover of mankind, and if he threw himself into the monastery path, it was only because it alone struck him at the time and presented him, so to speak, with an ideal way out for his soul struggling from the darkness of worldly wickedness towards the light of love. And this path struck him only because on it at that time he met a remarkable being, in his opinion, our famous monastery elder Zosima, to whom he became attached with all the ardent first love of his unquenchable heart. However, I do not deny that he was, at that time, already very strange, having been so even from the cradle. Incidentally, I have already mentioned that although he lost his mother in his fourth year, he remembered her afterwards all his life, her face, her caresses, “as if she were standing alive before me.” Such memories can be remembered (everyone knows this) even from an earlier age, even from the age of two, but they only emerge throughout one’s life as specks of light, as it were, against the darkness, as a corner torn from a huge picture, which has all faded and disappeared except for that little corner. That is exactly how it was with him: he remembered a quiet summer evening, an open window, the slanting rays of the setting sun (these slanting rays he remembered most of all), an icon in the corner of the room, a lighted oil-lamp in front of it, and before the icon, on her knees, his mother, sobbing as if in hysterics, with shrieks and cries, seizing him in her arms, hugging him so tightly that it hurt, and pleading for him to the Mother of God, holding him out from her embrace with both arms towards the icon, as if under the protection of the Mother of God … and suddenly a nurse rushes in and snatches him from her in fear. What a picture! [cont.]

bddbab25 No.3735593

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[cont.] Alyosha remembered his mother’s face, too, at that moment: he used to say that it was frenzied, but beautiful, as far as he could remember. But he rarely cared to confide this memory to anyone. In his childhood and youth he was not very effusive, not even very talkative, not from mistrust, not from shyness or sullen unsociability, but even quite the contrary, from something different, from some inner preoccupation, as it were, strictly personal, of no concern to others, but so important for him that because of it he would, as it were, forget others. But he did love people; he lived all his life, it seemed, with complete faith in people, and yet no one ever considered him either naive or a simpleton. There was something in him that told one, that convinced one (and it was so all his life afterwards) that he did not want to be a judge of men, that he would not take judgment upon himself and would not condemn anyone for anything. It seemed, even, that he accepted everything without the least condemnation, though often with deep sadness. Moreover, in this sense he even went so far that no one could either surprise or frighten him, and this even in his very early youth. Coming to his father in his twentieth year, precisely into that den of dirty iniquity, he, chaste and pure, would simply retire quietly when it was unbearable to watch, yet without the least expression of contempt or condemnation of anyone at all. His father, a former sponger and therefore touchy and easily offended, and who met him at first with sullen suspicion (“He’s too quiet,” he said, “and he reasons in himself too much”), soon ended up, nonetheless, in no more than two weeks, by hugging and kissing him terribly often, with drunken tears and tipsy sentimentality, true, but apparently having come to love him sincerely and deeply, more than such a man had, of course, ever managed to love anyone else.

8832ba96 No.3738871

File: 1714370466313.png (874.65 KB, 693x738, hehbooknoodle.png)

heh, Book noodle…

8832ba96 No.3738873

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f141fe6d No.3707280[Reply]

Wardrobe Malfunction
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3988ed6c No.3729112

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98f02d61 No.3730926

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dd4c8d00 No.3733198

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ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

8a03af17 No.3733373

File: 1708948918508.png (2.32 MB, 1200x1331, c29f482e1b1483d5c921ebf1d1….png)

Just hangin' out with a bud!
…hangin' out, lol, get it?
Do "intentional" wardrobe malfunctions count?

e4ae0de3 No.3733389

File: 1708978377006.gif (105.98 KB, 609x768, SHREDDER.GIF)

> Do "intentional" wardrobe malfunctions count?
I guess they must. IIRC, the popularity of the "wardrobe malfunction" phrase resulted from a stupid Superbowl halftime stunt featuring intentional nipple exposure.

ca74721f No.3736823

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d5bc2285 No.3738777

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f9a06e21 No.3723657[Reply]

Hey /furi/ especially you Steam. Have any of your do-it yourself projects gone wrong like these? If so, do please tell?


212fe333 No.3738682

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e662ee21 No.3738741

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

d5056fbd No.3738744

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