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File: 1700797438877.jpeg (181.52 KB, 1592x2047, F9ZpzZtW8AA8I3d.jpeg)

36d2ffa8 No.3722592[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I nominate Steam to become the next /furi/ mod.
All in favor, grab your balls and say "Aye"
97 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

02bb0f70 No.3723810

>>3723394 seriously. permanently commit yourself to a high security physc ward. We will all be safer.

475f5fc0 No.3723812

mmhmm ok turbovirgin

a8e265cc No.3723818

this board does not need any mods. Mods is contradictionary to freedom of speech, and this leads that board to becoming 4kuk-clone with jannied threads and boards.

If that board even needs a mod, the mod should be:
1. male
2. zoosexual activist

Only then threads will never get deleted and posts never get pruned because of an opinion.

a4ce0b63 No.3723829

File: 1701611450176.jpg (1.75 MB, 3200x2000, 6114340c7c5aa4aa988f83fd86….jpg)

I think that qualifies most of us

a46d47e4 No.3723916

File: 1701642255538.png (100.73 KB, 500x500, haha-sucks-to-be-you-man.png)

Oh look everyone! It's that lunatic moron again: >>3723812

4e99777a No.3723917

File: 1701642558025.png (500.53 KB, 701x394, prozzak - sucks to be you.png)

eea93d94 No.3723939

enjoy your vax you miserable cunt

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1535f71d No.3711735[Reply]

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5bb617c5 No.3721843

File: 1700047566713.png (2.86 MB, 1668x1140, 1658246816.klausd_16582468….png)

although personally I prefer geeky guys. Knowing more about scifi stuff, and fantasy is great, it just means more lore I can eat up. Plus I'm kinda mean looking, and act like an alpha, but I'm a big softy. That kinda turns some bullied guys on, gotta love fetishes.

I really don't like not being the smart one in a relationship though. Although, people who are smarter than me tend to be autistic anyways, which is also generally a deal breaker.

2ed82061 No.3721844

File: 1700055224987.jpeg (65.79 KB, 966x725, 1573240432590.jpeg)

2ed82061 No.3721852

File: 1700062059755.png (1.19 MB, 1218x796, Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 1….png)

I hope Labb Ratt's channel gets banned next.

55be7cc0 No.3721868

He's a tranny. It's only a matter of time before he gets cancelled or arrested for being a sex pest or kills himself. That's the only future possible for trannies.

2ed82061 No.3722098

File: 1700324771483.png (415.52 KB, 560x635, Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 1….png)

2ed82061 No.3722808

File: 1700914526333.jpg (96.13 KB, 1280x720, F80Za2IWMAAjfDL.jpg)

Taking bets on how long it takes Aufy to apply for this.

2ed82061 No.3723898

File: 1701626625809-0.png (543.44 KB, 803x569, Screenshot 2023-12-03 at 1….png)

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2e5493d0 No.3723825[Reply]

Infinitedge Thread
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2e5493d0 No.3723868

File: 1701613157147.png (1.76 MB, 2592x2160, Trial2.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723869

File: 1701613181622.png (1.77 MB, 2592x2160, Trial 3.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723870

File: 1701613210701.png (1.3 MB, 2592x2160, Trial_clear.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723871

File: 1701613231300.png (2.83 MB, 3506x2916, Snow_lep2.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723872

File: 1701613319657.png (738.68 KB, 1374x1304, Melody_service.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723874

File: 1701613374645.png (2.01 MB, 2592x2160, Speeder_tiger_Alt1.png)

2e5493d0 No.3723875

File: 1701613407533.png (1.92 MB, 2592x2160, Speeder_tiger_Alt2.png)

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56c95f6a No.3723695[Reply]

Hiel Hitle rmofuckas! Any White men here yo? How was be yo Now Nut November? I went all in btiches yo. I jerk it an jerk it andf damn ass jerk it! I jacked off ova 500 time! 502! New recerd! Masturbation is be very oure an shit yo! I whacked off ta strenthen White Power! se up 10 paira underwere an like 12 bottles a lotion yo. Jew is be mad cuz I jacke it so damn much! Whitre Powrert!

2bf03818 No.3723696

File: 1701525523036.jpg (89.38 KB, 794x1000, 61cDNM1dyzL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

I preferred SNOT TOBER.
It was more fun.

9d2851e6 No.3723704

Well, it truly is the apocalypse/lifting-of-the-veil. Here I thought SamFarber was a black guy believing himself to be white (lolcrazyguyright?), but there's a clearly white fist in that photo.

0fcbc9b4 No.3723706

File: 1701529579354.png (132.61 KB, 339x296, 230114_908223010.png)

File: 1701375198824.jpeg (811.61 KB, 1174x660, tribe-describes-planes[1].jpeg)

d674ef16 No.3723479[Reply]

Who do you think are the weirdest looking human ethnicity?

I say the Tsapanawa. They have weird monkey-like face shapes with no eyebrows, completely different from any other people who live nearby. They must have been extremely isolated and developed peculia traits.

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

dd924a5e No.3723538

jews bc they do weird shit like circumcision and they have a guy who sucks the blood out of babies dicks when they cut the foreskin off and also they hate everyone else and are super passive aggressive towards non jews.

c2f5921a No.3723566

Must be Judas bloodline.

9f24ee31 No.3723576

File: 1701452938036.jpg (273.5 KB, 1600x1200, P1020085.JPG)


31cdf211 No.3723584

File: 1701454175615-0.jpg (63.08 KB, 399x343, typical nigger 037.jpg)

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> Who do you think are the weirdest looking human ethnicity?
Niggers, if we agree to postulate that niggers are human.

7439120b No.3723613

lololololololololol true

6c1e7e84 No.3723618


Unlike Jews, i am racist and not very brights would have stayed in Africa but noooooooo , we just had to bring them everywhere!

Jews spread their vile genes and influence all over the planet quite uninvited,

35ab4f5c No.3723619

Jews ran the slave trade and every jew in the US prior to the civil war owned multiple slaves. They're the ones who brought them over.

The kike bankers Lehman Brothers got their start as cotton traders in fucking Alabama, not as bankers in Jew York

File: 1696484567544.jpg (76.43 KB, 1280x960, 1696471185557958.jpg)

7e464b3d No.3717959[Reply]

Best animal species to make a fursona with cute feet/paws?

0ca74ec1 No.3717962

File: 1696491981431.png (19.3 KB, 863x956, F6uaxY4WEAAicp-.png)

- bunnies
- squirrels
- raccoons
- possums
- bears
- fossas
- whatever

There is nothing wrong with having "inaccurate" pawa. Things such as toe number/shape, claws or lack thereof, pawpads, that's up to you.

Its your character, there are no rules. Go nuts. Don't let curmudgeons get you down.

0ca74ec1 No.3717963

c5927d55 No.3717968

>>There is nothing wrong with having "inaccurate" pawa.

Unless you are one of the fursuiters now going for extreme realism, where
not only must the fursuit paws match the species
they are representing perfectly and exactly,
but some even go so far as to personally find out what their favorite species' paws actually smell like,
and then try to find or duplicate that scent and then
lightly spray it on the fursuit feet.
Some just op to go with scents like fritos or hot buttered popcorn,
because the paws of a lot of species DO smell like that.
However, sometimes it's completely different
and not at all what you would expect.
For example, skunk feet smell like burnt rubber.
It's all in the name of realism.
I don't know what's next,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

1a096050 No.3717969

File: 1696522014643.png (4.12 MB, 4800x6000, primonyr-kris-tina-by-foxb….png)

+1 for opossums, because the fingerless glove look is underrated.

086748cc No.3717984

Do you wish you were a possum?

cc22f6b9 No.3718277

Cute art

10560a47 No.3723610

File: 1701461851750.png (193.62 KB, 481x484, Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 0….png)

File: 1688936314769.png (495.34 KB, 600x371, Baldurs_gate_3.png)

78674b18 No.3707980[Reply]

So people everywhere are talking about the new baldurs gate having bear fucking.

Aren't you happy?

147c34da No.3707999

What's that RPG where character stats included things like anal circumference and rolling to see if rape is successful?


13f98533 No.3708024

File: 1688957286870.jpg (98.16 KB, 715x155, AnusShadeDM.jpg)

Nice trips.

Did it also have anus shades?

8a89abbc No.3722360

File: 1700620582738-0.jpg (674.23 KB, 1280x1280, bc26a5853f5771fa9e9d5aacae….jpg)

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It used to be my favorite, but I have found the BRAVE browser to be vastly superior.
It has a host of features Firefox does not, and even lets you earn money for browsing that you would do anyway.
FireFox is STILL slow, and a memory hog!

d6f7a60b No.3722376

File: 1700633041501.png (1.23 MB, 850x1274, nipple_buffet.png)

being a memory hog is only a problem if you aren't like me and have 128gb of memory. Hog all you want, my computer is like an all you can eat RAM buffet at a strip club.

d6f7a60b No.3722377

File: 1700633327463.jpg (79.78 KB, 850x810, 57545e89a5e872725e2b133d73….jpg)

althrough there are times I run CCleaner and I'm like "wtf firefox, how did you get over 500k cookies?"

8a89abbc No.3723544

File: 1701426241662.jpg (458.54 KB, 1280x834, direct2.jpg)

The story of the strangest robbery ever, starting when a man walked into a bank with a bomb locked around his neck.
Once you start reading this, you won't be able to stop.
Incredible TRUE story, I remember reading about it with astonishment back in 2003 when it happened, and if you look up newspaper archives from that date you will see that IT REALLY HAPPENED.
Posting in this thread because I couldn't find one that was appropriate.


File: 1698806110580.png (690.41 KB, 900x1200, 454.png)

5f3c0f71 No.3720467[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

November Starts in a few hours.
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b756873e No.3723527

File: 1701396837089.jpg (1.23 MB, 1447x2047, 109612770_p0.jpg)

Bride of Christ? So DK is really a nun… This explains everything!

22890cbc No.3723528

File: 1701397900993.png (523.92 KB, 779x652, Pinkie554.png)


Bride of Christ sounds like an awful stripper name.

78f326f1 No.3723529

You're probably not as bad of a stripper as you think.

467e98ce No.3723530

File: 1701399160024.jpg (205.2 KB, 2000x2000, b5821c5399459f08cbcbc961ab….jpg)

22890cbc No.3723531

File: 1701401826430.png (1.33 MB, 2550x3300, x9.png)


I don't strip anything in this fucking freezing winter weather.

22890cbc No.3723535

File: 1701409868601-0.png (259.83 KB, 893x1024, Snapshot_6.png)

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Well you degens can start making love to your hands again if your east coast.

219aee2c No.3723536

File: 1701411304389-0.jpg (165.21 KB, 2150x942, a0dad04f89b1a19fe978b5e697….jpg)

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It's okay to be jealous of my hand, Deek.

File: 1701226695068.jpg (55.09 KB, 512x512, HarpoonRemovalCompany.jpg)

5596e23b No.3723239[Reply]

Harpoon Remova lCompany gets Harassed By FTM-Requests. "We don't want our POONS anymore" Complains several FTM Would Be's. We paid to have our poons removed by they never did!

The company cannot be reached for a statement at this time, having said officially they remove only harpoons and not alter or disfigure any poon wounds that may occur in nature.

5351a5e6 No.3723262


83b55cf8 No.3723265

File: 1701234400577.png (2.01 MB, 1024x1600, 1701219512038319.png)

Once you realize the peen is a lie.

5596e23b No.3723385

is that some sort of cringe toon i dont gett

e3d72446 No.3723489


tranny schoolshooter from some years ago.

That movie will shoot straight to the top….

What ??
too soon ???

File: 1701094153110-0.png (416.76 KB, 560x584, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 0….png)

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e74ad763 No.3723009[Reply]

BBC Doctor Who viewers vow 'never watching again' after 'woke' David Tennant pronoun scene


Doctor Who has left the ABC after nearly 60 years – and Russell T Davies knows some fans aren’t happy

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1e7f5a26 No.3723162

File: 1701191937990.png (556.78 KB, 1218x803, Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 1….png)

d2e51acd No.3723173

File: 1701197251988.jpg (93.15 KB, 500x709, 1945735h.jpg)

Is this the BBC you are all talking about?

1e7f5a26 No.3723190

File: 1701202962423.png (355.71 KB, 786x442, Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 1….png)

e49aced1 No.3723205

File: 1701211990179.gif (4.42 MB, 800x600, bbc.gif)

1e7f5a26 No.3723344

File: 1701277583700.png (416.08 KB, 701x394, Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 1….png)

Imagine how angry Star Wars fans would be if Darth Vader got the same "woke" treatment of not being able to have someone using assisted life support systems to be evil and they change the appearance of the character completely as they have done with Davros?

1e7f5a26 No.3723345


Doctor Who Ratings: Worst Of David Tennant’s Career

Tennant, Russell T Davies, and Catherine Tate have sold out the fans and they know exactly what they are doing.

83280c7d No.3723437

Doctor Who was always shit. Whatever woke shit the retarded fans of this shit franchise are complaining about is just one more turd on the giant steaming pile of shit that is Doctor Who.

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