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e04ba1a5 No.3716184[Reply]

Does anyone else find fursuits to be creepy? I love furry art, it's my number 1 fantasy, but fursuits seem to represent a bastardize version of that beautiful fantasy.

There's just something so lifeless in their looks.

When did the fandom become more associated with the fursuiters rather than the actual furry artists?
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be1d0431 No.3723301

File: 1701250461334.jpeg (127.82 KB, 1202x1235, F_kRaw7XIAAOkiw.jpeg)


I can't justify spending thousands or even tens of thousands on a luxury item I can't use every day. I'd sooner invest in a good scooter that can go on highways.

40d66319 No.3723393

File: 1701305116558.jpg (172.54 KB, 800x1200, 7a94443c4acdb36c4442f4b2a0….jpg)

6b237703 No.3723409

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9210662d No.3723543

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a77bd6c3 No.3724683

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a77bd6c3 No.3724685

Her face screams "help me!"

25fcf277 No.3730050

File: 1706178912568.jpg (166.44 KB, 1883x999, D6SmvPUVUAE8pzJ.jpg)

Creepy. It's being held upright by a metal stand behind it.

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360c6dd8 No.3720769[Reply]

Just look at that Jesus tattoo on the homosexual furries.
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01836aec No.3729483

File: 1705643007763.jpg (193.4 KB, 1280x960, furries did it.jpg)

> Now you know what you have to do; burn the house down! BURN 'EM ALL!!"

35c1de7b No.3729486

I tossed most of my horrific toys I was no longer using, just burn history away with fire.

Or in my case a dumpster a few towns over.

35c1de7b No.3729488

seriously, it took 3 bags just to support the horror.

737eb52f No.3729901

File: 1706014868843.jpg (42.59 KB, 510x600, Recipe21-Vodka-175-l.jpg)

Steam wrote:
>I tossed most of my horrific toys I was no longer using
And now you and your car license plate are on multiple videos as you placed them in the dumpster. The videos will live on the internet forever.

Descendants of your family will be thrilled to learn this.

35c1de7b No.3729961

File: 1706078625685.jpg (254.62 KB, 905x1280, 1617712607.vavacung_682-1.jpg)

I'm now a certified White Hat. All my real questionable material is just educational~ No need to look into this questionable material at all.

Also I recorded all my departures with my weird shit myself. No one cares if you have a bunch of dragon dildos you're tossing off at the recycling center.

Also no one cares that I used be one of the guys who started Anonymous now, I'm an asset.

Yay loop holes. I just need to toss that shit so it doesn't end up on my tomb stone.

35c1de7b No.3729964

Seriously I have a Ring system, that shit knows when I leave, who comes in, when it does and who and what does it, I'm not worried about some dumpster I might have to pay a fine for using.

No one will ever care, and I know when and where everything is being picked up. Plus I live on the river, I could easily just *woop* something in there old school and no one would blink an eye.

64dade2a No.3730021

the river go woop and my door go ring mmk buddy

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b313e2ca No.3707442[Reply]

The first christmas sale just came out. Time for a holiday thread~!
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527bb5c5 No.3726966

File: 1703635235233.jpg (2.12 MB, 1280x9261, 81fd743be2d58.jpg)

>>She's a bitch in every sense of the word, you'd have to be a masochist to get involved with her.

You mean like this?

38142750 No.3726984


Pretty much spot on, save my vision of her is more violent and far less accommodating.

9ef7baef No.3727040

File: 1703717858608-0.png (319.82 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 1….png)

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1ab0ab46 No.3727721

File: 1704339138621.jpg (1.93 MB, 2325x2383, 4844443_sumatsuki_illustra….jpg)

15640ddf No.3728552

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35aab7aa No.3729683

File: 1705772530956.png (862.68 KB, 2830x2108, kryxmastext.png)

207845dd No.3729685

File: 1705774088918-0.png (3.64 MB, 1614x2283, 1703528946.nelly63_нгрвпру….png)

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6e85cd03 No.3729557[Reply]


There was an app called Quickpic in the Apple store that hasn't been available since 2019 & did anyone installed it on their ipad?

05a05c20 No.3729559

File: 1705694401319.jpeg (493.29 KB, 2006x1662, Em5vdpaXIAMJxp4.jpeg)

>using anything Apple in 2024

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8138c6e6 No.3729484[Reply]

Who would be interested in a new Friday Night @ Lulz?

What mediums would you be interested in?

491cc8ba No.3729532

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8138c6e6 No.3729539

File: 1705654149631.png (898.37 KB, 1280x720, U28gXtk (1).png)

491cc8ba No.3729540

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8138c6e6 No.3729542

a plumber is a real honest job that can make a real living.

8a356514 No.3729545

File: 1705671081760.jpg (215.26 KB, 1000x1000, American_Anthem_Vodka_175_….jpg)

I don't know, it might be tolerable if I could get steady work installing plumbing in new houses as they are built. Having to go into stranger's homes and repairing grungy old plumbing does not appeal to me.

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f768e638 No.3729009[Reply]

Good god, its been a long while since I've posted or checked here frequently. Things actually look better than the shape I last saw it in. Lots of art threads - even if its AI, a massive improvement. Sorta miss this hive of scum & villainy, but at least I see the scum's had a good bit of scrubbing taken to it. 3B still hasn't given up his hopeless ways, I see.

So I was talking with some people the other night on some notorious individuals from the fandom's past since its been a while since I've tuned full attention in to any furry drama. A rather scandalous individual came to mind, but for a while his name escaped me.

Eventually, I remembered - Betawolf, or Sinister Taz/snistrtaz, and his whole massive blackmail scheme of getting artists to draw his public sub rape fantasies.

Kinda impressed how there's so little to go by these days - considering how much art he got made, he really knew how to vanish. This ancient post from Vivisector from back when the controversy was still fresh was all I could find about the guy.

Anyone else remember this guy or how it all went down?
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671574ab No.3729229

File: 1705396624907.png (374.45 KB, 531x398, Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 0….png)

3ced4f4d No.3729245


What is immoral is god made children able to get pregnant.

The horror of 10 years that is pregnant.

Course if you follow islam, fucking children is what your founder was all about.

c79179fc No.3729277

I think the Guinness Book of World Records lists the youngest known child to give birth was a little 5 year old girl in Africa. Figures.

And that was all-natural. with hormone shots you could probably reduce that age to 3 or even 2.

It would be so cute for a 3 year old asking mommy for a "Bortion".

In all likelihood a 3 year old would probably start playing with her aborted fetus like it was a toy doll or something.

74258e8f No.3729278

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Lobotomize yourself with a shotgun

5283c966 No.3729336


That can never erase the mental image OP´s post gave me…..

Think she will play dress-up with it ?

Maybe the Barbie outfits will fit it ?

A little stroll in the pink car…well you get it.

6dfe7855 No.3729368

File: 1705551638372.jpg (46.82 KB, 880x440, DWVdvGqWkAIsE4b.jpg)


Hey, that's ok. Thanks for getting back to me, but perhaps this change is for the better. I remember how it used to be, with thread after thread of anger and vitriol. I was a good part of it for a while, but I knew we couldn't keep it up forever. I have to admit though, I didn't think we'd try to leave it behind.

And quite frankly, look at this place, all this art everywhere, people actually giving a shit. I don't remember it being like this since……..well, long ago. AI Imagery generation's really coming along, ain't it. Finally, people's desires being well illustrated en masse at the click of some buttons. Huzzah!

In any case, the Kiwifarms link will do. Its not like I was trying to find the guy's commissioned art anyways, so I'll end my search with this and leave it at that.

38b0aba4 No.3729381

its really not that great

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438251a2 No.3728542[Reply]

Would you date a bitch that looks like this? Post ugly n i g g a bitches that are too hideous to date.
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a186e2a9 No.3728751

These sub-human chips really and truly are the afterbirth of the human race. While Whites were building the Parthenon and setting the foundation for republic style government and democracy, the fucking nig gers were eating each other and using the poop to partly build their squalid huts. They will NEVER be our equals. Humanity would have to stop evolving for 10,000 years for them to catch up to today.

1d0f5a7b No.3728789

File: 1705098937573.jpg (68.27 KB, 512x768, a18c50ce663d94e07ea1613553….jpg)

Every time you fuck a human, it just dilutes the gene pool. Fuck a dog and save lives from your shit genes.

a186e2a9 No.3728809


Sez the dog-fucker.

675b1cfb No.3728843

File: 1705153635579.png (1.13 MB, 1191x1684, 928d3d5f722b3ecac55eb2dec3….png)

man, i'd give anything to be able to impregnate my dog

a186e2a9 No.3729108


Happy Martin Luther Nig-ger Day! Today we celebrate the one mud-souled piece of shit who single-handedly destroyed the black community and core family. His actions lead to the creation of the welfare state for blacks, turning them from productive members of their communities and centered in the nuclear family to useless criminal social welfare parasites that decay and destroy everything they touch For sending the nig-gers into a death spiral of violence and poverty while kept on the leash of the state that penalizes them for being successful or married. Yes, I'm positive the nig-gers are so goddamn thankful for what he's done to them. I imagine if they knew then what they know today, it wouldn't have been a white guy that killed him.

47d81c2d No.3729111

The majority of blacks
seem to love being parasites
and criminals though.
I think that's most of the problem.
That and the low IQ's.

4544fccd No.3729166

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This guy likes to talk about how the welfare state destroyed african america.

How africans used to be model citizens that were hard working and like jazz. And how now they worship prison culture.

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12c9b7b3 No.3719839[Reply]

The CP has returned. Brace ye selves for we be facing choppy weather.
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eb73c6ad No.3728787

File: 1705097998708.png (1.63 MB, 1720x1215, 327d2940ceefc4ee0d4d9d67ef….png)

I can't save you every time.

0dfbc5c6 No.3728816

File: 1705119985802.png (117.5 KB, 500x481, 0083522900060.png)

Oh, is Steam-the-Liar claiming to be a moderator?

7d7b184f No.3728820

File: 1705122208643.jpg (147.36 KB, 1407x1038, butter.jpg)


Take your meds.

7d7b184f No.3728821

File: 1705122373520.jpg (96.41 KB, 1079x607, photo_2020-05-04_15-03-34.jpg)

Also please don't post human/animal contact due to US law making it illegal to post.

fe645424 No.3728826

you can thank Trump for that, retard pissbaby

eb73c6ad No.3728841

File: 1705153008557.png (672.53 KB, 1245x700, lulz's first logical state….png)

This is my thread and I pronounce Trump talkable. But only historically accurate and non-political talk.

Such as Trump is a white guy who bravely became orange, much like how Michael Jackson was a black guy who became white, as all black men should strive for. He was a true hero, orange or black, but preferably mostly white on the inside.

eb73c6ad No.3728842

File: 1705153194572.jpg (39.57 KB, 657x657, 0012569931_20.jpg)

Also fuck asians. They're just white people who look good in drag and extended periods in bath houses caused genetic adaptation to make their eyes all squinty, to avoid direct visual contact to genitalia. This is a scientific fact.

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c403903c No.3727920[Reply]

Just got back from my weird self imposed wilderness sabbatical, and look at all of you, just circular posting like I never left.

I've been out in the woods since November (rented an RV for a month), finished realigning my chakras (sleep cycle), and getting in touch with my inner-self (shooting stuff and catching things on fire), gave up that psychology bs to go back and pursue some more degrees in real science shit that I'm actually good at… and fuck me if all my new classes aren't night and evening classes. Fuck my efforts I guess.

Also I'm on Anabuse now, so drunk steam is dead. I figured it was time I started working towards getting a real career, doing something I actually like doing, with a real company… rather than just drunkenly being an extremely shady cash only contractor who dips out the second anyone even whispers "invoice" or "taxable income" in my presence. I mean the new company might be my own again, but this time it will be at least registered, and I'll finally get some letters before my name. Yay GI Bill, I finally got upgraded from "general under honorable circumstances" to "full honorable," especially since I extinguished my Voc Rehab becoming the worst misanthropic psychologist ever.

I missed talking about myself sooo much.
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6a61382e No.3728272

File: 1704762739068.jpg (15.6 KB, 587x400, Caliber-Vodka-175-l_2.jpg)

> I've been locked in enough institutions to justify that
That's one of the more believable things Steam has ever posted. :)

c403903c No.3728292

File: 1704767751800.jpg (80.25 KB, 1000x1414, 46cceda1b4e8dd980007c5404d….jpg)

well when I say locked I mean, obliged to stay. I've never been locked in a place without my consent.

Well except one time that I was given heavily implied ramifications to stay or face unspecified yet very clear and obvious implications to my disagreement otherwise.

But on paper it looks all the same.

Anyone who knows me even a little knows I'm not really dangerous. I just come with a few easy to follow warnings that no one ever bothers to read.

I'm like the Tide Pods of danger. Very easy to avoid, yet for some reason constantly ingested.

3c20ef69 No.3728328

File: 1704791213066.png (355.44 KB, 1000x1000, Smirnoff-Vodka-175-l_1.png)

> I'm like the Tide Pods of danger. Very easy to avoid, yet for some reason constantly ingested
Are the Steam Tide Pods of danger most often ingested orally or anally?

c403903c No.3728342

File: 1704819159028.jpg (7.78 KB, 227x222, Untitled.jpg)

4b1b4f3c No.3728829

Sexy raccoon muzzle. I hope he is a male and has smelly feet.

Post more of him.

4b1b4f3c No.3728830

This all pee should come in my mouth before I lick her cookie to clean it up.

bb32f540 No.3728837

Have you checked the Raccoon Thread
and the Paws & Feet Thread lately?
Some good stuff posted in there
the last few weeks!

You might like this one especially well!

File: 1704964476454.png (481.04 KB, 996x1080, 1698324245.letodoesart_ric….png)

af4468f6 No.3728616[Reply]

Turns out just randomly getting letters behind my name is super expensive. I'm almost broke, do you know what its like being almost poor. Its worse than being almost rich.

I had to sell a Corvette. Those things don't grow on trees. They grow on bitcoin investments.
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af4468f6 No.3728655

File: 1704994694637.jpg (66.76 KB, 700x422, insane-v8-fiero-e146291525….jpg)

want to tow an RV, that bitch car has an iron duke engine, tow that shit. Your car is now an expandable house.

Guys say fieros can't have a v16, you have money fuck northstars, put a jet engine on that bitch.

af4468f6 No.3728656

File: 1704994931092.jpg (159.37 KB, 1024x768, Fiero1.jpg)

fuck noise, float around North Korea as a fiero hover craft with doors that defy physics.

What are police going to say? No? You're in North Korea, fuck police, and fuck doors.

af4468f6 No.3728657

File: 1704995229305.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, legal_in_florida.png)

Now you live on the moon, your engine is in the back so fuck logic, you stretch out and get a moon tan, because police don't live on the moon.

af4468f6 No.3728658

File: 1704995442981.png (328.39 KB, 973x720, elon_musk_from_wvf.png)

also bitches don't live on the moon, so you don't have sex and you're in your mid 30's.

But fuck it, your headlights shoot lasers now.

af4468f6 No.3728660

File: 1704996159026.jpg (81.98 KB, 800x800, tumblr_piyomgF0VI1qc25c8o1….jpg)

Doesn't make sense? Screw that sense bs. You're wizard driving a laser space fiero. Don't fuck women, have space boyfriend sex with space animal boyfriends. With explosions.

af4468f6 No.3728661

Also you don't a a Fiero anymore, so you pop in the vacuum of space thinking about your Charger back on earth.

af4468f6 No.3728662

Spoiler, wizards don't have space magic… or lasers.

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