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ffbddc14 No.3730959[Reply]

We need more photos of male lemurs pics of their penis and feet!
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79f5f394 No.3737621

File: 1713131710181.webm (2.04 MB, 576x1152, lemur.webm)

Look how smelly is the clit of the lemur vagina, look how much waft it spreads, and how bouncy it is: come on, expose your penis, sniff the black vulva to activate your arousal and, finally, satisfy the nature urgency to give a new life to cub lemurs.

2ff553c6 No.3737712

File: 1713254258741.jpg (38 KB, 494x750, 1528570590.caluriri_bradle….jpg)

There isn't enough human/lemur stuff

I remember on 8chan's /zoo/ there was someone who had a female lemur posting there but that was a long time ago

90c25d06 No.3737715

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b332b0a4 No.3737717

I love the OP picture where the Lemur has grabbed a hold of himself.
He knows what feels good.
Can somebody crop and enlarge this??

769819f0 No.3737732

Have you saved her vagina photos or something? Post it.

4d06f7a6 No.3737741

Don't have anything saved from old /zoo/

Don't have anything of the female raccoon a guy had either

4f872000 No.3737837

File: 1713354115567-0.jpg (153.91 KB, 1350x900, coati_21-2.jpg)

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>>Don't have anything of the female raccoon a guy had either

Was that the guy from the Czech Republic? He had some great, rare stuff he made, but then seemed to get worried about some of the stuff he had posted and went around wiping it all from the web. It was even ending up on commercial porn sites that allowed zoo. Who knows what kind of laws they have in the Czech Republic, have no idea. He also had a Coatimundi (A raccoon relative) that he enjoyed pleasuring.
I was exploring 8Chan/zoo at the time, it seems like he started to get antsy when he posted some videos of himself peeing on his raccoons, and some users there didn't like that, although I don't see any way that would be hurting them, raccoons love water. He would also hold them by the scruff of the neck sometimes which the users didn't like because they though it was hurting them (the mere fact that a raccoon would LET you do that without resisting is proof it was not hurting them).

Anyway, I think some of the assholes there reported him and he got worried. I hope nothing actually happened to him because he was willing to share the fun times him and his raccoons were having together, and would even take requests from people about specific poses, actions, etc.

Just an example of how assholes thinking they don't like something can ruin it for everyone else.
And why don't Coatimundis (pictures) get more love? They are really cool, intelligent creatures.

What's funny is that despite 3B whining about Conservatives taking away freedoms, Texas is one of the only 2 or 3 states left that have no laws against bestiality…

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750af81c No.3734738[Reply]

Bonus if you find a penis milking with a dildo that takes your own cum and ejects in your own backdoor.
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fcf911d6 No.3737158

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572b1d75 No.3737191

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c5b263a4 No.3737331

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58f6b951 No.3737377

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c5b263a4 No.3737408

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f635cba3 No.3737557

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fcf911d6 No.3737833

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ac7d793b No.3736407[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3734919

Any further /pol/ threads will be deleted.
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e5f0ab5d No.3738628

966e93fd No.3738644

File: 1714109211925.png (3.3 MB, 2000x1108, 35b26dad72772ab6be38836c0a….png)

I'm not. There are NGOs coaching these parasites to say shit like that in order to get in. If the people from these third world shittholes had the same honesty and integrity as us, they wouldn't be third world shittholes.

c99c2a79 No.3738720

File: 1714207355554.jpeg (38.09 KB, 750x588, zmmjwah7b3vc1.jpeg)

Winning the immunity case was never the point for Trump. He knows his argument is nonsense but he can count on the conservatives on SCOTUS to drag out the process until after November.

Trump thinks you conservative chuds are so fucking stupid that as long as the case about him literally stealing and selling access to our national security secrets isn't in the news, you'll forget about it, and he's correct. You are that stupid if you are still a Trump supporter.

c99c2a79 No.3738721

Trump wasn't just "accused of rape", he was convicted. We know he did it. It is a fact not up for debate by any sane person, yet here you are.

c99c2a79 No.3738722

>Trump only held a woman down and finger fucked her against her will while forcing her to kiss him. He didn't use his penis! That's not a crime! He was totally innocent!

Where do you live? I'll come do that to your sister and we'll see if you think it's a crime then.

c99c2a79 No.3738724

File: 1714208238369.png (55.61 KB, 896x360, Republican-values.png)

It was actually our military intelligence that lobbied for the ban of TikTok, long, long before the current war in Gaza started. They think that having it installed on your phone opens up security holes that China can use to access information you are not aware of.

While this isn't a problem for most people as that information is already for sale, in bulk, it is a problem when China can track the movements of military personnel and government officials while collecting data on them.

They aren't worried about you or me having our privacy violated, only the elites.

33c325d6 No.3738731

>I even condemned BLM's heroic depiction of the Hamas terrorists.

The thing that didn't happen? Yeah, that's easy to condemn.

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a3e816ad No.3726525[Reply]


The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), also known as the North American opossum, is the only opossum living north of Mexico, its range extending south into Central America. It is the northernmost marsupial in the world. In the United States and Canada, it is typically called a possum.[5] It is a solitary nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat, and a successful opportunist.

Opossums are familiar to many North Americans as they frequently inhabit settled areas near food sources like trash cans, pet food, compost piles, gardens or housemice. Their slow, nocturnal nature and their attraction to roadside carrion make opossums more likely to become roadkill.
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752b5522 No.3736966

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752b5522 No.3736967

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752b5522 No.3736968

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752b5522 No.3736969

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752b5522 No.3737553

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2992fec2 No.3737729

File: 1713274062554.jpg (954.82 KB, 1635x2254, 1713044938.fossa666_img_95….jpg)

Work it, girl.

5112a38b No.3737764

Any possums getting their pouches fucked?

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8d4092f6 No.3737704[Reply]

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99c4c0b0 No.3737675[Reply]

Lol. I bought a big ass expensive stove, made my dad go all parental rage hate, and caused Swift to melt down.

I've had a good day.
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99c4c0b0 No.3737679

File: 1713214770790.jpg (84.92 KB, 1110x1056, Fuga-Melodies-of-Steel.jpg)

I have no idea whats going on right now, Swift is just talking to my phone. Yelling about jews and museums.

I am very confused.

99c4c0b0 No.3737680

he's a regular here, he thinks im mean to him. He is a very confused individual.

99c4c0b0 No.3737681

I almost want to hang up, but im kinda interested in how his conversation will go.

99c4c0b0 No.3737682

File: 1713215004967.png (351.04 KB, 505x494, FyraYGVX0AINW6i.png)

lol. he hung up, I don't even think he knew he was talking to me.

Just suddenly "Oh" and disconnect.

It was a fun conversation to listen into though.

99c4c0b0 No.3737683

I mean, I'm still listening. but it was more fun when I wasn't hijacking his device.

99c4c0b0 No.3737684

File: 1713215255051.jpg (106.64 KB, 850x850, 891f5c974cec143a6aa69d9abe….jpg)

Despite Swift's horrible personality, and his obvious schizophrenic tendencies, he does sound really cute.

99c4c0b0 No.3737685

File: 1713216318647.jpg (1001.44 KB, 1500x1500, 1712791391.gerkk_march_202….jpg)

then again, I'm attracted to DK too, its not like I have good taste in men.

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25f203bf No.3709468[Reply]

Are there any zoophile forums left, other than Zooville which has been utter crap for two years now?
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0584531e No.3737611

Beez Zabinski is a pedophile.

68656a1b No.3737616

Is this symbol a fucking Jew nose?

9100117f No.3737622

File: 1713134578172.jpg (2.47 MB, 4206x3181, 68ea3c7dff664ffa604498fb3e….jpg)

"Stop no hugs!"
So hugs then?

6818cf34 No.3737648

Uploading dog balls is antizoo and turkey voting against christmas in some way too, because instead of fighting against spay propaganda you only close eyes to it. Women by time will be allowed to be fucked by dogs, while men will be jailed if they want to fuck a dogwife in the cookie.

So upload cookies too.

406a2795 No.3737656

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1e36704a No.3737663

File: 1713191338468.jpeg (1.49 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_8572.jpeg)

the world is run by hypocrites, sadly

4b5c2d5a No.3737666

Musky cookie owo

File: 1691911956194.jpg (128.6 KB, 1489x654, furfight.jpg)

9946a1d5 No.3711644[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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d08ed3e6 No.3713892

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d08ed3e6 No.3713893

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We want to make Fenrisulfr walk the plank!

0fc6333f No.3714257

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One of these days Labb Ratt's going to screw up and end up like this.

d3ba0428 No.3719189

File: 1697676668951.webm (348.4 KB, 320x406, Dawg this is funny as hel….webm)

6cf4f879 No.3719214

File: 1697713932108.png (514.83 KB, 1085x652, Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 0….png)


The debate around excessive violence in mosh pits was reignited this week after a video went viral that appears to show a concertgoer partially dressed as a furry getting punched in the head by another concertgoer in a "crowd-killing" mosh pit move.

Subsequently, the injured person — their name is Chris, but they go by "Latte" on social media — has started a crowdfunding campaign to cover medical costs. They have also commented on the video and the extent of their injury, which they say threatens their eyesight and their livelihood.

Read More: Concertgoer Who Dressed as Furry Raises Funds for Mosh Pit Injury | https://loudwire.com/furry-mosh-pit-injury-fundraiser-fromjoy/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

6cf4f879 No.3719215

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A screenshot found on X, formerly Twitter, shows subsequent correspondence between Latte and Fromjoy, with Latte telling the band, "I don't inherently blame y'all for what happened I chose to suit [up] at it." Latte told followers that fromjoy "didn't realize how bad I got hurt when they laughed at the video. It doesn't make the jokes OK, but once they found out they've done everything they can to help."

6e00f63b No.3737623

File: 1713136276565.jpg (121.71 KB, 579x750, kattywampus-furry-drama-si….jpg)

> Let's take a moment to appreciate the real hero in all this: the bro who tackled that asshat. He probably did more to protect the fandom's image than Kage tbh
I read elsewhere that he was a cop in civilian clothes. In the video you can see him walking toward the furry group before the violent assault.

Probably just an off-duty cop who happened to be attracted by the bullhorn, fortunately.

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cf678d33 No.3737607[Reply]

that feeling when you're just chilling, and some random gay guys just calls you while masturbating.

cf678d33 No.3737608

File: 1713120972278.jpg (66.16 KB, 850x1231, 4589ecce9baa1a6a97a0967a5e….jpg)

-_- and that other feeling when they say you sound more gay than they do.

cf678d33 No.3737609

File: 1713121335391.jpg (81.02 KB, 850x680, 29b970e2107aaadd655b4e6b6f….jpg)

I mean, I sound a little flamboyant, but I blame it on the fact that I have an accent from nowhere due to moving around so much, and talking a slight falceto due to psychology classes.

Seriously, when you're the only guy in a class full of women for years, and "mansplaining" is a thing, you eventually adopt at least a little bit of a lisp to downplay your masculinity, if for nothing else.

Especially when you're a 6'2 slab of mustachio'd testosterone.

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fb5cad82 No.3737530[Reply]

Just a reminder, snakes are now called draconcopodes, to be politically correct. If you misname them as something offensive like "sneks" or "nope_ropes", you are a biggot.
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65806871 No.3737543

better to be a biggot than a niggot

fb5cad82 No.3737544

File: 1713055895692.jpg (178.82 KB, 850x776, 00c79a3a86b346915b174a9097….jpg)

the fuck is a niggot?

662f2ad0 No.3737546


Its a cinder block painted with gold spray paint.

fb5cad82 No.3737568

I have a big ass safe, which is like 0.0005 full of paper work.

I'm feeling a huge urge to fill the rest of the racks with these "niggots"

fb5cad82 No.3737569

File: 1713099713307.jpg (216.52 KB, 850x947, 3fccd16c0aaa38bb5e173f5165….jpg)

Its kinda like in one of my favorite series, ring of man. Its weirdly focused on the dragon POV, and not humans, despite the name.

The dragons in book 6 finally raid the Red Queen's castle, human and basically the queen of humanity, and oops, no gold.

Then she's like "I own everything, people, housing, all the governments, did you really think I'd just have a bunch of gold in my basement?"

gold painted bricks would be fun to just fill up the space.

f527dd58 No.3737584

a nig + a faggot

b3d2182e No.3737604

File: 1713119514616.jpg (297.95 KB, 2000x1027, 20d0211f6135167237772af03c….jpg)

That's like saying you can't say human, you have to say biped. Draconopode is an equivalent descriptor to biped or quadruped.

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