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You messed with me~

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cbeac1e3 No.3738432[Reply]

Sadly yesterday evening, on the 20th of April, unknown people broke into my car and stole the entirety of my Pancan suit, Kio! If you see him anywhere, please hit me up IMMEDIATELY!!! It'd also help a lot if you could pread the word about this incident, thank you ❤️
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

0ac9caaa No.3738463


Wrong. I am masturbating wearing the suit right here and now…I´m….I´m….mastubaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR….

Fuuuck yeah!

05a687b0 No.3738473

what the fuck is a pancan

78550afe No.3738474

It's now in the trashcan, where it belongs.

2c9f7d14 No.3738475

Post some pics of you stuffing it with straw and cotton and jizz on it.

c5d93d40 No.3738476

File: 1713996535096.jpg (111.29 KB, 640x625, e99e19177d55ec8d68868b02e5….jpg)

Hybrid of a red panda and a toucan. Had to look it up. Pancreatic cancer confounded my query.

05a687b0 No.3738477

just an owl with a tail, birdfolk are the most retarded out of the entire community

05a687b0 No.3738478

i get some disturbing confounding shit all the time just look up Gist to get Scripts off google and get instantly buzzkilled

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29272134 No.3707302[Reply]

Bondage thread.
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de0fe6a7 No.3735222

File: 1711009078876.png (488.33 KB, 512x512, 99a7a13e94d22ceaa1f42c2e49….png)

c45887b9 No.3735327

File: 1711111529100.jpg (150.41 KB, 1041x1280, 55ef11dd69c65d55c5af6518bf….jpg)

a00895cc No.3736515

File: 1711957780948.jpg (175.67 KB, 900x1114, 511d240a9fa0afc6891c02f3cf….jpg)

dcfedffb No.3736636

File: 1712208611377.png (59.89 KB, 552x720, FoxSlave.png)

83a2d426 No.3737189

File: 1712650152837-0.png (114.2 KB, 810x659, 1421738399.darkhoof_likead….png)

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9f16df8f No.3737540

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d8098c4f No.3738462

File: 1713988772976-0.png (343.8 KB, 831x641, 1277788804.darkhoof_cumabi….png)

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bc781359 No.3707416[Reply]

Maybe someone will like this besides me. I'll go through my collection at some point so I can easily find my favorites.

Phoneposting sucks.
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66b1c981 No.3735674

File: 1711402099246.jpg (247.63 KB, 1280x1093, 4808f36c4562350f2244b69153….jpg)

4eac406d No.3736638

File: 1712209092777.jpg (220.41 KB, 800x746, Caroo__worshiped&tickled.jpg)

d3e21314 No.3736874

File: 1712391990428.png (126.32 KB, 660x463, 1273040901.darkhoof_mercyf….png)

cc1a8689 No.3737250

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cc1a8689 No.3737412

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cc1a8689 No.3737551

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cc1a8689 No.3738409

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65c9601c No.3708773[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We are hungry feed us!
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c1d26bd7 No.3738229

its a local thing, I have an enormously long record of doing heinous things in my area. None of which are true. If even 1% of them were, I'd have served a significant jail sentence.

I get along just fine when I'm out of my area.

I mainly drink because I have to avoid the townsfolk, and it is incredibly boring being sober. If I go outside before nightfall, I usually get arrested immidately.

c1d26bd7 No.3738230

its pretty much common knowledge that I'm behind just about any crime that happens in my town. The common knowledge is incorrect, but as long as I stay locked in my house, I avoid harassment.

c1d26bd7 No.3738231

hell, I don't even take my dog out for a walk without wearing a body cam.

c327e133 No.3738233

File: 1713756121345.png (420.77 KB, 761x588, Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 2….png)

c1d26bd7 No.3738236

File: 1713759530059.png (132.22 KB, 400x900, Mr._Katz.png)

can't say I've ever been before a mob of pichforks and torches, but its not far off.


c1d26bd7 No.3738237

File: 1713760599754.jpg (51.72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

sometimes an endless sea of hateful glares are just as bad.

8104a384 No.3738374


your neurosis are slowly gaining the upper hand..Mkay…

Chill dude…Do pot. Try yoga. Plant a tree

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74eaa56d No.3707985[Reply]

A thread for invitingly decorated characters.

Jewels, gems, necklaces, rings.
Chains, studs, piercings, and bling.
Bracelets, chokers, the whole harem thing.
But please, no piece of effective clothing.
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55d707c3 No.3736640

File: 1712210589916.jpg (57.33 KB, 576x768, 0155510505a6ba5f8ca720fb6f….jpg)

859ef388 No.3737211

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edce7759 No.3737518

d1de110e No.3737989

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859ef388 No.3738121

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aaaa0a1b No.3738352

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b93d86b0 No.3738371

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I think prefer NeuroManson's shaded monochrome art over the colored versions.

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23b00730 No.3737900[Reply]

Found by the luck ones, Turn to page 77 found an envelope and hide it in pocket and goes to the bathroom to open it and I found a hundred dollar. - Thank you mystery student
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23b00730 No.3738017

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It's 1990's and you'll find these

23b00730 No.3738019

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Bad toxic parents, Sheltered children and trapped with parents who are yelling in traffic with kids driving in a car and the american education system of the 1990 are the culprit.

23b00730 No.3738020

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23b00730 No.3738323

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ae730cf7 No.3738367

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If it's your own copy, do it up. However, I vehemently condemn library book vandalism. I'm very careful with books. I recognized the first pic featuring Patrick Star searching thread-relevant content. The pics following it are my copy of a different edition of the same book. This was one of my most used books, and the most damage it sustained was the bottom of the cover got scuffed up some sliding around in my backpack. Even highlighting passages in books irks me.

a658104b No.3738369

My own technical books accumulate lots of helpful marginalia. I'd never think of marking them with anything trivial, however.

ae730cf7 No.3738370

That's perfectly reasonable. I've never done it to a book, but one of my professors handed out a print-out on central forces that had a bunch of errors I discovered and corrected as I read through.

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423bb5cc No.3737617[Reply]

Someone stop this fucknut.
+1 650-204-0821
Dec 11, 1992 (31 years old)
"Don't come home alive, we are going back to where it was…"
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4623db14 No.3737978


No, this is a total fucking slut who has absolutely no self-respect or dignity as a woman.

6de39539 No.3737979


she do got a booty. any better views of her bootyhole?

43f51715 No.3737987

File: 1713523939965.jpg (87.5 KB, 600x1003, 20201024_012331.jpg)


I'm mildly curious. What insanity lies in the voice clips and chats?

423bb5cc No.3738310

be more curious of what lies in his dirty needle. he's obviously injecting air

423bb5cc No.3738311

lol you paid for telegram premium.

423bb5cc No.3738312

-shows mix picture of needle in arm-
-tries to talk him out of drugs"
'mix is spamming me'

54c432df No.3738321

File: 1713819353245.gif (2.31 MB, 498x370, drugs-are-bad-mkay.gif)

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82fafde0 No.3711123[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For those of us with a kink for announcing the last thing we masturbated to. Alternatively, a place for discovering new NSFW art and artists.
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525d11d1 No.3733230


How is an apple shoved up your ass, gay sex?

e308245f No.3733231

also after I saw it, all my audio equipment which are pretty big, just shit out. My headphones, my earbuds, my UPS batteries everything just stopped being able to charge past 5%.

It was a mess.

e308245f No.3733232

painful, then a rush.

Why? Everyone know my asshole is a black hole

200d0cab No.3733238

i guess that is what happens when you advertise all the shit you are up to that someone in charge of those goods sabotaged them in some way, there are valid explanations for the lack of reliability in technical products just because technology is actually from china and shit too. so it breaks. and you gooning around with electrical equipment isn't helping the durability of them either.

9c3faf96 No.3733325

File: 1708895169252.png (553.13 KB, 600x600, 20240225_155520_IMAGE_Cand….png)

How long ago did this happen?

45c8069b No.3738245

File: 1713786297372.png (1.82 MB, 1116x1666, gay67643443.png)

8f32dcd2 No.3738306

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1390f570 No.3738203[Reply]

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5cb9c616 No.3727687[Reply]

Moxxie Thread
Imp Ass
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44b029bd No.3729774

44b029bd No.3729775

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44b029bd No.3729776

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44b029bd No.3729777

File: 1705861078771.png (1013.57 KB, 850x968, brib.png)


8902b849 No.3731022

File: 1706966782695.jpg (625.88 KB, 3333x2500, 96f44a47a48a310d0cf95d1ba4….jpg)

aeaaba15 No.3731706

File: 1707448035881.jpg (693 KB, 2000x2000, b304dc5c02c7938e683ae06171….jpg)

26db79c3 No.3738196

File: 1713725263511.png (659.22 KB, 920x1380, 4999339_InProgress_ass_amo….png)

> Imp Ass

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