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You messed with me~

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cc4bb2d6 No.3708145[Reply]

Rats and mice are nice
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4db44025 No.3735615

File: 1711340179876-0.jpg (1.48 MB, 1710x2556, 1615142241.vuko-jebina_3-4….jpg)

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4db44025 No.3735616

File: 1711340216096-0.webm (282.97 KB, 480x480, 735075a01bbc6c94dce221a84….webm)

12ba8a8a No.3735828

File: 1711569166275.webm (7.26 MB, 854x480, hero_rats.webm)

55620417 No.3736117

File: 1711677453401.png (734.28 KB, 1200x705, 667b88900814ab992780836ac3….png)


12ba8a8a No.3737212

File: 1712673536487-0.png (3.39 MB, 2214x1664, 1710430176.garbagegarage_s….png)

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61ebda55 No.3738295

File: 1713798248597.png (286.97 KB, 1000x663, 50a76c312171f4034831b79e8e….png)

801525b6 No.3739117

File: 1714620467020.webm (2.31 MB, 1280x720, f0441c78ed999a85ac31e7469….webm)

File: 1689281176447.jpg (32.2 KB, 432x576, 1580103023358.jpg)

26cfffdf No.3708545[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post up them sexy wolfs, you know the hottest female wolfess
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8612a61a No.3735821

File: 1711557276745.jpg (691.86 KB, 663x1000, 1690226060.red-dog_painted….jpg)

Take your mental illness to another thread please. This is about hot wolf chicks.

c22db516 No.3735823

File: 1711558049832.png (1.92 MB, 1306x963, awoo.png)

my mental illness drags behind me like a half pinched off log.

Have some wolf girls though. Bestiality is called that because it is the best iality.

c22db516 No.3735824

File: 1711558225836.gif (5.89 MB, 1745x1294, 3cce881b728459d55f63f7e091….gif)

c22db516 No.3735825

File: 1711558272524.gif (4.01 MB, 1164x1600, 1711482171.dimwitdog_hanax….gif)

d2caf1bf No.3736502

File: 1711954825579.jpg (130.33 KB, 730x1000, 7382b2267e81779772f1b4f68c….jpg)

43bedb90 No.3739060

File: 1714558628385-0.jpg (987.06 KB, 1344x1728, luna vore.jpg)

File: 1714558628385-1.jpg (1.75 MB, 1979x2560, image.jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3739106

File: 1714600654157.png (5.02 MB, 4096x3013, 0afdd03594b8c632e9b4f5f817….png)

hot maw shot

File: 1714495277763.jpg (43.84 KB, 650x350, 3396[1].jpg)

3315ea8d No.3739021[Reply]

Just add a fleshlight and we're there!
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

276c0d91 No.3739029

Scenario: tms is in charge of Boston Dynamics.

First order of business, we're gonna make Spot sexy. It needs to look like a sexy predator. See wolves, foxes, and hyenas for reference. And we're gonna equip it with a tail barbed with a hypodermic needle that injects Viagra! And give it a self-lubricating, silicone pussy! All the better to rape you with!

9ab5c0c6 No.3739037

File: 1714524527330.jpg (64.09 KB, 720x421, doc-sprocket1.jpg)

They were gonna name it 'Sprocket', but they didn't wanna get sued.

276c0d91 No.3739039

With a mouth that opens to a net launcher! There is no escape from your slippery, silicone fate!

c6c6e623 No.3739053

shark tits

c6c6e623 No.3739054

File: 1714539865285.jpg (25.13 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x6….jpg)

bfce0564 No.3739061

Though boston dynamics good for certain goals, these goals do not include sex.
The current situation with zoo shadowbanning IRL is not that bad as with CP ban worldwide so it is a lot cheaper and better to buy a unspayed female husky for sex with you.

t. practicing huskyfucker

e2c2ec87 No.3739099

You're on to something, definitely one big conspiracy by the husky breeding establishment going on here. Better hope they don't track you down and silence you.

File: 1688613435940.jpg (111.75 KB, 967x1230, Fx0Kb4dX0AEPoC7.jpg)

86959f6c No.3707391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A place for your favorite non-porn art, furry is optional
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3dd8c5be No.3737397

File: 1712876450688.jpg (1.29 MB, 1316x1634, 1677937952.kur0i_doc4s.jpg)

7025cbe2 No.3737401

File: 1712877377615.png (1.82 MB, 1024x1024, furry snowleopard family.png)

Markdowns from xmas 2023 does not count.

3dd8c5be No.3737943

File: 1713448398017.png (965.64 KB, 1200x450, 1713280200.jagal_raccoon_b….png)

3dd8c5be No.3738111

File: 1713658266833.jpg (896.94 KB, 1012x1280, 1645393436.mylafox_afc-bag….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3738193

File: 1713723981294.jpg (6.85 MB, 4895x2927, Frederick_George_Cotman_-_….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3738852

File: 1714332481688.jpg (98.92 KB, 571x723, картины paintings - Страни….jpg)

Went to church for the first time in years this morning. It was for my nephew's baptism. I didn't burst into flames, so I'm calling it a win.

418b3b43 No.3739043

File: 1714528008767.jpg (216.49 KB, 1308x1046, 5014266_Folwilliar_engineb….jpg)

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7059aeac No.3708403[Reply]

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f723923d No.3729225

File: 1705388729636.jpg (123.59 KB, 900x700, 1880708_Alorix_jennaxnala_….jpg)

2a491e71 No.3729369

File: 1705552053252-0.png (2.53 MB, 3200x3200, averi_01.png)

File: 1705552053252-1.png (416.04 KB, 1200x1200, averi_02.png)

Heh heh. 😆

c38d7a0c No.3731319

File: 1707165166179.jpg (854.17 KB, 2248x3272, 4883789_Oddwarg_smith_butt….jpg)

59ef454b No.3733644

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e757e4d5 No.3733719

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38964726 No.3735223

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cf21de2d No.3739057

File: 1689729924273-0.jpg (672.75 KB, 1642x2376, 12_1189_u18chan.jpg)

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d47aac5a No.3709261[Reply]

Big girls on small guys!
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88acdc60 No.3738056

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88acdc60 No.3738116

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f3aaebb3 No.3738330

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f3aaebb3 No.3738506

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f3aaebb3 No.3738953

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88acdc60 No.3739032

File: 1714513457780.png (4.46 MB, 4000x2450, vee and coop smiley face.png)

fa096d42 No.3739056

File: 1713846688722.png (1.36 MB, 1219x792, Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 0….png)

a6d1e4c1 No.3738336[Reply]

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53d0e679 No.3738406

File: 1713916652644.png (2.1 MB, 1121x1435, lop667.png)


Its my first time ever seeing them. I obviously looked at them at first and went "This hoe is plastic surgery everywhere, the lips alone give it away"

And I felt some kind of oddness seeing them and felt like I really didn't like them by what they talked about. But I shrugged it off.

Because they were saying some based things. I was like, its some porn hoe thats doing the conservative woman act.

a6d1e4c1 No.3738542

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c281a73c No.3738955

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7d0a8a47 No.3738960

File: 1714469451511.png (464.64 KB, 1280x1025, 1504327665.orf_tumblr_ojqp….png)

There is not a second blaire.

Its about as stupid as when I made 30 Steams. Which was hilarious, but still stupid.

7d0a8a47 No.3738961

File: 1714469535152.jpg (103.74 KB, 850x850, 06c614303605977638e8705e74….jpg)

You have to admit though, the army of Steams was pretty hilarious.

7d0a8a47 No.3738962

File: 1714469700458.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1024, ce993b79ef341bbd7ce08611a2….png)

Biozar, 3B, and Fancy were responsible for that. I still found it pretty awesome.

3345aa29 No.3739024

my nut is trans

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55f4c743 No.3707234[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If I'm going to do all this work cleaning up the spam, might as well sticky a cub thread while I'm at it.
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77147ef0 No.3738643

File: 1714108521706.jpg (1.3 MB, 2048x1536, 224444_cooncub_224436_kits….jpg)

d962921a No.3738657

File: 1714131313994.jpg (401 KB, 900x1200, 4910568_Elly_sunboth_6resi….jpg)

77147ef0 No.3738842

File: 1714325402190.png (121.69 KB, 531x598, 8d5af9445f69371baaa323769c….png)

8529f049 No.3738923

I refuse to allow this slander of my character. You'll be hearing from my lawyer. Every single admin that allows this will answer for their crimes.

4c534b0d No.3738930

File: 1714429578740.png (1.99 MB, 4668x4587, 3431003_Delicious_aycarumb….png)

Goddamn, that's nice.

b989a8c4 No.3738934

File: 1714436212526.jpg (193.67 KB, 947x1440, Elly_sunpin4_nude.jpg)

Yes, it is. Elly is very a good artist. There is also a male version for the boy cub lovers: >>3734358

77147ef0 No.3739000

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b86a11e6 No.3738675[Reply]

What is your stance on cub being posted on /furi/?

I may make a containment thread if enough people really want it.
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3f2bf498 No.3738877

File: 1714375318476.png (1.24 MB, 947x842, 1713889567.carpetwurm_unti….png)

me posting now, I'm bi/asexual, but still a faggot. I may not be romantically inclined, but I still really enjoy some buttsex. Its just a lulz thing.

3f2bf498 No.3738878

File: 1714375400445.png (2.16 MB, 2100x1400, 1700508379.darkviolet_fang.png)

don't question my sexuality or my wording. I change randomly day to day.

ff0d2289 No.3738880

File: 1714379090106.jpg (153.62 KB, 655x615, babydoll3.jpg)

Some cub images I approve and some I do not but still find lulzy. I do have dislikes but do not complain about it. I find reactions of the people who can't take it rather funny.

ca84141e No.3738913

> I don't see any drawbacks. OP can already axe his own thread for whatever reason; this just gives him a scalpel to go with the axe.
I do. In the case where OP won't or can't delete distracting spam, the neglected thread would fill with off topic crap. If someone else tries to create a replacement thread there will be objections. A moderator might interfere, saying a thread already exists, or some users of the old thread might still be comfortable with the original thread.

3b449792 No.3738919

Or you could end up with three different threads on every topic, for example:

Cub Thread – relaxed rules

Cub Thread Strict – no anti cub trolling

Cub Thread Super Strict – no off topic posts

917140d6 No.3738925

File: 1714424011746.jpg (199.64 KB, 1544x2048, a3d85d2bb5b6187758b409af18….jpg)


I don't want that either.

03f29ffd No.3738987

What you're describing is just run-of-the-mill, petty foolishness that could just as easily arise under the current board configuration. In such cases involving multiple threads on the same topic (technically spam), it's within the scope of mod duties to step in and rectify the situation. This has happened before. For instance, there were two Nazi threads, so a mod stepped in and bump-locked one of them. "Crisis" defused.

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c39cd511 No.3738924[Reply]

Why is it that straight male furs in general seem to dislike black, especially African and other non-white women?!? You're obsessed with getting it on with every damn species of female furry you can imagine, but when it comes to real life humans you only go for the most "normal looking" white women or the most "white looking" non-whites.

You'd think furries would be obsessed with the most exotic and unusual looking human ethnicities they could find, and I don't see why not. They're the closest damn thing to anthros we got in real life, for God's sake!

I also think fantasy artists base non-human, "alien"/whatever creatures way too much on obviously white physical appearance. Maybe it's a lack of skill and familiarity with drawing any other ethnicities, but it's a bit disturbing when you think about it.

So ITT, let's celebrate the beauty and variety of the human species. Examples enclosed: Andamanese, Melanesian, Khoisan and two of Aborigines.
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878e4e74 No.3738929

File: 1714427843210.jpg (173.13 KB, 964x724, 02_02_hyenas-appearance-pr….jpg)

Because hyenas.

62379ee7 No.3738932

It's the same reason there are almost no monkey fursuiters and almost no furry artwork of them either.
There's a reason.
Think about it.

61664594 No.3738937

File: 1714438941099.jpg (37.12 KB, 435x538, North American Pavement Ap….jpg)

The American pavement ape female.

6d74e7e6 No.3738938


Because they are primitive-minded, ugly little mud people. There mere idea of doing anything with them, even shaking hands, give me pause and I would do it so long as a hand-washing station was handy afterwards or a decent sized bottle of hand-sanitizer. There is a natural aversion to touching anything RL your instincts tell you is unclean or inferior. You wanna stick your dick in a tar-souled half-monkey, thats on you. The rest of us will follow our instincts and keep our distance. You fault people for wanting a relationship with a fantasy animal woman and you are promoting a REAL relationship with something completely repugnant and a true beast of the field.

39f640dc No.3738945

It's not just furries bro…

9758c2cb No.3738947

Oprah off of her fat burners and without her makeup.

ee3cb66b No.3738948


No one wants to be a monkey, because its just a human with a tail.

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