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File: 1704897416618.webm (4.44 MB, 640x360, New-UFO-footage-shows-jel….webm)

a3d8f9c8 No.3728492[Reply]

'Jellyfish' UFO spotted in leaked footage as US military ordered to 'hunt it down'

The flying object is seen changing colors from black to white as it sweeps over a military base in Iraq and the man that shot the video, Jeremy Corbell, claims the object then dived into the lake, staying under the water for 17 minutes. He said that it resurfaces and hits the sky again at a 45-degree angle.
The investigator also said that the leaked video was captured by the US military in 2018 showing it with stiff hanging legs, making it look like a jellyfish, and that soldiers were unable to see it using night-vision goggles, it was invisible, unless they had them in their "thermal stratum" mode.

Mr Corbell said: "It goes over a body of water. I'm told it stops on a dime, descends stiff into the water and for 17 minutes nothing. And boom! This thing comes out of the water and shoots off at 45 degrees." Allegedly direct eyewitnesses corroborated that the event occurred, describing the object as having geometric forms resembling "scale armour". He said that the video's legitimacy was confirmed by sources that "risked getting it" to him.
And writing on X (formerly Twitter), he said: "The UAP reemerged from the body of water and shot-off at an extreme rate of speed – beyond the optical scope of the observation platform. The origin, intent and capability of the Anomalous Aerial Vehicle remains unknown. Official designation remains UAP."
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c3095f6e No.3728526

That kind of looks like a woman's face.

a3d8f9c8 No.3728528

No, they thought of something like maybe it's a stain on the lens, but that would move WITH the camera when it points, not track across the field of view.
Also in the longer video the focus zooms in and out and the size changes at a distance, that's something that wouldn't happen if it was something on the lens right up against the camera.
Smear something on your cell phone lens and zoom in and out and you will see what I mean, the smear stays the same size and does not enlarge or reduce. Also in the longer video there's the matter of the people on the ground pointing at it.

a3d8f9c8 No.3728529

Here's another idea, what if it's something from Venus?
Venus is the closest planet, and it has been speculated
that the (upper) atmosphere, which is similar to the temperature and pressure on EARTH, could harbor ariel, gossamer-like life forms that live on microbes. (nothing could live on the surface).
Indeed, spectroscopic analysis of the upper atmosphere has shown that there are chemicals there that MIGHT!!! (might!) be associated with life.

Suppose some of those life forms drifted a little too far up, and the solar wind blew them to Earth? The solar wind can propel light sails, why not something like that? And they would probably feel right at home in Earth's upper atmosphere also.

c92c60fd No.3728533

File: 1704910342733-0.jpg (214.53 KB, 800x1187, the_asphyx-494842737-mmed.jpg)

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This movie is based on the speculation that something dies because there is an invisible spirit of death that follows you around from the day you are born, and that it waits, waits, and waits, until you are sick or injured enough to die, and then enters your body. Because it gives it a super duper orgasm or something, I don't know.

Anyway, the point is, this spirit of death entering your body is what MAKES you die, and without that happening you would never die, no matter how old, sick, or injured you are.
It's sort of like the opposite of the belief that when you die something LEAVES your body.

A researcher realizes that if he can trap his Asphyx (everyone has their OWN) so it cannot enter his body, he will never die, and he does eventually manage to trap it in a circle of phosphorus light that it can't escape from.

As you might imagine, this movie doesn't end well.
It's truly terrifying.
Don't watch it if you don't want to have nightmares.


And i'm very very much concerned about the UAP thing, if that's really an Asphyx,
and they are appearing in plain sight, we must be in for a worldwide cataclysm of some sort soon.

c92c60fd No.3728536

File: 1704911380708.jpg (104.99 KB, 640x823, db3974a3-659b-47b9-a7c4-29….jpg)

Here, I found the FULL movie on Youtube for you, to watch free.


Don't say you weren't warned.
What makes it really terrifying is that some ancient peoples believed this.
Maybe they knew something we don't yet.
I wonder…

6cfc8094 No.3728554

File: 1704925129574.jpg (132.1 KB, 892x895, Pokemon_Nihilego.jpg)

Nihilego are real.
Various militaries have know of their existence for a few decades now.

95f2f8a8 No.3728573

File: 1704936522928-0.png (68.83 KB, 279x279, monstermanualfile.png)

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all according to plan

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3f0c2e93 No.3724855[Reply]

For every vaxxmaxxed furry praising ANE's stubborn resolve with maintaining the COVID vaccine requirement, there's two or three calling it out for the farce that it is. How delicious. Even this fandom are getting widely sick and tired of the security theater and the hypocrisy of what con-goers get up to behind closed hotel doors.
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bd333b18 No.3725821

Why do you even want to go to this con so much that you want to steal your way? Just stay at your loser alt right cons like Free Fur All.

777125f0 No.3725851

First you're a triggered libbie. Secondly I'm not going. I'm proving a point of how stupid vaccine requirements are and with furry people, they just don't have any common sense.

77068696 No.3725973

sour grapes

4ae17fb3 No.3725978

File: 1703041241026.jpg (299.34 KB, 2159x3000, FNP6sE_VkAU6DB7.jpg)

I will enjoy vacationing in the mountains this spring. Better use of my paid time off.

4ae17fb3 No.3725979

File: 1703041463589.jpeg (141.84 KB, 1502x1627, EwaBInGWgAQ_Kxl.jpeg)

I can see why cons appeal to extroverts but I am no such person.

16bb5fab No.3728466

File: 1704870669420-0.jpg (115.22 KB, 600x641, plushderg1.jpg)

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File: 1704870669420-2.png (252.77 KB, 589x835, beakbirds.PNG)

ANE staff is now making callout posts for Nomad Complex, the furry tshirt maker. Accusations of stealing designs from their BIPOC GOH furry tshirt maker.

3f0c2e93 No.3728469

File: 1704872892412-0.png (898.8 KB, 1903x830, Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 0….png)

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His name is Matthew Laramie from his Kickstarter Underwear campaign.

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797d3a7c No.3710884[Reply]

CBS Storybreak- The Great Ringtail Garbage Caper

18c64d5d No.3710911

File: 1691186771959.webm (2.2 MB, 600x480, wolf_and_goats.webm)

That was great. Raccoon ingenuity (coongenuity?) and teamwork.

Someone posted this here long ago:


Top notch animation from days of yore.

9370fabf No.3710922

File: 1691193943852.jpg (47.89 KB, 474x355, capture.jpg)

Not vintage, but enjoyable nonetheless. Russian.


69193c38 No.3711029

File: 1691321639020.jpg (21.9 KB, 300x197, PBJOtter.jpg)

18c64d5d No.3712964

File: 1692723058968.webm (7.78 MB, 1472x1080, old_man_of_the_mountain.webm)

9f4a5c56 No.3713561

File: 1693028921177.png (518.74 KB, 975x638, tarzan shame of the jungle.png)

18c64d5d No.3723388

File: 1701300172039.jpg (82.45 KB, 512x640, last_unicorn.jpg)


Any Last Unicorn fans?

18c64d5d No.3728276

File: 1704764217313.jpg (680.85 KB, 1177x1388, Donald_in_Mathmagic_Land.jpg)

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2ca82ade No.3726813[Reply]

Hoomins have their own thread.
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2ca82ade No.3727096

File: 1703799626864.jpg (85.57 KB, 500x750, deb130f0372a1ba924787a42f4….jpg)

2ca82ade No.3727382

File: 1704058802762-0.jpg (49.73 KB, 1024x768, gm_construct0014.jpg)

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b2985325 No.3727806

File: 1704448440147.jpg (61.26 KB, 695x660, asses.jpg)

78017539 No.3727812

File: 1704463004597.png (237.96 KB, 400x534, 1591891921944.png)

030b71bd No.3727897

The Smell…..

1e36a966 No.3727907

File: 1704513173227.jpg (96.48 KB, 800x600, choices.jpg)

97bca60c No.3727911

GROSS. Get that stinking dirty animal away from that dog.

File: 1690343159725.jpg (249.62 KB, 1920x2749, 3112886cb614caad79cb719cce….jpg)

26846091 No.3709998[Reply]

There is a lot of artwork, and even actual pictures, of males with their balls hanging out of their bag.
Since ovaries are female balls, why don't we see more of ovaries hanging out?
And no, that's not a dick, she's a female spotted hyena and that is her clitoris.

a049f70c No.3710018

What the fuck?

e431b2a5 No.3710032

File: 1690374997435.jpg (1.56 MB, 3035x2150, 1680480262534-1.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with you?

1a7ef007 No.3727790

File: 1704429155542.png (6.36 MB, 3138x3734, 0e86523de8ba4e422047fecdb2….png)

26846091 No.3727792

File: 1704429908251.jpg (2.59 MB, 1536x2304, ba3b489699ca8fca594f6a54e5….jpg)

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bfe875db No.3724260[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fennix Empire edition
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0666667a No.3727279

File: 1703961271556-0.jpeg (44.95 KB, 512x768, dream_keepers_anthropomor….jpeg)

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de172bcf No.3727327

File: 1703985151049-0.png (964.85 KB, 768x1344, 76440-3195897869-dd61eb284….png)

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4b315891 No.3727339

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gneblur furm futermouter

bee7898c No.3727626

File: 1704245363650.jpg (519.55 KB, 1753x2200, 4835953_threeracoons_felix….jpg)

89c0490c No.3727647

Holy shit, more of this please! That huge puss is hot.

eb0fc593 No.3727648

File: 1704291711648.gif (88.14 KB, 350x250, pink fairy armadillo rude.gif)

kill yourself

89c0490c No.3727653

Cry more

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7fea1863 No.3721181[Reply]

For all the furry art commissioners out there. Is it worth it to go crazy and blow away the savings in your bank account or inheritance on furry art just to try and be popular for a brief moment in time in the furry fandom? Would you later regret spending all that money on character art that you may no longer desire a few years from now? How many furries have done this? Please list the ones you know of in this thread?
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0c6d38ac No.3721310

File: 1699541479330.png (255.07 KB, 1800x1600, Dash7787.png)


Maybe it means grabbing some guy's balls, because a money shot cums out of dicks.

6d058a3a No.3727176

File: 1703865318310.jpg (497.06 KB, 1000x1080, businessman-water-money-tr….jpg)

Steps to become a successful commissionaire.

1. Create archives of your old drawings in multiple clouds.
2. All spending's are bought for basic needs.
3. 1-3 Character's art commissions are kept in vaults are recommended.
4. Read a book on The Real Story Behind the 17th-Century ‘Tulip Mania’ Financial Crash mistakes.

Needs updates.

bfe183d6 No.3727224

A lil' tale from real life: best friend got himself into a 70K dollar payday loan debt on blow and whores (while being married no less)

I spend about 100-150 dollars a month on commissions.
1) it's fun and gratifying in the carnal sense
2) watching numbers go up makes dopamine trigger in my brain, seeing lewd comments praising the art or the theme etc does the same even more
3) unlike a whore, the art is lasting as long as it stored multiple places, which is gratifying on its own
4) I realized that some of the best pieces of jerkoff material are commishes. Having nutted many many times to such it feels nice to "give back" in a sense
5) there is also an interesting back-and-forth with commissioning where I feel like it's highlighting good features of the artist's skill (super fun to bring a newbie to the forefront with the right themes and kinks!)

So there are plenty of aspects to it, while I keep the spending under control. Could I buy some tech-gizmo or replace unbroken furniture or afford a car with a bigger engine, perhaps, but I don't need that, just as I don't need the art, but one is more fun for me than the other
And there's still plenty of cash for other vices, vacations etc

324e17e0 No.3727239

6aedd222 No.3727380

File: 1704054027627.png (4.26 MB, 3400x2400, d80634de1b0a55197500dcd557….png)

I think it's a foolish thing to spend so much money on art that you lack money for the essentials. Now don't get me wrong, I think supporting artists and the arts in general is a very good thing, but you have to learn to have a strict budget you follow along to. I myself have my own little budgeting system when it comes to commissions, and I make sure I do the math and set up my budget for the whole year so that I never lack money for things I really need.

And I personally get artwork of my "fursona" which I feel is an extension of my real self, I rarely get art of original "characters" but when I do, they are very meaningful. People seem to confuse fursonas and characters. For me personally, a fursona is my ideal version of myself but still retains common characteristics of my real life self, such as: same weight, same height, same body build, hair color, eye color, penis/testicle size, and I even tried to match my skin color by choosing brown fur. A character is something completely made up and has no connection to your real self, and I think spending tons of money on characters is silly. However, spending money on fursona art I can see being very motivational, at least it has for me. Whenever I see my fursona drawn I am inspired to keep on bettering myself by reading more, working out harder, and learning to be a kinder person.

In short… budget yourself strictly and save money for the essentials. Internet fame is not worth getting kicked out onto the streets. Buy art that inspires and motivates you to better your life! Don't just buy art to impress others, it's not the right way to use art in one's life. But that's just my opinion.

945b8fb1 No.3727561

Togepi1125 is some sort of doctor in South Korea who has an equally pathetic fuck toy that went by Kp-yoshi. The couldn't get anyone to have real life sex with so he resorted to buying gifts constantly for KP-yoshi and showing up at his house.

Supposedly Kp-yoshi at some point grew a bit of self respect and told him it was over, but then realized he couldn't get a normal relationship and went back to being a cumdump for the guy.

Rich furries tend to just be weird sexual deviants

016bbe7c No.3727583

File: 1704221086697.jpeg (137.91 KB, 1350x1010, E-Q7izlUcAg8kLR.jpeg)

Anything that releases feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain can be addictive. So when furry porn commissions are received by addicts, they fap to them. This serves to deepen the addiction. Outside the microcosm of furries, any addiction fundamentally works like this; releasing neurotransmitters excessively and reinforcing behaviors.

Meanwhile, I'm over here vaping and smoking cigarettes, knowing full well I likely won't live past 40. Although I'm not going to bankrupt myself from buying nicotine products, I'm still in it too deep. The cravings never do fully go away, no matter how long it has been since you quit.

Fuck, man.

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85f5ddf3 No.3727397[Reply]

What are your New Year's Resolutions?
And let us know how long you kept them!!

85f5ddf3 No.3727400

File: 1704073407723-0.jpg (784.98 KB, 2560x2560, 9a75361cf9c9784b65a3d63ee8….jpg)

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85f5ddf3 No.3727409

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c47c01ed No.3727433

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c47c01ed No.3727437

File: 1704114414574.jpg (549.93 KB, 2048x3072, 4840038_Hornybunny_new_yea….jpg)

65a805e5 No.3727445

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fd8b2649 No.3727491

try to make the try hard shit show earth stop making me celebrate its bullshit

fd5bf075 No.3727497

File: 1704162975129.jpg (167.28 KB, 1096x800, 4839664_celestialjade_0351….jpg)

The fireworks frighten my kitty cats.

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932ed308 No.3726797[Reply]

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932ed308 No.3726805

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932ed308 No.3726806

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932ed308 No.3726807

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932ed308 No.3726808

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932ed308 No.3726809

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932ed308 No.3726810

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b1c836d0 No.3726950

Ah man, this takes me back.

File: 1703481962200.jpg (138.3 KB, 1280x960, 1577269351.catkitte_com_fl….jpg)

cd3b2373 No.3726742[Reply]

I didn't think any of you were going anywhere, how pathetic

b7d0706d No.3726753

File: 1703505499176.png (2.35 MB, 2840x2000, e04ba4b3aac46f25087358f07e….png)

sit down shut up and drink your eggnog

d045dccb No.3726760

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If your family isn't shit, don't take holidays for granted. People pass, extended family scatters to the wind. Don't let a place like this bring you down. Do the best you can.

b7d0706d No.3726776

File: 1703520476000.png (3.39 MB, 1920x1920, 6779a1a0268c3c8f9f4c713df1….png)

yeah once you hit your 40s and 50s life just becomes a series of funerals for everyone you loved

try to get happy christmas dinners out of your system by then

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