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File: 1689545702957.jpg (324.15 KB, 1200x1000, unimpressive-a-micro-among….jpg)

7fc1d86f No.3708972[Reply]

Bats are too good to not have a thread for them.
56 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

77244009 No.3732561

File: 1708197481490-0.jpg (140.82 KB, 1531x1879, Mavis493_u18chan.jpg)

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77244009 No.3732584

File: 1708208525915.png (4.19 MB, 2048x2048, 2024-02-17_18-21-31_2310.png)

77244009 No.3732627

File: 1708241256449-0.png (1.03 MB, 840x1120, 00008-1274553337-40-7-2024….png)

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a64b1d5f No.3733112

File: 1708739967015-0.png (568.46 KB, 1100x907, 1707929588.lostgoose_уебач….png)

File: 1708739967015-1.png (1.35 MB, 1068x1200, 1708628180.eleacat_2544545….png)

b7866fb7 No.3733486

File: 1709096981728.png (498.81 KB, 1222x1800, a375fe1cb6232ef2e5ad34838a….png)

This cute nerdy bat is so handsome

9daa70f5 No.3738698

File: 1714168868296-0.jpg (329.69 KB, 1716x2500, 42dcc40323170bd1fe3c9b286b….jpg)

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9daa70f5 No.3738699

File: 1714168889289-0.png (2.05 MB, 2292x1390, 9723b1276d9b9139734193782e….png)

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3c889afe No.3707363[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mustelid thread 3.0. Stoats, weasels, otters, badgers, wolverines, martens, mink, ferrets, etc. Skunks are technically mephitids, but we accept them as our own.
200 posts and 446 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

8ffde87c No.3737181

File: 1712646540516-0.jpg (544.41 KB, 2160x3232, 00006.jpg)

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3c889afe No.3737923

File: 1713398204674.jpg (298.05 KB, 1594x2311, 1713345444.azoomer_ghhysni….jpg)

f60698b2 No.3737941

File: 1713445301229.png (682.57 KB, 689x1100, 4998808_yabeweny_lq.png)

Embarrassed ottergirl.

3c889afe No.3737942

File: 1713448316200.jpg (2.89 MB, 2440x3314, 9cded9b3cc67ed9b6457336141….jpg)

3c889afe No.3738054

File: 1713577537601-0.jpg (290.15 KB, 900x1200, 1712525558.ipoke_doodle_01….jpg)

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3c889afe No.3738055

File: 1713577779024-0.png (1.46 MB, 847x1200, 1713564526.kalahari_kipper….png)

8ffde87c No.3738653



A relative of the mongoose, the fossa is unique to the forests of Madagascar, an African island in the Indian Ocean. Growing up to 6 feet long from nose to tail tip, and weighing up to 26 pounds, the fossa is a slender-bodied catlike creature with little resemblance to its mongoose cousins.

The fossa may look like a cat or monkey, but it actually belongs to the family Eupleridae. This family of carnivores are only found on the island of Madagascar, and their closest relatives are the mongooses. This species is the largest native predator of Madagascar, and lemurs make up approximately 50% of their diet.

File: 1688904586054.jpg (202.16 KB, 1280x991, 4af94ccfca1ef37b39a175d065….jpg)

3a6e8f22 No.3707907[Reply]

Some cats are fine too.
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1d0727c5 No.3737986

File: 1713519317202.jpg (314.65 KB, 730x840, 1183402010.caramel-kitteh_….jpg)

3f8f0bc8 No.3738021

File: 1713555763563.gif (479.82 KB, 400x400, domestic cat caramelldanse….gif)

7f14fee9 No.3738038

File: 1713564321421.jpg (81.65 KB, 600x400, Seraph_Yarnball.jpg)

1021192e No.3738050

File: 1713574677599-0.jpg (771.79 KB, 1721x2141, 1712081234.marmoratus__ail….jpg)

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1ef0f198 No.3738195

File: 1713724954429.jpg (807.82 KB, 2000x2661, 5000778_sicMoP_pami_adult.jpg)

48660382 No.3738632

File: 1714099713688.jpg (408.6 KB, 1181x963, 1690638310337_vikPP3_soloW….jpg)

9b146497 No.3738634

File: 1714101688248-0.png (1.57 MB, 736x1408, 00084-3237238007.png)

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8af7d74f No.3738571[Reply]

Could someone please change the word STUPID on their shirts to STINKY if you have the time? I think it would funnier and more on the nose because they're skunks. ^.^;

b529f8bd No.3738575

File: 1714071285643.gif (286.89 KB, 662x1036, smelly.gif)


8af7d74f No.3738577

File: 1714071775460.jpg (70.76 KB, 960x720, rhea-P7130887.JPG)

Ha! xD
Take this old Anthrocon '02 photo for making me laugh at least.

444e954e No.3738604

I remember being there at ac 02, everyone was fanboing for her! Her name was cheetoy or something like that.

0ba83402 No.3738613

File: 1714085440453.png (955.19 KB, 662x1036, 1714070481373.png)


Stinky Minkies!

8af7d74f No.3738617

Yay! Thank you. XD
And yeah AC's Philadelphia days were the best. Things were soooo different back then!

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File: 1688642583202-1.webm (2.75 MB, 426x240, joseph_heath_viking compr….webm)

e168b1d3 No.3707452[Reply]

Let's have some…
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1e6edbe9 No.3735786

File: 1711509605959.jpg (160.4 KB, 352x598, 1268788576.swiftcutter_sam….jpg)

66dfe986 No.3737353

File: 1712833429040.webm (2.09 MB, 320x240, Slugcat_Comintern_Theme.webm)

aea08171 No.3738099

File: 1713634697124-0.jpg (162.02 KB, 1034x427, tumblr_npgvg3YyHn1rd467bo1….jpg)

File: 1713634697124-1.webm (3.59 MB, Spring. Antonio Vivaldi [….webm)

66dfe986 No.3738338

File: 1713854929026.webm (6.57 MB, 1280x720, c66a4909-c12f-4f19-9985-b….webm)

66dfe986 No.3738340

File: 1713858044547.webm (2.04 MB, 100x100, Laude novella sia cantata….webm)

4b3ba627 No.3738597

File: 1714080142651.png (592.58 KB, 1324x946, People.png)

4b3ba627 No.3738598

File: 1714080226136.png (672.85 KB, 1293x948, Para3.png)

File: 1713964165556.jpeg (44.42 KB, 892x470, Screenshot_24-4-2024_9551….jpeg)

55b78631 No.3738446[Reply]


Harvard psychologist: If you use any of these 7 phrases every day, you 'may have low emotional intelligence' and What to say instead:

1. "I'm not changing. This is who I am."
2. "I don't care how you feel."
3. "It's your fault I'm feeling this way."
4. "You're just wrong."
5. "Stop being crazy!"
6. "I can't forgive you."
7. "Your feelings are irrational."

47abe617 No.3738450

> 2. "I don't care how you feel."
> 4. "You're just wrong."
> 5. "Stop being crazy!"
These are essential phrases that every lulzian needs here.

066a0a68 No.3738451

"Emotional intelligence"

Into the trash it goes. thanks for bringing up the thing they invented for women to point to and go "See I'm a smart as men, I've got this kind of intelligence."

d57a2f01 No.3738452

ask ChatGPT: Describe the meaning of "Emotional intelligence"

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It involves being able to recognize and regulate one's own feelings, navigate social interactions and relationships effectively, and empathize with others. Emotional intelligence is considered a crucial skill in personal and professional success, as it can help individuals communicate more effectively, make better decisions, and build stronger relationships.

d57a2f01 No.3738453

What to say instead:

1. "I am open to growth and personal development."
2. "I am interested in understanding how you feel."
3. "I recognize my own emotions and take responsibility for how I react."
4. "Let's discuss our differing perspectives."
5. "I understand you are feeling strongly about this. Can we talk about it calmly?"
6. "I am willing to work through this and find a way to move forward."
7. "I appreciate your perspective. Let's try to understand where each other is coming from."

5c3e29e1 No.3738583

The opposite of emotional intelligence


>phenomenon characterized by significant challenges in recognizing, expressing, sourcing, and describing one's emotions. alexithymia is highly prevalent among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ranging from 50% to 85% of prevalence.

>may include problems identifying, processing, describing, and working with one's own feelings, often marked by a lack of understanding of the feelings of others; difficulty distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal; confusion of physical sensations often associated with emotions; few dreams or fantasies due to restricted imagination
>An inability to modulate emotions is a possibility in explaining why some people with alexithymia are prone to discharge tension arising from unpleasant emotional states through impulsive acts or compulsive behaviors such as binge eating, substance abuse, perverse sexual behavior or anorexia nervosa.

File: 1699744170650.png (363.54 KB, 560x579, Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 1….png)

0b63fe1d No.3721551[Reply]

What's you opinion on the dating preference thing? Is it racist or sexist to say that you only want to date genders of a certain type? Are you allowed to speak your dating preferences as long as you don't insult anybody for not being your "preference"?


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c76bb282 No.3721584

File: 1699791297206.jpg (237.51 KB, 1024x683, 360_F_193955346.jpg)

None of them.
But he just can't help puking violently when one of them asks.
This is the reaction most white men have.
It's not worth the misery.

Hi, 3B.

29af5d37 No.3721595

File: 1699806469950.jpeg (307.4 KB, 1427x2048, FuA1R5zXwAgMHpJ.jpeg)

Did you know that if you take her home and discover she has a penis/stinkditch, you are transphobic if you don't fuck?

Its not about what you want, after all.

e9eefbc3 No.3721600

File: 1699810036671.jpg (91.46 KB, 460x682, Machelle_Obama.jpg)

only a coward flees when they find their enemy also carries a weapon.

-Sun Tzu

Claim victory or claim defeat, in your ass.

f087eb0a No.3721614

File: 1699823790531.jpg (166.24 KB, 557x1024, whitedatingstats.jpg)

Whites exclude blacks more than any other race for dating preferences.

Whites are genuinely repulsed by blacks.

Contrary to the meme, Whites are the most racially loyal, staying within their own race if possible.

So what you posted is impossible. Black bitches would swoon at the possibility of being with a White Man.

f087eb0a No.3721615

File: 1699824073531.jpg (107.09 KB, 1024x573, black racemixing envy whit….jpg)

The other races are so envious and jealous of Whites. They desperately want to be like us but know they never will.

It confuses and enrages them.

9288660b No.3738537

File: 1714057205918.jpg (33.19 KB, 288x430, 40403280.jpg)

Steam-the-liar wrote:
> only a coward flees when they find their enemy also carries a weapon.

> -Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu never said that, you twat.

d9475e2c No.3738568

I can never find enough porn where a black guy bottoms. It always with the black guy topping

I want to see a cute nerdy black guy get his prostate pounded

File: 1712880214937.png (328.83 KB, 591x719, 8fa1d540a51c021b99a9aaff7f….png)

89e36de1 No.3737411[Reply]

Are you a furry who's sole social existence relies on living vicariously through your character online that you have no life outside of your furry bubble world? If you are please tell us about it? Even if you aren't and you know people like that, please do tell?
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d253d7a8 No.3738500

File: 1714010853993-0.jpeg (249.35 KB, 791x1102, kit74.jpeg)

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File: 1714010853993-3.jpeg (53.26 KB, 518x440, demon_kitty.jpeg)

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Her stuff shows how confused she is/was

d253d7a8 No.3738508

File: 1714018546789-0.png (385.05 KB, 1338x941, Birdie.png)

File: 1714018546789-1.png (86.11 KB, 1298x965, wtf.png)

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File: 1714018546789-3.png (879.17 KB, 1277x733, birdie4.png)

File: 1714018546789-4.jpeg (159.91 KB, 801x931, Sex_obsession.jpeg)

This is the person apparently kittiedog groomed


They are… Everything, just everything

Gay, trans flag, autistic, satanic, edgy, femboy, gore artist, etc… etc… etc

d253d7a8 No.3738510

File: 1714020191446.png (378.13 KB, 1284x734, His_Parents.png)


This guy is chris chan level lolcow

He is always the victim of everything
Everyone else is an abuser
He has every mental/physical disability
He tried to kill himself when his parents cut off the internet

He has no irl friends
He didn't finish high school
He gave up on getting a GED

LULz I kid you not, just the first 16 minutes of birdie's 1 hour and 50 minute video is Holy shit.

82abe6e6 No.3738516


Guy? He? His?

Am I watching the same video?

f390e545 No.3738521

File: 1714049795746.png (36.62 KB, 1280x770, 7232.png)


Your right its a she, but she's trans.

And her I mean *ahem* HE is named lucifer


ff198c85 No.3738538

LOL shitty parents create shitty people, things never change.

f390e545 No.3738546

File: 1714062071435-0.png (202.46 KB, 1742x946, kitty4.png)

File: 1714062071435-1.jpg (24.58 KB, 344x360, FZ2aMDpVUAEEEvY.jpg)


This meme about her sucking off the waffle dick is even more funny when you know that kittydog's name for her fans is her waffles.

File: 1694845374339-0.gif (31.81 KB, 300x171, 660fb38faad5870c777f2402ff….gif)

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File: 1694845374339-3.jpg (180.13 KB, 1173x739, Cheetah_Concept.jpg)

01cf976c No.3715990[Reply]

Post robot related stuff.
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ca394040 No.3737257

File: 1712731119241-0.png (81.61 KB, 3150x2100, test_subject_01.png)

File: 1712731119241-1.png (97.03 KB, 3150x2100, test_subject_robot_feather.png)

ae298d26 No.3737330


Its amazing how the guy that draws this has fallen. He's the same guy that did a webcomic titled, "Racoonville," and it was PG and at the time the creator refused to draw adult content. Man, look at this shit now. His once wholesome characters are now completely debauched. What a hypocrite.

760e7efa No.3737357

Isn't he the one who posts some hard core porn, then changes his mind and deletes it all. Later, he posts more porn. Rinse and repeat.

87567955 No.3737449

File: 1712893397888.jpg (542.36 KB, 1330x1000, 635535_Ryotsuke_machinery_….jpg)

3667b697 No.3737507

File: 1713004933332-0.png (87.01 KB, 500x419, 1273036919.darkhoof_deerta….png)

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87c44d43 No.3738467

File: 1713991430917.jpg (44.63 KB, 550x800, 1293692721562_Pira_vixen_w….jpg)

157dcafa No.3738533

File: 1714054893861.png (858.02 KB, 1223x1280, 879b5a7b51947175c7f764c9d7….png)

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7c023223 No.3738469[Reply]

How we lost our crafter to an accidental death during solo play and ways to keep yourself safer

b8e351bc No.3738482

Got killed him because he touched himself.

God put on a commercial about "I'm poop shy." when I was pawing off. Ruined it.

9da220a5 No.3738489

File: 1714002579843.png (898.84 KB, 1345x624, Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 1….png)

c42b0994 No.3738527

Nothing of value was lost. Good riddance.

Everyone with those sorts of fetishes is retarded and worthless and the world would be better off if they all died. I hope pup play degenerates all get taken to the pound and euthanized next

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