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You messed with me~

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3eb5e82b No.3736546[Reply]

Lately, the furry fandom has had a big problem with its reputation. Furry culture has become associated with zoophilia, pedophilia, plushophilia, miscegenation, drugs, violence, crime, prostitution and general social upheaval such as BLM. This board is frequently singled out as one of the worst strongholds of furry debauchery, and all of us are suffering for it. It's time to clean house.

It's time to put an end to the smutty shit clogging up our message board. Yeah, you heard me right. I'm sick and tired of seeing dicks and tits plastered all over the place like it's some kind of zoo exhibit. This isn't a porn site, it's a community for people who appreciate anthropomorphic animals - not perverts looking to get their rocks off.

As of today, April 1st, 12:00 GMT, we will no longer allow any sexually explicit or suggestive material to be posted on these boards. This was an unanimous decision made by all of us, the moderators.

This ban includes, but is not limited to:

Graphic drawings of sexual activity, of any kind
Graphic drawings of nudity, whether genitals are visible or not
Graphic photos of any kind (needless to say)
Descriptions of sexual acts
Links to any such material, or websites that contain it
Sexually suggestive imagery, such as females in bikinis or one-piece swimsuits, males wearing only shorts, or images featuring any visible underwear, or god forbid, diapers
Images that suggest sexual acts have taken place, or are about to take place, such as two furries flirting, picking each other up, eating together, or lying next to each other in bed
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8af71e05 No.3750531

File: 1723909033435.png (273.54 KB, 676x481, cat_vs_cat.PNG)

The image on the left is a pencil drawing, but it is extremely hyper realistic, if you didn't know it was hand drawn by somebody with a pencil – you'd probably mistake it for a black and white photograph.

The image on the right, however, has exaggerated cartoonie features… it is immediately obvious to the viewer that it is not REAL…

Also, cats cannot consume large quantities of Lasagna, because if they do, they will die….


Mister Arbuckle, please stop feeding your cat human food…

8af71e05 No.3750534

File: 1723910047458.png (285.07 KB, 781x748, 2D_DRAWINGS_LAWYER_BASED.png)


'Neer – """"We have chaos because a lot of people hate something that IS NOT ILLEGAL… and a lot of people want us to block that. But, likewise, we have a lot of people who believe it should stay."""

'Neer – """Well, we have two choices, both suck. (1) We ban the art, make a lot of people happy, but also just as many people pissed off. We show weakness and that people in angry loud mobs can make us change and make rules (aka, the Y! effect). We ban something that is not even illegal, and let the prudes win…."""

'Neer – """(2) We allow the art to stay, in name of artistic freedom – as we choose not to be the judges of what people draw, nor quality. We tell people that it's not our job for them to police themselves, and we will offer working filters to those who disagree with the content and make extended effort to get the filters working."""

Pinkuh – """Tecnicaly… Furry artwork as a whole is illegal. If someone really wanted to press it they could play the "Drawing animals, even ones with Human / Bipedal characteristics means they like real animals and want to fuck them."

'Neer – """We have enough proof via U.S. legal documentation to prove that it is (A) not pedophilia and (B) not illegal… I am really torn on the issue. I hate cub shit, but I'd rather not ban something that is not illegal."""

092668ce No.3750540

File: 1723911202580.png (1.23 MB, 933x952, FA__DRAMA_WEBSITE.png)


"""He only banned cub porn because he was forced to by his payment processor."""

Uh huh… read the chat log text.


Clearly these debates were sparked – more by the Userbase of F.A. itself than it was to do with Payment Processors, Advertisers, or Business Affiliates…

"Payment Processors" is really just a super convenient excuse, just like it was a useful excuse for E6. (((And if it really was that – then why not get better Payment Processors, Better Advertisers and Better Business Affiliates?)))

All it takes is one, or a handful of shitty Mods to mess a place up and send it down a Purity Spiral – I mean, look at what Sage Nadia did with Fchan… discourse and drama destroyed them… it's a Ghost Town now.

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595e02c9 No.3750544

File: 1723912444278.png (36.09 KB, 848x678, SLFC_BLACKLIST_BLOCKED_TAG….png)

Damaratus – """Proper working filters will solve the problem."""

'Neer – """And we have ~no~ filters right now."""

Myr – """The new system will have filters, but when will they be coded and when will it be done? Jeeze, it was supposed to be ready MONTHS ago. We're in November already."""

Marthaen – """Filters only work if the user puts the proper tags on it in the first place…. I'll enforce any policy laid down, whether I like it or not… But I'd prefer to ban cub if possible."""

595e02c9 No.3750579

File: 1723935075335.jpg (193.2 KB, 748x1280, DRAGONEER.jpg)

It seems they ~were~ in the process of adding a Tagging & Blacklist System similar to E621's, but they eventually just said "Fuckitall" and went with a Total Sitewide Cub Ban, because it was easier than it was to completely overhaul the website….


37461149 No.3750987

File: 1724269261149.png (627.25 KB, 822x462, UPDATES.PNG)

Update – a Kiwi Farms troll decided to hack the main F.A. page and also hack Dragoneer's Twitter and now KF is disowning them for implicating them… also wtf is a "Null Bulge?"


37461149 No.3750988

File: 1724269590458.png (839.15 KB, 872x651, LULZ.PNG)

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38e89157 No.3750816[Reply]

Its my birthday. Who else has never had a birthday party? I've never really ever experienced any of that holiday stuff.
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5e999473 No.3750934

I had a birthday party when I was very young. I can barely remember it. I'm sure it was more for the neighborhood moms than it was for us kids.

38e89157 No.3750937

I vaguely remember having a party before kindergarten, but its an incomplete and kinda fuzzy memory. I just remember my younger cousin blowing out the candles before I could, then getting scolded, her throwing the cake on the floor, then her crying, and having all the moms faun over her, then me getting upset and locked in the time out shed for the rest of the day until she calmed down.

5f8cf396 No.3750942

The only birthday party I remember was for the son of my mom's coworker. All I remember is eating from a bowl of M&Ms and accidentally shattering a giant mirror.
I celebrated my own with my parents, aunt, and grandmother. We always had a cake from a bakery. Dad would fry fish and we would all eat together. Simpler times.

38e89157 No.3750951

sounds really cool

201b34bb No.3750957

File: 1724243874888.jpg (8.35 KB, 168x94, cantletyoudothatsteam.jpg)

The devil's gifts are all counterfeits of God's gifts. Decades ago now, every country has signed an agreement to only supply genetically modified-everything and reclassify organic produce as toxic - I don't remember the details, but can look them up if you're curious. People are being genetically modified and potentially also having circuitry/substances put into them so they can be monitored and controlled on a beyond-nightmarish level. There are whitepapers openly available directly from the sources that explain these things.
Since you're such a smartypants you probably know that already, but just can't bear the horror of it all, otherwise you wouldn't be constantly returning to your abuser. Now's a good a time as any to start moving away from those who hate you and want to modify you genetically and enslave and destroy you in every conceivable way.
We're pretty close to a new phase of satanic evil spreading across the planet - the Bible foretells it'll happen. What terrible evils have the crazies planned? Those who are not sealed by God's seal won't be spared most of the plagues, but then it'll be too late, one needs to give their faith and belief right now, before it's too late.

The good news? You can still choose to belong to the one who is the complete opposite of all that, and enjoy His protection.

201b34bb No.3750961

File: 1724249825105.jpg (204.58 KB, 1024x683, bojakandotis.jpg)

Well, good night. :3

58c810de No.3750976

Happy belated Birthday. You were always a big weirdo to me, mostly because of the whole lying shtick, but for some reason I still have a soft spot for you.

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fe695112 No.3750904[Reply]

Next on my Hit list:
And of course, you.
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698e7fc5 No.3750935

File: 1724223522332.jpg (57.24 KB, 722x284, it_was_mix_he_did_it.jpg)

381b63eb No.3750938

File: 1724224855767.jpg (690.93 KB, 2208x2480, 3151410_lineslines_glowy-r….jpg)

at least my hacking is focused, and not just throwing paint at a wall and making everyone suffer. Black hats make me sick.

381b63eb No.3750940

File: 1724225328592.jpg (111.48 KB, 894x894, robot_girl_concepts_by_nra….jpg)

but really, the only way this could happen is if it was either an inside job, or there was no "secret:password" set, but now that it happened, you can bet other websites are tightening their security.

FA has been running the same mostly unpatched source code since what… 2006? They were basically asking for this to happen. Their security was weaker than an amazon fire tablet.

a0443765 No.3750952

File: 1724234507665.jpg (67.67 KB, 997x1280, Mix Ugly Mug.jpg)


I see they finnaly let you out of whatever drunk tank you wound up in. Gonna cry on telegram again?

7efdf537 No.3751005

File: 1724276384076.jpg (216.57 KB, 462x365, The Slowest Jumpscare no t….jpg)

Rooting for Mix to trigger the apocalypse.

967690a5 No.3751661

Could you please hack zooville? I know the perfect prank. Unban every member.

967690a5 No.3751667

Could you do it to zoo ville next?

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64a8c8fa No.3732901[Reply]

Have you ever stare at an artist's style and compare them to other animated television series stair at their faces eyes lips body etc. Ask yourself meh I gave up and turned them down unwatched them and find something new taste.
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3ef3291a No.3732958

File: 1708631536436.jpg (41.7 KB, 531x531, Mammals-Raccoon-square-52c….jpg)

I never really saw the appeal of YCH's, I'm just a generic dude raccoon, other than not being a femboi I'm just grey white and black.

100% generic.

920df487 No.3732962


So many artist that said "Support me on Patreon, I'll be more productive if I don't have to worry about money and the stress of filling commissions every day"

*Artists After getting a patreon

Lets only make a couple images a month so people keep their sub going. And lets DMCA any site that hosts my Patreon stuff.

64a8c8fa No.3732963

File: 1708639117544-0.jpg (3.35 MB, 4230x3031, ValentinesDay2024_2_HD_u18….jpg)

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Kmanicart/T-kay art style reminds me of Avatar Last Air Bender the faces just makes them uncanny for reasons ugh!

64a8c8fa No.3732964

File: 1708639351872-0.png (187.9 KB, 750x1110, 44c90a4dd681faa07b03492bbb….png)

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Imagine Kmanicart/T-kay art were base on Avatar Last airbender series and ohh my god you lose you boner and stormed off mad.

b50ec354 No.3750573

File: 1723924732535-0.jpg (679.92 KB, 2400x2400, AUniqueBikini-HD-1_u18chan.jpg)

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b50ec354 No.3750580

File: 1723935783619.jpg (1.66 MB, 2400x2400, Illustration2_u18chan.jpg)

b50ec354 No.3750892

File: 1724207388634-0.jpg (175.34 KB, 1200x856, 427928613b8b3ef91e408ad641….jpg)

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Elton pot looks to cartoonish wacked it just loony toon style porn

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40b03bf1 No.3734342[Reply]

Furthemore is going on this weekend any drama from it yet?

01c3e403 No.3734344

They are still playing covid. The con was almost a ghost town. Gee I wonder why.

36dd33cb No.3734350


gonna go out on a limb and say "covid"?

84fb52fd No.3734361


a6f786f0 No.3750703

> They are still playing covid. The con was almost a ghost town. Gee I wonder why.
Because too many idiots were afraid of vaccine and died of the Chinese Virus that's why.

d3b38a18 No.3750716

Only the morbidly obese, elderly boomers, and faggots with full blown AIDS died from the COVID

It only killed those that deserved to die

21443fad No.3750748

> Only the morbidly obese, elderly boomers, and faggots with full blown AIDS died from the COVID
So most of the furry community then.

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54fe844b No.3746574[Reply]

I don't care if it's male or female or which incarnation of Tails it is, it could be "Nine (Inch Tailz) for all I care… just post Tails porn and also tell me how much you despise e621.
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1b78e28d No.3746654

File: 1721007215304.jpg (145.69 KB, 914x1280, 20221221_060256.jpg)

a6a3ca12 No.3746657

File: 1721007791447.jpg (174.94 KB, 1280x791, tails_sketch_sheet_by_tera….jpg)

And another thing. I was so naive to think I was the only one. Rather, I'd actually say I just wasn't paying attention. There are probably many more than the accounts of which I'm certain were persecuted and unfairly banned. These I didn't notice until after I was targeted, because until then I was just focused on uploading and tagging. I never would have resumed supporting them had I known others were being persecuted too.

Glad I escaped that toxic environment. I think I described my experience on e621 as a Kafkaesque nightmare in another thread. I was referencing his novel, The Trial, when I said that. The very same oppression of being judged without knowing what offense I allegedly committed.

I do remember, and I love the song Closer.

116f570d No.3746665

File: 1721013888068.jpg (68.33 KB, 495x700, 20230122_044836.jpg)


Donovan DMC is such a little stuck up prissy prick…. I'll probably never get my account back, no matter how many times I email that JERK my ID card…

Anyway, since you brought up Kafka, ever heard of a PC game called "Bad Mojo" where the main guy gets turned into a Roach and you have to crawl around and not get eaten or killed or poisoned???? Fun game!


d0610a47 No.3746677

File: 1721034747539.png (23.67 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Reminder for someone to request another female fox or an adult male human to sniff female version of Tail's tailhole without wearing pants.

d0610a47 No.3746678

File: 1721034771910.png (7.17 MB, 3000x4000, Mechanic_tails6_u18chan.png)

d0610a47 No.3747161

File: 1721295964940.png (5.89 MB, 2880x1620, 60b379f32f6c1b2469116aefd1….png)

How do you compare e621 to Tumblr?

Why Tumblr Died So Quickly

surprise Moon does not make any videos on E621

57c5de46 No.3750621

File: 1723989889231.jpg (188.71 KB, 1428x2000, TAILS_WITH_TITS.jpg)


File: 1723885823289.jpg (132.19 KB, 437x600, Terrie Smith - chester bis….jpg)

ec77ae18 No.3750491[Reply]

Guess we can put her on the death watch list?

55d03cbb No.3750495

File: 1723888167730.png (1.08 MB, 1000x1063, 4115a623dfd7fe50a61e7ae9c5….png)

So what's the deal with furries and lung disease?

8b051a1f No.3750499

File: 1723894702699.jpg (82.77 KB, 986x713, GUl1rpeX0AAOdgO.jpg)

Y'all need to work out more.

I'd say stop being clean freaks and touch grass but furries have Gamer Hygiene. Y'all probably getting your daily dose of bacteria by eating off plates that haven't been washed in two weeks.

a851f0f0 No.3750509

It's the dust from those birds, my friends father needed a double lung transplant because of the pet birds he had

Either way her art sucks.

d243a85f No.3750511

> My parents – who were tricked into disinheriting me by my evil brother
Oh yeah, this is going to be a great thread. I just know it.

Anyway, I'm glad she's not dead or anything.

d243a85f No.3750512

> Either way her art sucks.
Well I like her art.

21709610 No.3750522

You suck

8c7f7c49 No.3750587

File: 1723944564871.jpg (323.05 KB, 781x1151, 4fb337e7335780d4d8b67bc0d2….jpg)

> You suck
Ok yeah, that's true, but I still like her art.

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3e46b7dc No.3750361[Reply]

Pheal is apparently under a mass tag purge, will be getting rid of most it's underage content.

This one's been around longer than e621 hasn't it?
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65c39203 No.3750546

File: 1723914331424.jpg (1.65 MB, 1667x2500, itsroughoutthere.jpg)

Well, way past doggy bed tiem again.
Remember, we're very close before it's too late to repent of our sins and be in Jesus' heavenly Kingdom for all eternity, once our short time here on earth has come to an end.
The crazies won't stop until Jesus Christ Himself stops them (for good).

Sleep well. :3

84e39f8a No.3750554

File: 1723915286344.png (2.58 MB, 1400x1920, 8101.png)

Your all powerful god has the power to make everywhere a heaven. Not just where people have to kiss his ass.

Yet he does not.

Everywhere could be eden, but he never stops being butt hurt someone ate some fruit from a tree.

What a fucking cry baby. And fruit wouldn't make your offspring smart. Because genetics don't work that way.

I don't eat some cheesecake and suddenly my great grandson knows how to be a carpenter.

Thats what you get when pre-science sheep fuckers write your religion

65c39203 No.3750556

DK, before I warm my doggie bed, just wanted to say that you sound just like those pharisees who constantly wanted to stone Jesus.
When reading something from the Bible it's just words to you, and only pick out the things that get you angry.
It's necessary to feel what is being said, and understand why it's being said and by whom.

These are words from our Heavenly Father, who wants to protect us from (choosing) destruction and bring us home to Him - He's giving humanity another chance and the freedom of choice to correct the mistake that was done in the Garden of Eden, by allowing us to see and feel what'll happen if we don't follow the Father's loving and wise advice.

There are rules that need to be followed to have a wonderful life for anything more complicated than a germ, and even germs need to follow rules in order to multiply - He knows best, and if we think that we know best, then we had and have the opportunity to find out for ourselves if that's true or not. He's not a tyrant, He's allowing us the chance to work things out for ourselves, and then make a choice with certainty (and faith) that involves every fiber of our being, so that in the future we'll be equipped to reject the devil's lies.

He loves us enough, to not force or coerce us to choose Him but rather come to the conclusion ourselves.
You've admitted yourself, that this world is fucked up the way it is, because it's people that have allowed it to get like this - not God, and you're correct there. His guidance has always been available - people have merely chosen to not listen and then stick a fork into the power point regardless.

84e39f8a No.3750557

File: 1723917686996.png (1.88 MB, 3000x1556, Femboy_demon.png)


All I hear is a long, boring, cope.

e9e6d185 No.3750566

File: 1723920883456.png (106.76 KB, 400x400, 1445673112.gonz_disregard.png)

Hey, if you really want to peg me as some kind of evil force keeping this place alive, you go right ahead.

In reality I'm just another schizo with my own set of problems.
I am not trying to hurt anyone. I have found peace in a chaotic world and really I couldn't ask for more. But I can't discuss that here, nobody would understand and just try to tear me down, so why even bother?

You don't know me.

e9e6d185 No.3750589

>kids, kids, kids…
I'd just like to point out you're implying kids are the ones consuming child porn.

a4fa8fa9 No.3751447

File: 1724538082916.jpg (3.76 MB, 6000x4000, ocelot-6863535.jpg)

That's very you to reply in such detail. I would have completely replaced that post prior to the quoting (served identification purposes, he has to know we still respect the trial/bernal thing he did). The only part that mattered was knowing you survived your nanny state zombie hell :), yours looked like a death camp early on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV3NC-2TMTc but look at the manchurians we got stuck with

I quit the interactive part of the internet altogether, news feeds only. I'm glad you're still posting promiscuously enough to happen to be there that one day out of 365*3. I know those christian mindsets like the back of my paw and one of them keeps you healthy. You should keep that part.

>I have found peace in a chaotic world and really I couldn't ask for more

Yeah, very much same

File: 1689881000126.png (561.75 KB, 708x398, r1633175473759008[1].png)

25f203bf No.3709468[Reply]

Are there any zoophile forums left, other than Zooville which has been utter crap for two years now?
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1aa42e5d No.3750500


It's a sexual orientation. Furries should use "zoo sexuality" and "zoosexual" instead of "zoophilia". For us it's not that uncommon anyway.


You haven't been to Zooville.

5598a583 No.3750503

File: 1723896526983.png (3.1 MB, 3000x2100, 3d7a2149ede465624afa2f6c34….png)

I acknowledge your post and think the other posters have already done a good job.

0893ba20 No.3750514

> I mean, he does lick himself vigorously when I jerk off
LOL My dog leaves the room when I masturbate. She must be a lesbian.

459dcfbc No.3750543

Don't make this doggy come scratching at your door. You shouldn't have given me that small taste "test" last time. Now you're stuck with me.

5598a583 No.3750550

File: 1723914859275.jpeg (32.2 KB, 450x658, character-test-_00095_.jpeg)

sorry, testing things is in my nature. I can't not gather data…

5598a583 No.3750551

If it makes you feel any better, Salem is trying to make me use less question marks.

459dcfbc No.3750555

I'll go off to pray and sleep now, and will include you and your doggy.
Do share that email would you, so that you can tell me what you think of those professors. I still need to reach a sick friend of mine who is scared of facing what's going on in the world, when he really doesn't need to be.
Sleep well.

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cc44c592 No.3719930[Reply]

You will never know what Toriel's old, mature musky pussy smells like. Also old furry women thread.
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53804c29 No.3742729

wtf are those?

150cc820 No.3742749

File: 1718332364084.jpg (124.83 KB, 1024x768, radio_demon_alastor_hazbin….jpg)

basically women were waring bras that were like cones, and they developed into them, and they made torpedo boobs.

Not much more on the subject to look into.

Other than being a huge fetish for the WWII and korean era guys.

I ran out of fetishes, so I've become somewhat of a conisoure.

28043f51 No.3742760

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Why would you even need to drink? She's a french girl. You hate french girls?

3d858182 No.3742773

File: 1718344699480.png (4.45 MB, 1800x1800, MdOfACq.png)

c20169a2 No.3742781

File: 1718363280575.png (2.16 MB, 1280x1536, 1c15f0a4f8d902c90b51d304cf….png)

The reason I won't eat over at Renamon's house anymore.
Although some might say Renamon is enhancing the flavor of your food by abundantly adding her personal (very personal) touch, very intimate and rich in flavor.

1d9f251f No.3742870

It's all natural seasoning, completely organic.

3d858182 No.3750406

File: 1723829145546.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720, nnkR2U7i69DqFbXG.webm)

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