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File: 1716908798803.png (24.85 KB, 422x159, Screen Shot 2024-05-28 at ….png)

51a3ab7b No.3740957[Reply]

>>3669504 use something that works without a retarded requirements/paywall

I'm not blasting away my 32-bit libraries that run everything to 'simply' use bloatware that forces you to buy a new craptop then pay discord fees
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18586adb No.3741422

you don't need to participate in updooter culture, use old php in docker (though its bloated too).

2e43ff5b No.3741452

updates are expensive and that will inevitably cause problems with that one word called ownership.

51a3ab7b No.3742036

fag can't even make a telegram, let alone an irc without becoming a jew

5608be09 No.3742039

there is an IRC, you retard, fuck off

e3ba6471 No.3742052

File: 1717764329303.jpeg (46.18 KB, 731x437, EsjyT2kUYAA2YpX.jpeg)

The IRC is dead but nonetheless the first thing mentioned in the sticky.

51a3ab7b No.3742081

with a link that refuses to be shared.

sorry I don't have a nuclear reactor to power dickcord

mind using something that actually works on computer systems that aren't $3,000 trashcans?

0e6f0bef No.3742085

Do you not have reading comprehension you fucking moron? The IRC is in the sticky. The IRC is not the same thing as the Discord.

File: 1717697088322.jpg (8.74 KB, 296x445, 41WqvOgHj2L._SY445_SX342_.jpg)

c6aed24f No.3741973[Reply]

For the upcoming righty-triggering game that is long overdue.

"Satan punishes evil. God enables it".

No sissy QTE or gimmick kill shit, real time combat like a game should be. Play as a satanic soldier who serves social justice & sends the sinners to their eternal punishment in real first person action. Take one of many options to complete your task as thinking is better than being led by the nose in a linear fashion.

Mission 1- Steven G. QuarterManLives is a right-wing video personality who cries about "woke" things & spits blatant lies in his service to Christian Nationalism. He's also made a lot of money by suing anyone who calls him a racist, thanks largely to the judges in his pocket. This week it has come out that his pregnant wife has left him claiming mental & physical abuse, of which he denies, yet his fans are secretly proud he beats a woman.

Enter his home at night. Deal with him. Be stealthy or loud, whichever you prefer. Bonus points will be earned if his computer is left undamaged in the mission as the police will find his cp collection.

Mission 2- Furry artist Andrew Wong is a notorious rapist & pedophile- which is why furries think he's great. His victims have been attacked & shamed, his crimes protected & buried. He will never see a courtroom. Social Justice will have to suffice.

End him in front of witnesses & make a run for it? Use a stolen fursuit with a gun mounted inside for a stealth option? Take your pick.

Mission 3- Matt Welsh, another Christifascist asshole, has called for racial genocide, forcing people to attend church & now in his sickest moment has said that the age of consent should be lowered to 13 because "they're more fertile". As it turns out he & several of his buddies like to indoctrinate & groom teenage girls into his Christian group for very bad things(along with dosing them secretly with birth control meds). Get out to that remote farmhouse, free his victims & deal with these sickos. A quick shot to the head or perhaps one to the gut so they fade slowly & painfully?

c6aed24f No.3741974

Future missions- Deal with Muslim terrorists planning to kill thousands. Deal with a deranged Jew who kidnaps innocent Arabs to torture them because he is loyal to Israel & maybe you can also talk his victims into abandoning the god that doesn't love them. If the Amish are so peaceful why are so many of them abusing their families? Don't forget the local Catholic church & its gaggle of pedo priests! Remember, they all serve the same deity in the end & they all use that deity to justify their evil. If the satanic soldier is after you, you are not innocent.

The game will take multiple jabs at Bethesda & modern Doom games which are Christian & bigoted in nature. Gamergate will be a deserved target for being a right-wing anti-woman terrorist movement. Original music will hopefully mix with licenses from Electric Hellfire Club & Ghost. Expect a proper announcement when the game is close to being finished, the company will remain anonymous until then to dodge right-wing cancel culture threats. PC only, fuck the console makers. When the game hits you will be unable to stop it. Devs & higher ups working on the game WILL be armed & ready to deal with anyone who threatens them on the game's release. However they plan to chuckle at all the free advertising the Youtube right will give the game when they "cry" about it.

As nice as it would be to have Tom Ellis on board as Satan, it will not happen as the game will have no ties with WB, the Devil will have a unique actor that will still trigger you either way.

File: 1690126797507.jpg (4.99 MB, 3200x2800, 28fe808eece42766c7785c8d6b….jpg)

8d071788 No.3709786[Reply]

the thing we do for love
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26fe94fe No.3722874

File: 1700996206460.jpg (1.55 MB, 1200x1800, 1672743464.maquenda_fruiti….jpg)

Whoso eateth the flesh of the fruiting body shall bear witness to the dance of the immortals.

2db2b83d No.3722894

004e23c3 No.3723355

File: 1701280306597-0.png (992.8 KB, 1024x1024, 0a1135bdbdd8ba3e2e49f203a3….png)

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004e23c3 No.3723356

File: 1701280332576-0.jpg (1.68 MB, 1857x1912, 128b0fd3a71f8b677e5560b9b1….jpg)

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004e23c3 No.3723357

File: 1701280459901-0.jpg (1.33 MB, 1736x1326, 84274fd0a685d47de2aea4fbec….jpg)

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004e23c3 No.3723358

File: 1701280494397-0.jpg (955.02 KB, 2639x3203, ddbb0f5854585857f10ce5dca4….jpg)

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400235c1 No.3741895

File: 1717627419035.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x1353, 1591210317.elkir_hunt.jpg)

File: 1706533765500.png (414.87 KB, 512x512, M7z4yy2hn4Gu4RY_1706531301.png)

4336f15b No.3730509[Reply]

Not bad with
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5c994409 No.3730545

File: 1706556995006-0.jpg (40.38 KB, 134x364, Evzen.jpg)

File: 1706556995006-1.png (223.68 KB, 878x635, sad chewbakka noises.png)


5c994409 No.3730546

File: 1706559292864.png (219.35 KB, 512x512, 5T5lSqI4S0wBrH7_1706559016.png)

This generator is LAME!

ffe629f9 No.3730588

File: 1706580489037.png (1.49 MB, 1298x848, yiff-ai-screenshot-1.png)

It's functional. It can do twinks and small characters okay. But every cock it creates is human-looking, regardless of prompt, which is a shame.
Also, generating in image is verry slow compared to a different site I've been using (which I won't name).

ffe629f9 No.3730589

File: 1706581509285.png (1.44 MB, 1300x849, yiff-ai-screenshot-2.png)

It can evven do some of the hack-y things to generate better images. But still slow.

Other free sites to try
General images:

MLP characters:

ffe629f9 No.3730594

File: 1706582738130.png (21.1 KB, 984x257, yiff-ai-screenshot-3.png)

You only get 20 free images before it forces you to create an account.

e17f834b No.3731016

furry anime also allow cubs(banned words: pedo,child,donald trump)
you can register use fake email

444ecf20 No.3741885

In light of this >>3730594 I am treating this thread as an advertisement of a pay-to-use service. You can post it in the existing AI thread here >>3741155

This really didn't need its own thread.

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81ab6000 No.3740721[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3738629

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
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45d9315c No.3742539

Also Trump and his wife gave the military toilet paper and soap. It doesn't sound like much, but Mrs Trump wiped her butt once on a base, and was like "nope. fix this shit."

Seriously, Obama just told us to use our pants. The Obama Biden regime was not popular with the military. Hell I was in the Air Force during his rule, and we're known for our good living conditons, it comes with being smart n' shit.

Still even in the chow hall we had to supply our own cutlery, the salad bar was just barely not rotten enough to pass for a government wright off, and the main courses were stuff like "plain non dairy lasagna, rice, and mashed potatoes" It might sound petty, but when you're running and singing all over a god forsakened desert, food and stuff to wipe your butt with is really appreciated.

45d9315c No.3742540

Also the salad bar thing might seem petty, but I'm mostly a vegetarian. Its nothing moral, my body just does not like meat. It makes me gassy and turns my butthole into a toilet ruining spray gun. So I tend to pay attention to stuff like, all I eat.

Sad salad bars should not make a double population vote.

45d9315c No.3742541

seriously even the pineapple was concerning. You should not be able to pick up pineapple rings with tongs, and have them turn to pineapple sand. Just personal preference, but I like my fruit and vegetables to be at least a few years younger than I am.

45d9315c No.3742542

File: 1718230423557.png (799.67 KB, 1502x1155, 1abbd571ec5e3481aa8a1a0edf….png)

also, speaking of salad bars, have some beans.

7a87e2ff No.3742545

File: 1718235472368.png (573.67 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240612-193532.png)

790ab215 No.3742546

File: 1718237972793.jpg (1.06 MB, 4096x2896, 6eb83f32119d28d0ffefdc4d15….jpg)

>Military peeps are pretty notoriously red.
That's a myth perpetrated by the right. Most military are pretty woke by conservative standards.

27b4b257 No.3742547

The corrupt GOP in the House is saying Garland should be in contempt, led by a partisan hack name Gym Jordan, who ignored the Jan 6th committees demands for information.
A guy who looked the other way while a wrestling doctor under him molested dozens of boys.

File: 1696616743367.jpg (1 MB, 2430x3180, 250warn.jpg)

bd0770a2 No.3718046[Reply]

Pedophiles deserve doxxing & exposure to their communities. Oh what's that? This pedo psychopath who e-stalks anti-pedos is also a huge white racist & loves Trump(also a pedo). Big surprise there..

"Her" fanboy lonewolf23K is a French-Canadian who raped a teenage girl on a trip to Paris once. Now tell me this loli/shota/cub shit fanaticism is harmless.

Also, if you're still around, Acorn, shut the fuck up, you useless piece of redneck shit.
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0eeaea8f No.3741705

Still posting that completely debunked meme? How desperate you must be to convince everyone that you're not a pedophile. I wonder why you care so much about that subject?

b5af8027 No.3741706

Nope, not debunked. You merely want everyone to believe it since it reveals the ugly truth about democrats.

Keep trying though, maybe someone will eventually believe you, pedo.

65112a3b No.3741732

File: 1717511115470.jpg (78.78 KB, 850x850, 924d3735e26bac5d3809555084….jpg)

Its been debunked, there has never been a convicted democrat pedophile.

9e14f9d3 No.3741733

File: 1717511764210.jpg (110.05 KB, 964x543, EBnLyaSX4AUCLVN.jpg)

Because they off themselves when caught?
Because you protect them and we don't?
Your statement is 100% A LIE anyway, it's almost as if Liberals have some kind of brain damage they are born with that if they lie about something it becomes true.
No, it just means you're lying.

9e14f9d3 No.3741734

File: 1717511961054.jpg (97.18 KB, 1024x720, 117638237_358056192261103_….jpg)

d1a0fe60 No.3741739

Don't be silly, Epstein didn't kill himself.

3817da46 No.3741743

File: 1717518205855.png (1.37 MB, 1280x1280, 3370936.png)


Fuck off pretending to be me. Go back to the pol thread 3b.

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442810fb No.3724212[Reply]

What did Steam do to get banned this time? Did the mod who made the sticky about him get butthurt?
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d765b234 No.3724236

Be quiet and eat your Cheetos.

506a2c5b No.3724237

File: 1701900211014.gif (1.26 MB, 1323x1530, gay56.gif)


My lunch was Sloppy joe, I'll have you know.

Maybe next time it'll be sloppy Jeff or Jim. Maybe Roy or Jason.

3c886139 No.3724238

File: 1701902900121.png (386 KB, 803x679, Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 1….png)


Send this mouse (rat) in the video to Steam's house.


f27ecfe7 No.3724354

File: 1701972159102.jpg (60.92 KB, 640x480, wordsworth nina.jpg)

b116b5f2 No.3741614

File: 1717415202075.jpg (159.98 KB, 609x763, 1647810806.jpg)

45fb7d68 No.3741707

45fb7d68 No.3741708

File: 1717481962140.png (684.89 KB, 802x451, Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 0….png)

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90953112 No.3720729[Reply]

did you know…
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0dcf762a No.3721739

how do you do that??

c2d0c0d3 No.3721746

File: 1699969256863.png (735.92 KB, 762x703, Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 0….png)

90953112 No.3721751

File: 1699973381918.png (172.28 KB, 616x417, minde_wavs.png)

I know most of what all of you do, but shhh, its a secret.

273cfee1 No.3721778

File: 1699985012139.jpg (585.76 KB, 3464x3140, Y7.jpg)


I must be looking at too much gay porn. Its looks like an anus with the ball sack hanging below.

13069d27 No.3721922

File: 1700103104198.jpg (131.52 KB, 900x1016, world_war_ii_with_pokemon_….jpg)

If World War II were a Pokémon battle, it would be a chaotic and intense battle between two powerful trainers representing the major factions involved in the war. Here's how it might unfold:

Trainer 1: Allies
Trainer 2: Axis Powers

1. Opening:
Trainer 1 sends out their strongest Pokémon, representing the unity and power of the Allied forces, such as a majestic Dragonite.
Trainer 2 responds by sending out a cunning and formidable Pokémon, representing the swift and aggressive tactics of the Axis Powers, such as a ruthless Gyarados.

2. Early Conflicts:
Trainer 1's Dragonite utilizes its powerful Hyper Beam attack, representing the Allied forces' massive air and naval superiority, causing significant damage to Trainer 2's Gyarados.
Trainer 2's Gyarados retaliates with its Hydro Pump, symbolizing the Axis Powers' surprise attacks and aggressiveness, causing damage to Dragonite.

3. Expanding Fronts:
Trainer 1 employs their diverse army of Pokémon, representing the Allied forces' ability to fight on multiple fronts. Each Pokémon represents a different country or faction within the Allies.
Trainer 2 brings out a variety of strong Pokémon, representing the Axis Powers' alliances and the different strategies they employed to dominate, such as a formidable Tyranitar representing Germany's Blitzkrieg tactics.

13069d27 No.3721923

File: 1700103125849.jpg (40.85 KB, 500x500, d97pcab-e59d3163-14a3-44a0….jpg)

4. Turning Points:
Trainer 1 unleashes their secret weapon Pokémon, inspired by the D-Day invasion, symbolizing the Allies' major turning point in the war. This Pokémon possesses exceptional strength and resilience, turning the tide of the battle in favor of the Allies.
Trainer 2 responds by bringing in their ultimate weapon Pokémon, representing a fictional legendary Pokémon created specifically for this battle. It represents the Axis' last-ditch attempt to regain control.

5. Final Showdown:
Trainer 1's ultimate Pokémon represents the indomitable spirit and unwavering determination of the Allies. With a series of powerful moves, it weakens Trainer 2's legendary Pokémon, showing that victory is within reach for the Allies.
Trainer 2's legendary Pokémon retaliates with devastating moves, symbolizing the Axis Powers' desperate struggle to turn the tide, but it ultimately succumbs to the might of Trainer 1's Pokémon.

6. Conclusion:
Trainer 1 emerges as the victor, representing the triumph of the Allies in World War II. The battle signifies the tremendous sacrifices made by all nations involved, as well as the collective effort required to achieve victory and promote peace.

It's important to note that war is a complex and tragic event, and comparing it to a Pokémon battle oversimplifies its gravity and human cost. This answer is solely intended as a creative and imaginative take on the question.

64db32ae No.3741613

File: 1717414674591.jpg (469.63 KB, 2000x3500, 144f36b0b89bdb0d3d44b99774….jpg)

Umbreon is the best digimon.

File: 1693294942980.jpg (143.73 KB, 1120x971, 253a5d752e6733fb82640ef995….jpg)

6d1dac7d No.3713903[Reply]

saw this shit claiming braeburned is a groomer lmfaoooo at first i questioned the validity of it but its definitely true

421f11df No.3713929

File: 1693319797328.gif (1.17 MB, 374x352, eyeroll_b.gif)

5 years after the fact? Sounds like someone's a bit asshurt over not getting free art when they tried to blackmail him privately.

8fb81192 No.3713930

File: 1693320921410.jpg (34.1 KB, 499x500, 1514876365527.jpg)

Sounds like typical furry drama, two gay faggots buttfuck each other and one literally gets butthurt

3d5f5eb5 No.3714005

>definitely true

af5acff2 No.3714022

File: 1693380885841.png (954.43 KB, 1406x684, braeburn farms eggs.png)

He likes them this young.

37af46c2 No.3720399

>shit claiming braeburned is a groomer
Beez Zabinski is a pedophile.

File: 1717107329472-0.png (58.67 KB, 619x490, lulz-icon.png)

File: 1717107329472-1.png (622.99 KB, 784x654, furfling_icon.png)

4401cd37 No.3741201[Reply]

What we hate:
- Old stickie
- You.

What we need:
- Banner ad needs a [x] or at least a [-]
- Built in chat that supports scalable video/audio/streaming quality.
- Telegram chat with subgroups and videochats
- a post on here has a bot post on telegram with a link to the site
- You.
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4401cd37 No.3741365

least I know who my dad is, nignog

9414bda0 No.3741367

File: 1717216706556.png (853.89 KB, 1140x470, The Trolls (The World of D….png)


At least my dad isn't my mom's sister/brother/father/mother/aunt/uncle/cousin, etc. etc..

4401cd37 No.3741368

I think a new feature I'll implement is having a way to block shit posters that simply derail the thread rather than contributing.

afcfb59b No.3741371

File: 1717225121441.jpg (40.05 KB, 720x849, IMG_20220630_200903_943.jpg)


You ain't doing shit, nigga. Eat my entire ass, you clown.

df6224ea No.3741376

File: 1717233137268.png (597.4 KB, 948x752, 7cwavdml9mk61.png)

4401cd37 No.3741396

File: 1717254169926.png (1.66 MB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2024-05-31 at ….png)

00fe4fbc No.3741597

this website needs a computer poltergiest that fucks its users in the ass with a zalgo virus evertime they load the page

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