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File: 1708380338843.jpg (184.51 KB, 850x1275, 20162d6b55bce29d18724bc79e….jpg)

1bc25c19 No.3732755[Reply]

no ones going to comment on bierro dying, and karno lamenting his and sheps passing ? your all slipping .

e899f5d6 No.3732787

File: 1708398366606.jpg (168.65 KB, 935x455, right_here_bro.jpg)

There's a thread from three days ago right here: >>3732437.
Literally right next to this one on the catalogue before I posted this.

File: 1707967143215.jpg (133.15 KB, 700x1063, dynamite-comic-books-thund….jpg)

4f5f8657 No.3732290[Reply]

A comics publisher called "Dynamite" has started a new "Thundercats" comic.

I Like Cheetara's new look.
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b7de4b5f No.3732465

File: 1708116770755.png (330.72 KB, 525x398, Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1….png)

In the 1985 version of ThunderCats, the character is an elderly Snarf, whose real name is Osbert. However, he hates his real name but he couldn't tell why. Snarf's friends are Jaga, Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Wilykit, Wilykat and even Lion-O. Snarf served as a nursemaid and protector for Lion-O when he was a boy.[2] After Lion-O grew up, Snarf found that often Lion-O did not want to have him "mothering", or protecting him. Still, Snarf has remained loyal to Lion-O and the other ThunderCats. At times, he does come through in a pinch with an idea and takes action when it is needed. Even though not a fighter by skill or nature, Snarf is very agile. He also can communicate with other animals on Third Earth to enlist their help in his tasks, and once even tricked the Ancient Spirits of Evil into giving him a power up to become Snarf-Ra. Catch phrase "SNARF!" Often refers to himself in third person. His enemies are Mumm-Ra, Ancient Spirits of Evil, The Mutants, The Lunataks, The Berserkers, and Grune the Destroyer.

5c7ababb No.3732473


All the male characters are looking down/are made to look more scary, except snarf.

While the females are looking at you joyfully.

The image alone is making me wonder if it'll be a man hating woke show.

2ec1f4aa No.3732501

Thanks for the info, I did not know most of that.

I guess my main question is, SNARF is a different SPECIES than the other ThunDERcats, isn't he?
I mean, he can talk, he actually seems rather smart, so exactly what IS he, I was wondering?
He just doesn't look like the same species as the rest of them. Is he from the same planet that they are?

d56e5d2b No.3732504

Fuck off, racist!

2ec1f4aa No.3732509

What the fuck is wrong with you?

b5e1a08d No.3732516

It's either a bot or a stupid degenerate zionist/commie fleshbag, they're almost impossible to tell apart nowadays.

67e2186d No.3732524

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87acd380 No.3710652[Reply]


85f3df1f No.3732182

File: 1707878678220.jpg (1.13 MB, 2316x3088, bdsmlr-9774702-FI7iu7khlC.jpg)

Kiss my ass.

87acd380 No.3732209

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5f263f9c No.3717166[Reply]

I ran across this video on youtube and wanted to share it with you nerds. It really made me re-evaluate the shit quality of the Michael Bay transformer movies.

Watch this video and give me your opinion - Did Michael Bay troll the whole world and make billions off of turning Hasbro's Optimus prime into a low-key Robot-Hitler?

The movies always felt off to me and now I know why.
Do you agree?

8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

bd89218e No.3717259

There is only the 1986 movie for me.
The only good Transformers movie.
All the series and other movies pale in comparison.


Peter Cullen is the only reason anybody cares about the movies now.

c61b6973 No.3717264

Michael Bay is a fucking hack of a director. He lacks any actual talent or skill directing films. His idea of a good movie is absolute crap dialog followed by explosions every five minutes and disjointed nonsensical plots. He sucks and what makes it even more of a horror show is that people pay money to see the total shit he produces because short attention spans and A.D.D. is an increasing phenomena in this fucking country.

5f263f9c No.3717362

>Michael Bay is a fucking hack of a director.

I used to think that too but watch the video! It changed my mind.

He isn't a hack, he made the movies bad on purpose. He hated that he was forced to do the first one and when it was successful he set out to troll the world with the following movies.

Yes, the movies are bad but I think they are bad on purpose. I think they were intended to kill the toy line.

Seriously, watch the video. It might give you a new appreciation of how much Bay gave Hollywood the bird with those movies.

f1554c05 No.3717380

You had to watch a Youtube video to know what most everyone else did since 2006. Bay never wanted to do the films, Hasbro forced him. The production execs did nothing but insult fans & the franchise. ILM called old Transformers designs "crap" to justify their shredded metal piles. They only relented on Peter Cullen after so much time & whining, they literally said "why would you want that?" when fans asked for him. Former Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner had a weird fetish for Bay being director & defended the designs wholesale. Their success was a "Springtime for Hitler" moment. Bay has since distanced himself after movie 5 failed while the current stuff has (slightly better but still shit) designs. The studio keeps saying Bay could come back & make a 6th film, since the Bee stuff is maybe a separate continuity though they can't decide on anything, but he probably will not. He was also outed for molesting Megan Fox, which didn't hurt his career because he's a man & he didn't cheat the IRS in the process.

It's also the only successful Hasbro film franchise. No one understood Btatleship's point or why it had aliens. G.I. Joe was a mediocre success while its sequel barely did anything of note, partly due to reshoot delays holding it up for a year because one of the minor actors suddenly got overnight famous & they wanted more scenes. No one but Brian Goldner wanted a Jem movie & it was such a tremendous failure it was pulled form theaters after 2 weeks. He had a thing for trying to revive it because "the future is female" or whatever(Hasbro as a whole is pretty badly SJW), but the IDW comics were a bomb, any new attempt at toys were a bomb & the film was a nuke. Goldner was going to fund a sequel out of pocket though until he realized he'd go broke. The current CEO seems to know better, they've been partnering with Vocaloid instead these days. D&D from what I hear is also a failure because some D&D fans are about the game & not some story adaption & it looks like "generic medieval fantasy movie #576".

Brian Goldner was a clueless asshole who seemed to get lucky with a lot of bad choices. He's such an embarrassment his son committed suicide. When he retired from cancer no one really cared & then he died as a sort of historical footnote. He's going to be best remembered as the twat who gave the world Michael Bay Transformers.

f09d6871 No.3717384

dont watch the movies ever just make angrey reviews on reddit

a1b3df19 No.3717453

File: 1695944737839.jpg (74.19 KB, 649x1000, 61cFA A5hAL._AC_UF1000,100….jpg)


You're not allowed to post sector 7 references in a Micheal Bay Transformers thread.

Was it worth it?

ff10f018 No.3732186

File: 1707880351208.jpg (332.4 KB, 1050x1485, 7h452fl55zmx6sqdp6v.jpg)

> The Island.
So has anyone on earth seen The Island besides me? I still think it's worth watching.

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7992fb4b No.3716563[Reply]

fuck's sake, I'm getting so tired of repairing this old fucking house. I thought it would take me maybe 18 months, I didn't expect 9 years. The work never ends.

I'm lucky I have a workshop, its either my truck exploding, mr heater removing glass panels from their blue flame heaters and not putting them on the market until a year later, or getting really bad advice from my dad.

I love not paying rent and having the whole free house fee for being a vet in ohio, but god damn.
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71320124 No.3716590

File: 1695320905068.jpg (4.12 MB, 3648x5472, 447_r3.jpg)

> Most people from my generation get pissed that I don't have a facebook.
I don't have one either. It seems like an undesirable exposure of my personal info.

Some companies require all employees to have Facebook. Fuck that all to hell.

7992fb4b No.3716606

File: 1695326980145.png (5.45 MB, 1658x2000, 1682177123.creatiffy_garrc….png)

I have a MySpace, but its super obnoxious. It plays super loud K-Pop, and only has pictures of me posing with my dog wearing horrible sweaters.

It also hasn't been updated since 2009.

7992fb4b No.3716607

File: 1695327297133.jpg (3.84 MB, 4032x3024, 20230921_161004.jpg)

And I do mean really bad matching sweaters

e306c260 No.3716608

That's a dog wearing a shirt with Santa and Jesus riding sharks. My day is over.

7992fb4b No.3716610

File: 1695327792174.png (3.91 MB, 1920x1080, regan.png)

you forgot they're shooting guns, that how you know I'm Republican.

c886adbb No.3716614

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Replace raptor with Turkey Lion Butt.

76f3305a No.3716615

I think you totally missed the LiveJournal joke.

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7d516639 No.3711482[Reply]

510ff3d6 No.3711485

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ae832a9c No.3732144


0a514505 No.3732150

I can think of a few things that lack r34 in the furry fandom.

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1b7e8edd No.3712195[Reply]

Does anyone have the full HQ catalogue of Beastpaint.com videos? There are some online on various porn sites but they are all low quality and some vids are missing.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

1b7e8edd No.3712209


Link doesn't appear to be working.

1b7e8edd No.3712216


It's working now

1b7e8edd No.3712220


The video quality is ok but not the original quality the website offered. Also, there are lots of missing videos still.

If anyone has high quality rips from the website completed, please share, I would really appreciate it

32b8e50d No.3712229

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I have a couple art body painting.

811cb6b6 No.3712231

that older then most of the fandom

b5164117 No.3712240

it would be annoying to find out that this is some sort of human conversion program that makes it so you dont jerk it to cat faces and instead its a person

64873eff No.3731896


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3e4428d6 No.3731734[Reply]


What is the After Dark Bazaar?

The After Dark Bazaar is an adult-hours NSFW-friendly AA style vending event for artists, crafters and makers to show off their NSFW creations and wares freely without censorship. The entry to the AD Bazaar will be ID checked (18+) so vendors can freely show their NSFW products, unlike in the Night Market, Dealer’s Den, and Artists Alley where all NSFW work must be in a concealed, censored in a request only binder and ID must be taken at the table before such work is shown, as those spaces are meant to be family-friendly and SFW. This gives NSFW creators a space to sell their wares freely and show off their products in a way they cannot in the regular vending spaces.

a05af5d0 No.3731743

File: 1707485072845.jpg (370.67 KB, 1366x695, SuddenFaggotDeathSyndrome.jpg)

You dumb losers just can't let go. Haven't your fates already been sealed hard enough?

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c027d564 No.3731637[Reply]

I'm looking for a vid that contains Celestia having sex with a male character that's on e621, she starts sucking his cock then cums, then the next scene shows her butt while she's having sex, on the next scene she's on her side having sex, & on the last scene she's on top of the male who then cums on her body.

36c7cf96 No.3731641

73da2dce No.3731702


No it's actually this 1


anyway thanks for giving me the link from 1 of the animator's other animations which then I found the 1 I was missing from the link you gave me.

36c7cf96 No.3731704

No prob. You were so descriptive, I was able to narrowed the search results to just 11 with these tags: princess_celestia_(mlp) animated male/female cum fellatio female_on_top.

73da2dce No.3731705


I think there's a vid on e621 of Lilo as an alien having sex with stitch can you please give me the link to that 1 too if the vid is there.

36c7cf96 No.3731708

Nah, that sounds fucked up.

73da2dce No.3731726


I checked the date on the Celestia vid I wanted but for some odd reason it doesn't show. This afternoon I checked the pics at the ai site, there was some cool looking cat chick pics there, & 20 mins later they were gone which is also odd.

73da2dce No.3731732

Another vid I'm missing is the 1 where Motto Motto is walking & while he's walking he breaks things, 1 of the moments is a duck that disappears once he walks into it, & I once found the vid on Youtube but can't seem to find it.

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6fa28f0f No.3731638[Reply]

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