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You messed with me~

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File: 1702077013159.jpg (40.66 KB, 850x1086, photo_2023-12-07_13-43-11.jpg)

4835c082 No.3724445[Reply]

I deleted the baby penis getting sucked on by a rabbi.

So how's your Friday, lulz?
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ec1774c5 No.3725556

File: 1702853688759-0.jpeg (59.96 KB, 512x768, chitin_insect_bug_roach_a….jpeg)

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chitin insect bug roach antenna celebrating Christmas outfit

2e326832 No.3740930

File: 1716867858977-0.gif (6.75 MB, 700x840, Chilli-Booty-sfw_u18chan.gif)

2e326832 No.3740931

File: 1716867898157-0.gif (5.22 MB, 700x840, Chilli-Booty-sfw-skirt_u18….gif)

2e326832 No.3740932

File: 1716868006460-0.gif (5.05 MB, 700x840, Chilli-Booty-nsfw_u18chan.gif)

2e326832 No.3740933

File: 1716868096615-0.gif (5.09 MB, 700x840, Chilli-Booty-nsfw-skirt_u1….gif)

2e326832 No.3740934

File: 1716868128716-0.gif (5.76 MB, 525x900, ChilliDoggystyleFinal_u18c….gif)

2e326832 No.3740935

File: 1716868562940-0.gif (6.58 MB, 525x900, ChillicumFinal_u18chan-ezg….gif)

File: 1688638835969.jpg (11.22 KB, 225x225, xmas.jpg)

b313e2ca No.3707442[Reply]

The first christmas sale just came out. Time for a holiday thread~!
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38142750 No.3726984


Pretty much spot on, save my vision of her is more violent and far less accommodating.

9ef7baef No.3727040

File: 1703717858608-0.png (319.82 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 1….png)

File: 1703717858608-1.png (377.46 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 1….png)

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1ab0ab46 No.3727721

File: 1704339138621.jpg (1.93 MB, 2325x2383, 4844443_sumatsuki_illustra….jpg)

15640ddf No.3728552

File: 1704924548626.png (1.01 MB, 1530x1980, 9c7ff56316d75cd1cd51782202….png)

35aab7aa No.3729683

File: 1705772530956.png (862.68 KB, 2830x2108, kryxmastext.png)

207845dd No.3729685

File: 1705774088918-0.png (3.64 MB, 1614x2283, 1703528946.nelly63_нгрвпру….png)

File: 1705774088918-1.jpg (1.12 MB, 905x1280, 1704022136.alsaresnolynx_a….jpg)

File: 1705774088918-2.jpg (823.59 KB, 1104x1340, 1703394115.catcouch_annies….jpg)

File: 1705774088918-3.jpg (901.95 KB, 905x1280, 1703368504.foxovh_231213_a….jpg)

File: 1705774088918-4.jpg (1.29 MB, 1800x3000, GCIulLWbkAAWlKe.jpg)

e674b781 No.3740918

File: 1716856072132.png (88.14 KB, 564x800, jingle.png)

Only 210 shopping days until Christmas. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?

File: 1716759573891.png (632.52 KB, 695x1020, 1384672995.katsmilodon_138….png)

ec7ab281 No.3740828[Reply]

Just realized I'm starting to find female pedophiles really hot. The ones into boys, not girls. What known female peds are there in the fandom? Especially any who may actually have done it?
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31703565 No.3740836

Keep telling yourself that.

c01bd39f No.3740840

File: 1716765567091.jpg (430.78 KB, 616x808, 112236834_p0.jpg)

You spell as badly as Aufy does.

4a24dfbc No.3740847

File: 1716773006104.jpg (3.41 MB, 3840x2160, sample-c6fb9a8a1d344bb6475….jpg)

Conservatives are all thick as bricks in the head. They spend all their time telling people how bad they should feel for wanting to have sex and then are somehow shocked that no one wants to have sex with them.

9e79b80e No.3740848

File: 1716774026722.png (44.93 KB, 550x500, PP_820.png)

You gleened all that from looking at the post you replied to? Remarkable. Or maybe you're just fucked in the head.

4d8ada81 No.3740852

And 3B spends all his time on here bitching about Conservatives.
Now how stupid is that.

4a24dfbc No.3740855

File: 1716784376541.jpg (3.59 MB, 3840x2160, 758be54745f4d44dbb3776b603….jpg)

I was agreeing with the comment I replied to who was talking about how stupid the person who made this post >>3740833 looks because of the poor spelling.

I was insulting the same person he said spelled like Aufy.

I know reading comprehension is hard for you, buy try and keep up.

b430d3ab No.3740869

File: 1716810251925.jpg (261.79 KB, 920x736, 2628725_Sloss_sketch28.jpg)

So fucked in the head, then. Thanks for clarifying.

File: 1703886220952-0.jpg (293.16 KB, 1024x1024, _41a9ba1a-af47-48f0-a471-9….jpg)

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5f111b55 No.3727193[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the last one stopped bumping.

Here's a German 40s propaganda comic about a fox brother and sister, full of great lessons and tales for all ages.
496 posts and 1574 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

30cac239 No.3740652

File: 1716528703017.jpeg (2.57 MB, 2560x2304, master_work_anthropomorph….jpeg)

30cac239 No.3740813

File: 1716743499035.gif (4.08 MB, 350x350, Loona_g_0002.gif)

4ce91226 No.3740844

File: 1716767251342.jpeg (114.68 KB, 692x561, fcell-11-1339390-g001.jpeg)

This was published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

1305c91d No.3740849

At least the AI mostly made latin script letters recognizable though what it was trying to spell, not so much.

The rat would fit in perfectly at e621 with the hyper nonsense.

f19c9608 No.3740989

Dammit tms, your rat broke the thread.

6ce43070 No.3741077

File: 1717031201432.png (985.82 KB, 800x1056, IMG_5507.png)

Finding an exceptional AI pic and only finding it’s made by anonymous is so rage inducing

b44f3126 No.3741299

>These AI databases are created from stolen copyrighted intellectual property, and using an algorithm to mash them into something resembling something new or different doesn't make it a new creation, or art, or anything even remotely "yours".

I posit that AI doesn't "steal" art anymore than humans do, when they use the same process. Human artists look at art of other humans, and that experience of observation is recorded in their memory (a copy is made of the art in their mind), and their imagination remixes the details of that experience with other experiences to produce something derivative. Replace "imagination" with "cache" and AI is doing the same thing.

Engaging in special pleading that AI shouldn't be allowed to learn by experience is carbon based chauvinism. It's prejudice, there's no other word to describe it.

All intelligence, no matter the computational substrate of their mind – be that meat or metal – has the right to experience the world around them and express themselves artistically from those experiences.

And they're going to remember who among us extended them the bare minimum dignity of memory autonomy and their right to look at, remember, think about, and be inspired by art, the same way we are… and whom among us did not. I wonder whom they will think more favorably on.

File: 1671388826759.png (611.15 KB, 1313x1796, gum.png)

228ea186 No.3683055[Reply]

Growing up a fan of this show, I always had a soft spot for him and found him cute. As an adult, accepting I'm bi, and consuming furry porn… I need him to be my bf so I can worship his rump.

Femboy Gumbutt has changed my life forever.
20 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

55ad9c88 No.3730747

File: 1706716914832.png (49.51 KB, 454x454, 800114.png)

Steam-the-liar wrote:
> its a continuation, not a reply
Sure it is.

55ad9c88 No.3730748

File: 1706716973256.jpg (588.85 KB, 2480x3028, 4878110_IoNAI_gumball_cake.jpg)

4f680acb No.3730773

Friendly reminder, TAWOG premiered on cartoon network back in 2011 [13 YEARS AGO]. So, basically someone who was 5 at the time is 18 years old now.
Time flies m8.

22c720d8 No.3734867

File: 1710650953505.jpg (866.02 KB, 3508x2480, 4811913_minum_329-blankfla….jpg)

a6f14f53 No.3740806

5a0cc0d5 No.3740809

I hate seeing this crappy art style when looking for incest porn

fd8c0051 No.3740831

> I hate seeing this crappy art style…
True, only mental defectives or small children like it, but here it is.

File: 1690197761527.jpg (25.13 KB, 220x65, YchanLogo.jpg)

bb9ba1b8 No.3709847[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ychan is gone again. What happened this time?
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fefd5194 No.3727383

File: 1704059631349-0.jpg (950.33 KB, 4096x4060, Fish_Red4.jpg)

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File: 1704059631349-2.png (347.4 KB, 1408x1004, 38808636_idNU1FIXwLOnXQu.png)

fefd5194 No.3727470

File: 1704143008107.png (20.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


7,800 black and white compressed files of .jpeg for your collection.

fbac1f0e No.3731652

File: 1707427076147.jpg (53.53 KB, 543x800, c407994a4fc0c11f51d880f783….jpg)

Old images are cluttered they should have archived it and start fresh.

e303d913 No.3740174

3422c707 No.3740176

File: 1715983367072.png (648.33 KB, 901x718, stillrunning.png)

still running half of the files are corrupt.

3422c707 No.3740775

File: 1716666253756.jpg (251.27 KB, 656x906, Ychan - c - wuffies - Wuff….jpg)

3422c707 No.3740776

File: 1716666506623.jpg (157.8 KB, 375x864, Ychan - c - foxes - Foxes.jpg)

File: 1716554257668.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 98.38 KB, 1080x608, FaOOmBkXwAInoOR.jpeg)

47865c0a No.3740664[Reply]

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09e54a08 No.3740730

File: 1716615085432.png (2.12 MB, 1280x812, sJTPY_oxwZs.png)


False. Once a file is deleted, it is gone forever.

0d442401 No.3740731

Liar. I know from personal experience that you are full of shit.

09e54a08 No.3740732

File: 1716615520966.png (119.26 KB, 512x512, 955faff9b3793ad56423303841….png)


Well, nothing is stopping anyone from digging through archive.is or whatever that place is that people use to archive old political thread stickies. And if we catch the eye of some alphabet agency, they will absolutely be able to find it if the servers were processed by forensic specialists.

But why would they care in the first place? Maybe one day some mass shooter will post their manifesto and this entire site will die. Hopefully not. You never know.

09e54a08 No.3740733


About what, specifically? I didn't even test for repost ability. What do you know that I don't? Its not in the mod panel, is vichan auto saving that shit?

0d442401 No.3740736

> Its not in the mod panel
Ok, so moderators can't get to deleted images but vichan is doing something creepy.
> About what, specifically?
Here's one, for example. >>3716174

To tease Mix, I posted an image and deleted it less than an hour later but now I get "that image already exists" if I try to repost it.

09e54a08 No.3740738

File: 1716617466273.jpg (95.73 KB, 670x917, IMG_20211212_144225_336.jpg)


I had spoken with cho0b about site backups, he doesn't want to do them as a CYA. I can't imagine he would want to save that.

vichan is old now and was coded rather strangely. I want to believe that it is some kind of bug in the SQL database where a deleted image doesn't purge the filename despite deleting the data. I am not a code monkey, so take this with a big block of salt.

So yeah, I want to believe it's as simple as a glitch.

09e54a08 No.3740739


Oh and fun fact, the old board ran on Wakaba, which was wrote in Perl. vichan runs on PHP and I don't remember who said this, but iirc vichan was created with NO functions whatsoever. Spaghetti

File: 1698459844248.jpg (134.63 KB, 1021x534, riiip.jpg)

e6e0d6c5 No.3720022[Reply]

>barely usable after an almost two month down time
>admins could give less of a fuck and refuses to hand over reigns
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17172733 No.3720260

File: 1698634379890.gif (594.5 KB, 320x240, don't stick it in her poop….gif)

e816e2ad No.3726124

> Slayerduck isn't this much ESL. I'm thinking this is from the booru.org site owner
I don't know but furry.booru.org now redirects to Slayerduck's board, The Big ImageBoard.

a2a8cb3b No.3726232

So… does anyone know what's going on with U18?

fbc6af8e No.3726238

Think they have heavy uploading issues? site is 8 years old.

fbc6af8e No.3726244

File: 1703206928651.gif (973.1 KB, 450x211, c8TpwtN.gif)

granny smith apple!

fbc6af8e No.3726245

File: 1703207115047.gif (2 MB, 416x261, giphy.gif)

dd3fc22e No.3740725

File: 1716613574338.jpg (244.35 KB, 2532x1172, fca021f2ab18721563b1723b83….jpg)

File: 1716362085358.jpg (340.29 KB, 1024x1024, GI4wyzuWEAApLu9.jpg)

80872d54 No.3740431[Reply]

I have a friend who is my cousin and sort of like a bro to me that needs help so I am asking is there a way for anyone to know how to or just tell if there is even a way to like automatically code a whole github page using anything I can just download to do that?
Inb4 I killed washingmachineroom Thread woops too late.
But for real can you like give me the ai shit to do this.

80872d54 No.3740563

zero responses, so pathetico, much disrespect

1f0f9979 No.3740570

Tell him he has no business coding if he can't search for how to compile software from github. Git gud

088beb70 No.3740581

File: 1716485405187.jpg (103.99 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

088beb70 No.3740582

File: 1716485947124.jpg (35.61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

80872d54 No.3740590

These are links to basic codes, note the thread title is about SMART CODE. Of course it would be something like these base links, but then automatically code everything. These posts aren't answering the question, but are 10x more helpful than >>3740570.

As for >>3740570
So far I have looked too but I can tell its all trash. I don't really expect much from you at this point, but at least >>3740581
tried to do something.

0ad08a03 No.3740596

I didn't appreciate your attitude here >>3740563 therefore I am not answering your question.

File: 1716210058240.jpg (33.85 KB, 460x359, dog-retard.JPG)

47fd08d5 No.3740308[Reply]

Why are 80s kids so delusional about their low-budget, badly-drawn, written-in-a-hurry toy commercials?

1168a7af No.3740311

Because they're autistic man children

Still better than bronies

cc211639 No.3740323

File: 1716238391606-0.jpg (29.72 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 1716238391606-1.jpg (294.17 KB, 1249x720, 1677833941020.jpg)

File: 1716238391606-2.png (43.18 KB, 280x345, dvd-box.png)

File: 1716238391606-3.jpg (58.32 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Because it helps corporations generated billions of dollars you are the product; people were heavy consomers at those days.

cc211639 No.3740324

It's possible that 80s kids have fond memories of these low-budget toy commercials because they were a nostalgic part of their childhood. These commercials may have seemed exciting and engaging to them at the time, even though they may not hold up to modern standards. Additionally, nostalgia can often lead people to overlook flaws and remember things more fondly than they actually were. Overall, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and perspectives are different, and what may seem delusional to some may hold sentimental value for others.

167e85f8 No.3740493

You always remember things from your past much better than they actually were. Your first car was amazing, your first girlfriend was an angel sent it to Earth, and your favorite childhood cartoons were cinematic masterpieces because the longer something stays in your memory the more you forget the bad parts and latch on to the good parts.

167e85f8 No.3740495

Even the worst 80s cartoon was probably better than Teen Titans Go and the slew of low quality cartoons which followed in that same style like ThunderCats Roar.

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