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You messed with me~

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06f6b785 No.3730067[Reply]

It just never seems to be working, and when it DOES work, only a bit of it is able to be used.
64 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

1b2b5ce1 No.3740953

If you ever thought it might be fun to interact with e621 in any way other than searching porn, think again. The site is a Kafkaesque nightmare run by a clique of gaslighting narcissists. Learned my lesson the hard way.

51800ecc No.3740954

same bs with jewtubes ai. enjoy watching the same 4 videos you banned

919b4ec3 No.3741076

I use e621.cc
Wish there was an e6ai.cc tho

51800ecc No.3741079

e6ai.cc wassat?

ab89d829 No.3741083

be6a1079 No.3741300

This. Their /cub/ board is chock full of gay shit. Disgusting

e156a722 No.3742591

It seems U-18Chan has been 'read only' for days at this point.
Maybe the brainless bimbos running the site should just tear it all down and cut their losses.

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6e3d6d82 No.3708628[Reply]

Petition to permaban Steam and all of his clones because he admitted to letting Aufy use his name to avoid a ban.
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cdf66157 No.3722781

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As many here are probably aware, some species, especially reptiles, actually do have two penises.
Sort of.
But they're usually side by side.

03a1d8a0 No.3742531

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354d8de7 No.3742543

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568c37de No.3742544

File: 1718235221445.jpg (155.54 KB, 1440x1440, s-l1600.jpg)

While you cringe posted I studied the goon.
While you rallied and divided back and forth on pol I mastered the nofap technique
While you flamingly anti-memed in the pursuit of despacito I cultivated in vengeance lurking.
Now, when your power is waning before the pathetic L you've created you have the bukbuk to ask me to fn-feel-sars?

354d8de7 No.3742555

File: 1718243040731.jpg (64.32 KB, 607x607, b5060295541d074a5e642dc6fa….jpg)

You might have a bunch of tentacles, but I apparently have two dicks.

I neither confirm or deny any accusations.

I will say that I have two fleshlights, and I'm not going to expand on that.

ff1dabe3 No.3742581

I had one of those but it split in two on the end because I went too hard on it. I thought they would be more stretchy.

568c37de No.3742586

moderation of tentacles is imperative to success

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360c6dd8 No.3720769[Reply]

Just look at that Jesus tattoo on the homosexual furries.
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737eb52f No.3729901

File: 1706014868843.jpg (42.59 KB, 510x600, Recipe21-Vodka-175-l.jpg)

Steam wrote:
>I tossed most of my horrific toys I was no longer using
And now you and your car license plate are on multiple videos as you placed them in the dumpster. The videos will live on the internet forever.

Descendants of your family will be thrilled to learn this.

35c1de7b No.3729964

Seriously I have a Ring system, that shit knows when I leave, who comes in, when it does and who and what does it, I'm not worried about some dumpster I might have to pay a fine for using.

No one will ever care, and I know when and where everything is being picked up. Plus I live on the river, I could easily just *woop* something in there old school and no one would blink an eye.

64dade2a No.3730021

the river go woop and my door go ring mmk buddy

f7b8e329 No.3742126

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f48ba05c No.3742441


Someone has been reaming all of their bodily orifices with your unwashed toys ever since, thanking the ANON "plug and dildo God" for the free offering.

a2028f73 No.3742533

> …your unwashed toys
I'm sure Steam does the same as I do. I stick all my butt plugs and other sex toys in the dishwasher along with dinner plates, silverware etc. Works fine.

ca320133 No.3742578

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The sword of Christian magistracy supported, or, A vindication of the Christian magistrates authority under the Gospell, to punish idolatry, apostacy, heresie, blasphemy, and obstinate schism, with corporall, and in some cases with capitall punishments … by William Prinne of Lincolns Inne, Esquire. gives some suggestions, thoroughly supported by bible, how loving christians to deal with this heresy.
I have not located an ebook or pdf for it but it's readable online at https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A56215.0001.001/1:2?rgn=div1;view=fulltext

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c4d70510 No.3742571[Reply]

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f0021e39 No.3708547[Reply]

So, it's common fact that this board is pretty much dead. Only about 20 people are posting, nobody new ever comes by and the most interesting threads get deleted anyway.

So what other boards or forums are there i should know about? Particularly any that aren't anti-zoo or anti-cub, like most are.
73 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

c31fd375 No.3742479


cbd960a0 No.3742492

>and narrowed by the Supreme Court in 2010.
Which is why I mentioned it. What are you adding to the conversation?

You fuck off too, retard.

01597f73 No.3742493

> What are you adding to the conversation?
The possibility that there is a different law gonz was thinking of, imbecile.

c31fd375 No.3742496

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cbd960a0 No.3742498

Why think so highly of him?

6295683c No.3742535

Found a new zoophile forum that seems promising:


d9d10ea1 No.3742569

[and gonz quietly slinks away from this thread in shame]

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e7785f1e No.3742504[Reply]


26de8b83 No.3742518

Lil ninja

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b36758c6 No.3742505[Reply]


167be6e5 No.3742517

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49582318 No.3742503[Reply]

goo mooing /furri/

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7ca363be No.3742502[Reply]


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160f7deb No.3715419[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ever search any monsters hiding in your closet or under the bed to slap your dick on them?
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160f7deb No.3715563

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f2036d5f No.3720551

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f2036d5f No.3722926

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ec76b7d2 No.3724258

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ec76b7d2 No.3732282

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43a4cf8b No.3733412

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43a4cf8b No.3742442

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Does this count?

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