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File: 1721277116452.png (426.99 KB, 703x731, Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 1….png)

691b969f No.3747130[Reply]


aw, did we bawleet the failed marriage proposal thread?

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adea5ee4 No.3747494

god, you all are fucking obnoxious

this is why i barely come to lulz anymore lmao.

3ba6a85d No.3747514

I don't bite (much anymore)… get in touch.

3ba6a85d No.3747515

I honestly don't understand why you seem to care about this horrible fake-and-gay place, even using the word "valuable".
Does any of this even matter?
It's not like any of it can ever go on any resume or (interesting) autobiography.

691b969f No.3747535

go back to japan, perv. you fucks are the fucking retards that keep posting shit in topics (JUST LIKE NOW) that have no fucking relevance to the topic.

This fucking topic is reserved for the recovery of the fucking deleted photos and details on who the person was in the video, Misako, and who he proposed to. Let's get to the bottom of this.

Like holy shit, can you not be a fucking retarded faggot for one god damned thread?!

691b969f No.3747536

*Misako was not the person who proposed.

*Misako is pictured as the thumbnail. She apparently still exists after all these years. as a CON-artist

f41f1172 No.3747538


Can you at least post receipts or something?

691b969f No.3747673

receipts? wtf am I? a jew?

youre a fucking moron. stay on topic and speak coherently.

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bc68e5d8 No.3747406[Reply]


Purplekekleon is a white traitor who robbed, raped and hung Helelos in his sleep.
She rapes kids and is a necrozoo.
She will face white justice for her crimes.
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1baea389 No.3747513

Haven't seen you here for ages, did you merely stop tripfagging?

799c69a2 No.3747557

Joseph's abusive behavior towards others has solidified his fate. He is on the cusp of falling off the cliff, and is screaming for murder in that Twitch stream.

c1193f52 No.3747565

File: 1721525200761.webm (2.74 MB, 720x720, 1692632248182134.webm)


No, simply moved on to greener pastures. This site has been doggy doo doo for years. I keep checking back every six months and it's the same boring garbage.

1c60aae1 No.3747572

>greener pastures

bf6d5409 No.3747611

same. I wish we had the fucking power to mod our own topics

1baea389 No.3747620

File: 1721561299732.webm (2.11 MB, 455x256, DogStrokesHuman.webm)

>doggy doo doo
Sounds so much nicer than "satanic viper's nest".
>moved on to greener pastures.
Good for you. I've pretty much sniffed/marked all pastures, but am curious which one you're referring to if you don't mind sharing. My old email still works if you'd prefer.

64888ea5 No.3747667

Please call Helelos's FBI agent and let them know he's plotting again.

File: 1706277595601.jpeg (922.1 KB, 4400x3400, IMG_5171.jpeg)

45660e79 No.3730188[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone been keeping the photoshop files for backers? I’m keen to make some edits.
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3d9be93a No.3741998

File: 1717715310136-0.jpg (1.35 MB, 3400x4760, IndigoNSFWFront_u18chan.jpg)

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97d6ade9 No.3743439

File: 1718724615820.jpeg (3.25 MB, 3400x4400, IMG_5575.jpeg)

Is it just me, or is it true that a person commissioning gender swapped characters is them selves trans or am I missing something.

a1c9fd63 No.3744527

File: 1719617062770.jpeg (1.55 MB, 835x2457, IMG_5597.jpeg)

NSFW dakis now for sale

a1c9fd63 No.3744528

File: 1719617149654.jpeg (1.72 MB, 835x2457, IMG_5598.jpeg)

1e17d1aa No.3746830

File: 1721126986651.png (7.6 MB, 2044x3000, Image.png)

cc31a2ff No.3747578

File: 1721530852590.jpg (210.55 KB, 2184x1687, 1720986876.dreamkeepers_gs….jpg)

Vanth is best girl

33ad60af No.3747653

File: 1721587734946.jpeg (1.77 MB, 2550x3300, IMG_5735.jpeg)

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a8926d82 No.3710950[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Scantily clad 'witches' caught munching on deer carcass in bizarre security cam footage.
A nurse and nature lover in Canada reportedly captured footage of what she said appeared to be "two witches holding a carcass-eating ritual" with a camera she set up near her home.
"I don’t know what the heck was up with that," Corinea Stanhope, 36, of Powell River, British Columbia, told Kennedy News. "It really freaked us out, it’s not something you see every day."
After coming across a deer carcass in a garden on her property, Stanhope said she set up the camera to surveil any animals that might take interest in the dead deer.
"Me and my grandpa put up a trail camera to see if we could see animals, and we got a bobcat [on camera], which was pretty cool," she said, adding that her 76-year-old grandfather, Bob, was horrified when he checked the footage and saw what appeared to be scantily clad women chomping down on the rotting, maggot-infested carcass at night.
"I came the next day, and grandpa said he'd got naked people on the camera, and I said, 'No, you didn't. Bullshit.' So, he showed me," she said.
Stanhope noted to the outlet that the apparent carcass-eaters emerged about 10 minutes after sunset, looking "disheveled" and like they were wearing wigs.
"You can't really tell from the photos, but the hoof was brought right up to their mouths as if they were smelling it," she said. "Well, I don't know if she was kissing it, smelling or eating it, but to touch a decaying carcass like that makes me feel sick – the amount of bacteria that must have been on there."
"Maybe they were paying their respects, but they were naked," she added.
Social media erupted after Stanhope posted the photos online, with some claiming it was a prank and others speculating there was a satanic or other paranormal element at work.
"That's basically a walking demon from hell," one user wrote. "If you hear screaming stay inside and get a gun you leave it alone."
Others theorized that the figures were "skinwalkers" or "wendigos," both of which are malevolent supernatural entities associated with Native American folklore.
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91f4556d No.3747484

File: 1721465188134.jpg (897.86 KB, 1280x1707, 02b16fbbbdb03f38ca1ee.jpg)

The odd and bizarre Opossum Penis!
Opossums are known for passing out (playing dead) but sometimes they're just snoozing and having sexy dreams!
This isn't bestiality because all the guy is doing is lifting the Opossum's smelly feet up out of the way (humans have no monopoly on that either) so you can better see the Star Of The Show, his weird fully erect, engorged DICK!!
"Where's his balls?" you ask… well, he has them. But like a kangaroo, they are located ABOVE his cock.
Now the big question: Would you suck it??

2bcc8939 No.3747501

Hey, I found something REALLY bizarre and unusual, a couple of women in Thailand playing with Elephant's dicks!
I know there's users here that would love to see these gals having fun playing with these big grey whoppers, but I am reading that movies like that are no longer allowed to be posted here.

But what about LINKS?
Am I allowed simply to LINK to them??
That is my question, ok thank you

0112e4e5 No.3747530


You can post it here.

0112e4e5 No.3747531


And by this I mean you can either link it, or post it here directly.

7d70beeb No.3747616

>when there are dogs in the pound that can be adopted
stop neutering/spaying them and we'll talk about adopting. Before that - no and this choice will not change.

t. practicing zoophile huskyfucker

9352e98b No.3747617

Same resident huskyfucker from over 10 years ago? One would have thought you'd have grown out of that phase by now. Just saiyan.

f73085d2 No.3747646

Is the husky male or female?

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3ce312d3 No.3723371[Reply]

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b59218a9 No.3730181

File: 1706273523385.png (3.28 MB, 1851x1990, 1706228969.garbagegarage_r….png)

He's in berserker mode; there is no off switch. He'll tire eventually, or succumb to that sword skewering him.

b59218a9 No.3730426

File: 1706450210467.webm (322.05 KB, no_kill_switch.webm)

5d5ebbd4 No.3746746

File: 1721072541637-0.jpg (224.84 KB, 640x960, 6206830be92587da51bf93c387….jpg)

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5d5ebbd4 No.3746747

File: 1721072579947-0.jpg (57.23 KB, 226x350, king_of_thieves_by_mgabric….jpg)

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18c76c4e No.3746756

File: 1721077580541.png (1.28 MB, 1024x768, BetterFlagg1994.png)

"Randall Flagg had some good ideas."
- Dan

b59218a9 No.3746910

File: 1721161990537.jpg (4.56 MB, 2316x1652, drawtober_2020__day_5th___….jpg)

5d5ebbd4 No.3747607

File: 1721541400941-0.jpg (27.47 KB, 200x150, 200px-Andross_SFA_battle.jpg)

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9e62d68b No.3711712[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

not colored; only rough white sketched.
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c945b2c7 No.3743473

File: 1718738584414-0.jpg (3.05 MB, 3958x1882, VST_vik2_skch_u18chan.jpg)

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c945b2c7 No.3743474

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0cf459e9 No.3744333

File: 1719458623137.jpg (108.34 KB, 596x768, jerry_collins_cat_bear_car….jpg)

ccbffa46 No.3745131

File: 1719986195421.jpg (163.37 KB, 1200x800, 4341028_MiniFeru_malik.jpg)

82ff9453 No.3745450

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d969b3eb No.3747221

File: 1721321472205.png (36.2 KB, 560x773, harpybw.png)

66c63df0 No.3747579

File: 1721532395207.png (43.41 KB, 462x600, horsey.png)

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6de646b7 No.3708041[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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79b4785f No.3743134

File: 1718572178072.png (20.94 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Imagine Steam wearing an AI generated raccon fursuit that is 3D printed and won a prize?


49b60edc No.3746967

File: 1721188901631.png (4.85 MB, 3072x2048, 1b699a9e39d9d70e5cf56e1dfc….png)

I had to do it! Tiny trash king atop his trash throne!

Also finally figured out how to "Sheath" the male parts. Will be looking into this idea more in the future instead of just having big erect wangs everywhere, as fun as that is lol.

5b138005 No.3747418

File: 1721427037908.jpg (1.37 MB, 2160x2160, 8512e0da3701fdce7d4d9fea37….jpg)


Raccoon forgot to wash his cheese, and it got caught in his throat. Luckily some bros were around to save him from choking to death.

5b138005 No.3747419

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49b60edc No.3747460

File: 1721440186516.jpg (811.78 KB, 2560x2560, b0bec6c105d0423ccdaa3df507….jpg)

Raccoons are actually hung pretty nicely compared to most other woodland species and a few other animals of similar size, as this comparison will show, a raccoon penis bone which in them corresponds to the actual length of their penis, comes out at the top.
The more you know.

765f2279 No.3747465


Thank you for showing us your collection of freeze-dried animal penises. Please consult Yelp for the closest mental health facility in your area and make a reservation.

49b60edc No.3747477

Lol, image was found on web, silly.

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6542bc98 No.3744244[Reply]

Working on a game? or game related stuff like 3D models pixelart, music and other, share your works and progress here
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6542bc98 No.3745175

File: 1720037188973.png (997.2 KB, 1618x858, image.png)

can't decide how to dress her i want to make her look kinda Fetting fantasy world but not tribial, small village but iconic and characteristic for her as a main character those are options i got so far but maybe i need to think of somethign new

c937f31a No.3745177

File: 1720039813579.png (791.71 KB, 1618x858, change.png)

d5468146 No.3745831

File: 1720385167350.png (1.27 MB, 1920x1193, img_col_pdfaint.png)

i suck at makign textures, to be hostest i suck at everything i do

7619cd29 No.3745970


Being dead is much better.
Embracing the flash is the prudent thing to do.

You do NOT want to live in a post-collapse society.

Imagine the worst gang-run neighborhood in Mexico.

Now take away clean water, fuel, power, food & Doctors. And every shred of compassion and morality.

Yeah…like that and worse.

5efaf06c No.3746333

File: 1720792101750.png (3.35 MB, 1920x1080, image.png)

inspirited by work of @MattVinnie

I decided to try recreate his work in blender I'm no where near as talented as he is mine work is just a poor imitation original art can be found here: https://mattvince.com/kakariko/

076473da No.3747393

File: 1721409635083.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1193, img_col_pffaintc.png)

fixed some details now i wounder is gray hair is better or schould i give her some other hair color like before

5b9b4813 No.3747468

Im restoring this abandoned furry game i found. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYmiwbO5icc

its for dos

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55f4c743 No.3707234[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If I'm going to do all this work cleaning up the spam, might as well sticky a cub thread while I'm at it.
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9987f2eb No.3746421

File: 1720890304049.jpg (612.43 KB, 2463x1977, 5111236_jamesfoxbr_horny_b….jpg)

af002d73 No.3746898

File: 1721157162293.png (335.25 KB, 1200x1600, 5114285_Kasumin_crem_leg_l….png)

f3dd3024 No.3746915

77147ef0 No.3747167

File: 1721300962714.jpg (130.04 KB, 682x767, 1155675581.artdecade_12.jpg)

a4b06728 No.3747233

File: 1721328454021-0.jpg (820.76 KB, 3264x2500, 1720680011705354.jpg)

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af002d73 No.3747394

File: 1721411322844.jpg (183.34 KB, 1200x1476, pup found a dirty magazine.jpg)

af002d73 No.3747411

File: 1721424783275.jpg (368.2 KB, 1665x1801, 2843095_AJDurai_hooded_cha….jpg)

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d6dfbde8 No.3707894[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gay thread. Redux.
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8e509f69 No.3741831

File: 1717593157223.jpg (168.55 KB, 808x648, 65e5544641d4e048b7b9122ec6….jpg)

65eb4784 No.3742249

File: 1717964805210.jpg (37.18 KB, 788x600, Lisa_Iennaco__stretch.jpg)

19c62b84 No.3742755

File: 1718334806141.jpg (394.55 KB, 2600x1930, champagne.jpg)

415abbd4 No.3743270

File: 1718639831141.jpg (116.88 KB, 510x700, 94529e726a1544cffca0f35344….jpg)

00c3ca6b No.3746262

File: 1720719827584-0.jpg (164.78 KB, 1200x814, FyjrzGNWAAEYSls.jpg)

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Cute romantic gay stuff is the best

a428a99f No.3746609

File: 1720997792501.jpg (492.37 KB, 2048x1690, 5fdc8b7389c2050c634ff0adf7….jpg)

1da09b9d No.3747395

File: 1721411586585.png (603.45 KB, 782x600, jeffery_james02.png)

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