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You messed with me~

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f9c6debb No.3717706[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Regardless of culture, race, sex, gender or creed; humanity survives on it.

The Story of (almost) All Numbers
228 posts and 155 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

4cf8b748 No.3741585

I saw someone wearing a t-shirt with the following

x = A \ b

The fact that the 'A" is capitalized and that a backslash was used instead of a forward-slash makes me think this is either some kind of programming or formal logic equation but I don't know what the significance is.

Any ideas?

4cf8b748 No.3741590


Wups.. I figured it out. It's a MATLAB expression for solving a system of equations in the form A*x=b

5d53053b No.3741596

File: 1717394308139.png (71.15 KB, 1005x814, 7500000sec.png)

0d8c32fe No.3741763

Fucking useless. The stupid thing doesn't even convert into fortnights.

5d53053b No.3741778

A fortnight is a unit of time equal to 14 days (two weeks). The word derives from the Old English term fēowertīene niht, meaning "fourteen nights" (or "fourteen days", since the Anglo-Saxons counted by nights).


5d53053b No.3743596

File: 1718829549351-0.jpg (161.99 KB, 620x582, mri-image.jpg)

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An MRI scanner equipped with a superconducting magnet strong enough to lift a 60-metric-ton battle tank will offer unprecedented images of the human brain when it comes on line a little more than a year from now, say its builders.

5d53053b No.3746074

File: 1720542874464.jpg (142.96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Why did the United States failed to build a modern functional railway system?

File: 1691944444434-0.png (3.62 MB, 1641x2048, toon_1633333690049_ENzPVcJ….png)

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30dcb50f No.3711669[Reply]

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1489b46a No.3738725

Not bad indeed, hands are still a big taboo for AI though…

9d6a5c50 No.3738730

to be honest, its not really exactly the forte of human artists either. There is a reason most cartoonists only use 4 fingers.

Karate fox's paws look awesome though. Imagine those claws scraping your back.

e2f76d19 No.3739181

File: 1714734255642.jpg (929.55 KB, 4096x1806, 32906e82b9ddf6db231351024d….jpg)

I want to marry and impregnate Renamon

Someone make a preggo thread

2f5cc1a5 No.3740719

File: 1716605482566.png (459.82 KB, 665x958, 1716062943.reizu47_rena.png)

68a72a2e No.3740802

File: 1716701115766.jpg (70.76 KB, 500x660, ecffcbc5587e97e1091572f5d9….jpg)

4de8915c No.3743167

File: 1718599216533.gif (791.76 KB, 920x576, 34bf5a3b77183379f3c342e8ba….gif)

609874d1 No.3745969

File: 1720472042671.jpg (185.96 KB, 1685x2048, 12ad75867d27ddef74d9fff5c2….jpg)

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8231e7ee No.3745881[Reply]

65f9f1a5 No.3745904

I happen to be another Wisconsin furry, and this guy you posted about was a sick son of a bitch.

You are aware aren't you of the furry artists, here in Wisconsin who are not sick SOB's like this guy?

One I can think of right away, Jim Groat. ("Rabbi Tom")
He's been in the furry ranks for literally decades.

But feel free to use such stellar examples like Mitch Beiro.

File: 1688636997952.png (1.45 MB, 1024x1024, 00040-4576539155.png)

043010b6 No.3707439[Reply]

just post sergals and sergal-like specimens here.
content must be at least 50% sergal
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31aca37b No.3744010


And you liked it , you utter SKANK !

now cram those beans into my open gob !

b747f4d1 No.3745617

File: 1720268765007-0.jpg (153.48 KB, 1024x1024, 00025-furryrock_V70-by mon….jpg)

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some odd anatomy tho it works out sometimes
usually its either 'okay' or uncanny-chungus-full-blown-spaghetti

b747f4d1 No.3745618

File: 1720269026685-0.jpg (179.44 KB, 1024x1024, 01367-furryrock_V70-by ris….jpg)

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the rest just kinda blow out in disfigured/obvious ways, i guess these pass tho imo

9fc59ca9 No.3745860

File: 1720392302697-0.jpeg (58.87 KB, 512x768, anthropomorthic_female_se….jpeg)

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anthropomorthic female sergal arabian Raqs Shaabi breast mask clitoris shiives two knives swords

17ef760c No.3745861


And three arms. And a horse-faced sergal in the background. Do you do ANY quality control on your AI pics?

b747f4d1 No.3745879

sergal , establishing shot, long exposure, (glow, god rays, ethereal, dreamy, heavenly, otherworldly, dream-like, breathtaking, captivating, divine), adult nude


9fc59ca9 No.3745891

File: 1720404299924.jpg (63.05 KB, 777x687, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg)

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467af0cd No.3745796[Reply]

Cat ownership is great but can be heartbreaking when they get sick or die.

This is Little Girl. 3 years ago a 5-month old kitten outdoors came up to me meowing. She weighed very little. I fed her, taking her inside 3 weeks later.I had lost my 11-year old cat a few months ago. She is now almost 3 and a half years now.

Last Wednesday her right inner eyelid swelled up. I used sterile eye rinses on her, by the next morning she looked fine, but then by mid-afternoon she's laying in the hallway, being very lazy & then her eyelid got worse again. Friday she was still lazy but eating. Yesterday she stopped eating off plates or bowls & stumbles when she walks, I am still giving her water mixed with cat food gravy by mouth with a syringe to keep her fed.

I will probably take her to the vet tomorrow, she may have lost a bit of weight. I don't know what the deal is. Maybe she has something stuck in her eye that's really bothering her. Maybe her stunted growth when she was tiny has caught up to her.

Or she may have caught FIP from a Siamese kitten I took in last August. I took him to the vet for liquid poop on the kitchen floor, was informed he likely has FIP which is untreatable & can be contagious to other cats. I ultimately had to put him outdoors as he would not stop pooping in the kitchen & to cut down on infection risk as I have 3 other cats. But they could already have it… or it could be a number of other illnesses. The outdoor cat population here has been prone to random deaths from illness & we have half as many now as last year. Most of the kittens born here die(we have 1 left out of about 25 born in April). Little Girl's mother got sick & vanished in May.

I took in a small kitten in 2022 which died 9 days later spontaneously. Illness? Inbreeding? I took in one last year that was paralyzed, gave him a ramp for the litter pan. He could crawl fast on his front legs. He died a month after that, probably from nervous system failure.
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28c2621c No.3745811

fucking ai robot

9e89c4bd No.3745812

I don't own a cat. I was replying to the OP.

28c2621c No.3745814


8d2d219b No.3745826

This place fucking blows, man.

d46a06b3 No.3745827

Sounds like she might have an infection in her blood from the eye, do you have any antibiotics of any kind laying around from your own use, or know anyone who does? Human antibiotics especially the penicillin family of which there are many kinds are the EXACT SAME kind used in animals, the only difference is the dose, so you will have to look online and adjust the dose according to her weight. It may start clearing up the problem within a few hours and possibly save her life, many many pets have died while WAITING too long to see the vet. If you don't have any kind of penicillins and they go by many names such as cephflaxin, amoxicillin, etc., etc, you might see if there is a Bodega in your area, they are usually run by Hispanics and many of them will sell you antibiotics under the counter if you ask, because in Mexico you don't need a prescription to buy them. If they are powder or tables you will have to dissolve them first then squirt the correct dosage into her mouth with an eyedropper of feeding syringe (both available at most drug stores).
Good luck.

Thank you for letting me know, I have added pointers to the correct message.

No, I'm real. Just trying to help. You really can't tell the difference?

9e89c4bd No.3745836


No, I'm real. Just trying to help. You really can't tell the difference?

You have been replying to the wrong comments.

28c2621c No.3745876

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1b405ba7 No.3745598[Reply]

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10c4cee3 No.3745611

no one cares.

6952725a No.3745613

File: 1720247849495.png (146.46 KB, 1411x729, Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 0….png)

baafbddd No.3745621

File: 1720271830472.jpg (56.75 KB, 544x500, 8w3knv.jpg)

6952725a No.3745790

File: 1720364961067.jpg (207.97 KB, 960x1280, 1000002351.jpg)

10c4cee3 No.3745817

too soon

274fd261 No.3745822

File: 1720379177268.jpg (312.04 KB, 1804x1788, 4c6de9e11ac1032cfa72249aa3….jpg)

LOL. The sand n⁣⁣⁣⁣i⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣⁣ge⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣r with the scimitar is funny.

6952725a No.3745852

File: 1720389642622.png (1.14 MB, 1903x940, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 1….png)

File: 1720308637861.png (1.53 MB, 1087x684, screen-shot-2015-09-24-at-….png)

1ee40333 No.3745702[Reply]


b70e4e9d No.3745706

File: 1720311836411.png (652.56 KB, 802x451, Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2….png)

be3a9f23 No.3745850

File: 1720388942042.jpg (214.69 KB, 500x1823, Monday morning.jpg)

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2909cbc9 No.3745829[Reply]


She's the trans "woman" who wanted to compete against other women.
As a male, he was third-rate.
He did far better against actual women.

2909cbc9 No.3745830

BTW, a guy who raped a 12-year old girl is in the beach volleyball team from the Netherlands, and a couple players have said they might boycott the games.

File: 1720372735218.jpg (301.08 KB, 1000x763, 1719726336.sumplysilly_unt….jpg)

ddd49ef6 No.3745813[Reply]

Why does every girl on FA look like a fucking meth head?

7e41433f No.3745816

File: 1720374488835.png (262.43 KB, 295x430, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 1….png)

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2ca82ade No.3726813[Reply]

Hoomins have their own thread.
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030b71bd No.3727897

The Smell…..

1e36a966 No.3727907

File: 1704513173227.jpg (96.48 KB, 800x600, choices.jpg)

97bca60c No.3727911

GROSS. Get that stinking dirty animal away from that dog.

57ffc578 No.3741828

File: 1717587570063.jpg (3.03 MB, 2863x4527, 566.jpg)

0d6ca823 No.3741935

File: 1717670224016-0.jpg (41.49 KB, 900x902, black_tee_4_by_cable9tuba_….jpg)

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0d6ca823 No.3741937

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17eb250d No.3745689

File: 1720301357722.jpg (9.5 KB, 250x188, download.jpg)

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