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You messed with me~

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1e298973 No.3736953[Reply]

What percentage of the furry fandom just sit on their asses collecting social services or welfare and act childish as they use that money to play computer games all day long?

e89d0aaa No.3736958

File: 1712453366714.jpeg (396.83 KB, 1121x2048, Etn_O19VEAAZ16a.jpeg)

That could have been me. I eventually got a full time job and it feels great to contribute to my boyfriend and I's present and future lives together.

The thing with SSI (monthly check) is you can't save your money and thus people in the system spend it all on frivolous bullshit. You literally cannot have over a fixed amount in your bank. Escaping the system is just about impossible once you've been on it a long time, you have a huge gap in your employment history. Its either homeless shelter/couch surfing until you can afford your own place, if you even can land a job.

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c2d2d108 No.3736807[Reply]

FtM's with MtF's thread.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

c2d2d108 No.3736810

File: 1712323144308.jpg (76.67 KB, 602x847, main-qimg-c37107afbd4954e9….jpg)

It never takes, I'm unfortunately immortal.

c72f0139 No.3736841


Abberants and freakshows. Die in a fire. No one accepts you; they hide their contempt and save their laughter when you're out of earshot.

c2d2d108 No.3736844

File: 1712357345537.png (387.67 KB, 1143x531, SCP-682_artwork.png)

seriously, you can snap my neck and I'll just get back up. I've even recovered from a direct hit from an rpg.

Not even talking in hypotheticals, I literally just come back to life even with a shattered spine and annihilated rib cage. Not even radiation can kill me.

c2d2d108 No.3736846

File: 1712357451607.png (7.45 MB, 3109x1728, 4a3f5aa54a87d10e1777a620c7….png)

I'm probably the only person who can have my spine and neck shattered, be completely out of blood, and still drive my self to the hospital.

Mind you I did pass out in the e-room lounge, but I did get there.

bcfdcf76 No.3736847

It's only a matter of time.

12a48595 No.3736860


If Steam were a Dalek he would scream INSEMENATE and squirt goop everywhere.

138d66d1 No.3736865

Is that AI? Human bodies aren't supposed to look like that. Uncanny valley shit.

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7e92725d No.3736174[Reply]

The l0de radio hour is live!


We are having an ASCII art and a song contest tonight.

You can join us in #LRH on EFnet or by calling +1 877-293-1933

8465d0f9 No.3736863

The L0de Radio Hour is Live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afmr4Xfp8Kw

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1833edda No.3717442[Reply]

Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin tone. Calls itself a white man.

Nashville TN resident John Mallamas, known usually as "Jin Saotome" but also by "Sergalicious" on Lulz for several years, until the 2 were outed as being used by the same person.

He had his 15 minutes in the 90s in that garbage Toyfare magazine showing off repainted toys. He got his name from the C(r)apcom character playing it in MvC tournaments. He is married to a woman 20 years older than him who has family money, so he's never had employment(and may have a felony record anyway). He wore stolen valor medals in his wedding photos(pussies like him never serve or even care about the USA). From fucking FLORIDA, naturally.

He spent the Obama years screaming "MUSLIM" but not getting anyone to sympathize with him. At some point during a toy convention(probably Botcon) he paid a teenage cosplayer known as "Sinno" to fuck him, trading off one of his mediocre custom toys. He likes to deny it claiming anything from "it was someone else" to "they deepfaked me" and "how could I? She lived in the UK" as if airplanes do not exist. He's awfully defensive about it yet was proud to do it. And he supported shitstorm Gamergate, like all good little Christian white supremacists. Yep, die-hard godboy.

In 2012 he saw one of the furry fandom's most hated anti-pedos on 4chan /toy/ & flipped his shit. Jin already had a mentally ill beef as did all of the faggots from Lulz who lack morals. he used a custom toy the person posted as an excuse to chimp the fuck out, spending 3 years straight posting daily hate about the maker. But it eventually got back here to Lulz, where they noted(jn a larger version of this selfie) that he has many spraypaint cans with the caps removed, indicating substance abuse. It was also noticed that Sergalicious & Jin had the same typing style, same beliefs, same pissy hatred of the same person & they were connected.

Jin latched onto Trump, naturally. Racist pedophiles do.

He was also connected to being related to Sonic fandom pedophile supersonic250, as they both have similar views & hate the same anti-pedo who told them to go fuck themselves. Being a small-dicked chomo who e-stalks anyone who makes them butthurt & rages about it for 10 years straight seems to run in the Mallamas family.
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86f9e80b No.3736324

so this is an awareness thread mmk. The end motive is just awareness. most furries are extremely fucked up worse than this. anyways. not alot of the famous ones are even that bad. its just dissapointing this guy isnt at least oh i dunno, a record breaker or something.

86f9e80b No.3736327

i like that episode where he gets dosed on lsd that shit was awesome. it really was an awesome af thing to watch. truly the episode of all time. just that peak feels good shit people need. shits good.

42ebf52d No.3736328

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f1e6a054 No.3736338

implying i dont know what a schizo is
nah man, this thread as with roblix is complete pedo bait to get their jollies

f2b9439e No.3736370

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>accusing literally ANYTHING HE SEES ONLINE that he remotely disagrees with as being posted by that person.

>And morons like 3B who is posting his usual bullshit above

f2b9439e No.3736372

Why is Roblox pedo bait? Kids in my family play it and it seems fine.

86f9e80b No.3736440

i think you need to go down the tubes and watch a ' do not research ' iceberg.

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14e51116 No.3736831[Reply]

gah, my town is flooded, and I live on high ground.

My house has been reduced to a place for my family to take a shit.

All my super awesome accomplishments, and the only thing I have to show for it is a working toilet. And solar pannels, not like anyone else in this cess pool has power.

14e51116 No.3736832

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seriously, people lose their cellphones, and suddenly they go mad. Suddenly it goes from "oh hey avoid that freak, he's insane" to "oh hey neighbor, can we use your charger?"

14e51116 No.3736833

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I've made so much money charging cellphones, you have no idea.

14e51116 No.3736834

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Plus I'm the king of poop world, 1 dollar to make boom, and go on your way, god I love taking advantage of people.

14e51116 No.3736835

the river is so high that the sewer system isn't working, but me being up on my pedestal, my toilet still works.


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e07423e3 No.3736752[Reply]

Lulz should be forced anon without IDs.


e1265794 No.3736754

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Lulz should give every user a unique silly name that remains the same for all threads and that can't be gotten rid of by deleting cookies or using a proxy.

84577986 No.3736756

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Its all fun an games until your a guy with a Female Stripper name.

Right Destiny?

8a9ab4da No.3736758

Only samefags would want the ID gone.

63a0faa9 No.3736787

I miss the random names one of the older board builds had. It confused dumbasses who came in and didn't realize the names were generated.

50912364 No.3736791

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I'd be game for that. Xbox live gave me the random name of "RopeyCupid69" and I was like… fuck it, lets go live.

I've been using it for my rando accounts ever since.

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b34f6051 No.3736632[Reply]

In case anyone wonders why lulz was down, Mix attempted to use red text. The result killed the server.

c663a21b No.3736635

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Expect nothing less from an unmedicated whack job.

c7287d1b No.3736637

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Steam needs to catch up, or he'll be outpaced.

a57f1c1f No.3736641

we all kno he was mad

21eb7110 No.3736642

nah it wasnt anything cool like xz or something.
by the way uh…now its xyz

21eb7110 No.3736643

so what is the next aprilfools a lulzpass

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8d38f499 No.3728868[Reply]

Stupid idiot also wants the "audience" to help save his animation project. The softcore porn video he commissioned also got yeeted from YouTube for copyright claims. Now everyone laughs at him on wasting his money on that garbage animation
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38c958f4 No.3728948

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> Where did this money come from?
Really, really foolish investors?

37f0a279 No.3729003

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or possibly really good investments. Somone is searching for who had the money to fund this idiot.

Maybe someone with enough money to ride a shit train into bonerville to fuck an asshole. Its less than unlikely. I mean, I'm a really poor investment, but I somehow keep tricking people into giving me free money to do absolutely nothing… I'm kinda a decent liar, and by liar I mean stretcher of truths.

Its not like I really fuck anyone over severely, its more like I come out on top and they don't really go anywhere.

a737e148 No.3729067

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> I'm kinda a decent liar…
I never would have guessed.

1a251324 No.3736538

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I cant find an animated show were there was a rabbit who eats meat with er rabbit friends. It somewhere on youtube

1a251324 No.3736539

She was going out with her friends and they want her to try to eat new meats from a polar bear and other restaruants I dont remember.

b54e091b No.3736543

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Maybe request in a relevant thread next time? Whatever, it's excellent animation.

1a251324 No.3736568

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Yes, yes; thanks!!!

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d18c4f21 No.3735830[Reply]

Its been a good run, folks.

d18c4f21 No.3735831

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I haven't had my yearly MRI and at this point I don't really care much anymore. Even if I did develop cancer its inoperable. At that point I'd just go to hospice rather than fight. Trying to get rid of it just costs too much money. I have watched family members fight cancer before and I don't want to put myself through that.

d18c4f21 No.3735832

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I accomplish nothing by posting this. I am trying to stay positive and I am just ranting into the void I guess. I don't expect any responses. If you know me then you already know my stance on the matter.

It is what it is.

d18c4f21 No.3735833

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In the meantime, I am going to pursue as much as I can towards a future. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe my partner and I will eventually have the farm. Maybe I'll be successful in my career. I will just take it as it comes.

e3305e27 No.3735837

Steam thread

d18c4f21 No.3735862

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I'm not Steam. I am nobody.

d18c4f21 No.3735863

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Thread over. Don't forget to shut the light off when you leave.

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736bc176 No.3734919[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3733173

Any further /pol/ threads will be deleted.
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eadfc34a No.3736404

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eww but he's so old

ab8d1005 No.3736405

Transgender Day of Visibility is a holiday that began in 2009 and has always fallen on March 31. Conversely, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox. It just so happened that the year these two holidays lined up was during Biden's administration. The administration had nothing to do with this.

Why are you so easily manipulated by your media echo chambers?

ab8d1005 No.3736406

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eadfc34a No.3736408

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eadfc34a No.3736409

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Isn't the point of being trans fitting in so you don't stand out?

eadfc34a No.3736415

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Its just funny to pretend to be a woman for a year, passing. Then tell everybody


eadfc34a No.3736418

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Those silly republicans. They never win anything that matters. But the left lets them win the things that don't matter so people don't think we have a uniparty.

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